CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Final report on the overall dissemination and exploitation process and results
Final report on the Multi-lingual NUTRIMAN web platformFinal report on the 1 Multilingual 7 languages NUTRIMAN practice oriented web platform
Delivery of innovative fertilizer product application training materialsDelivery of 80100 of innovative fertilizer product application training materials for agricultural practitioners
Report on demonstration of NP recovery technologies, products and best practices at 9 partners
Report on demonstration of NP recovery technologies products and best practices at 9 partners
Report of the outcomes of the national 60 workshopsReport of the outcomes of the national workshops at 12 partners with a total of min 60 national workshops
Collection of FP7/H2020//LIFE/OGs/national innovative research resultsCollection of over 100 matured FP7/H2020//LIFE/OGs/national innovative research results from the field of Nitrogen and Phosphorus recovery EU 28 technologies.
Final report of all completed communication activitiesDetailed communication plan
Mid-term review of all completed, ongoing and planned communication
Midterm review of all completed ongoing and planned communication
Report of the outcommes of the 7 international workshopsUpdated plan for dissemination and exploitation during mid-term report
Updated plan for dissemination and exploitation during midterm report
Report on Farmers’/growers’ incentives and bottlenecksReport on Farmersgrowers incentives and bottlenecks for adoption and priority demonstration needs
Practice abstracts: approx. 40-50 practice oriented evaluation and revision of collected products and short list for Task 2.4Practice abstracts approx 4050 practice oriented evaluation and revision of collected products and short list for Task 24
A record of activities related to dissemination and exploitationA record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned
Report on the outcomes of international 1 conferenceDelivery of 80-100 of practice abstracts in the common EIP-AGRI format.
Delivery of 80100 of practice abstracts in the common EIPAGRI format
Report on knowledge 12 exchangesPriority list 25 selected best practice abstracts
Priority list 25 selected best practice abstracts of matured FP7H2020LIFEOGs innovative research results from the field of Nitrogen and Phosphorus recovery EU28 technologies and products
Practice abstracts: approx. 40-50 technology practice oriented evaluation and revision of collected data information.Practice abstracts approx 4050 technology practice oriented evaluation and revision of collected data information
Delivery of 25 selected best practice abstracts bookletDelivery of 25 selected best practice abstracts booklet in the common EIPAGRI format translated into partners native language 7 languages
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