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Value chains for disruptive transformation of urban biowaste into biobased products in the city context

Risultati finali

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 3(final)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 3 The report will provide specific process performance data results of economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

Catalogue of urban biowaste solutions and good practices examples (final)

A catalog of urban biowaste valorization solutions and good practice examples will be developed based on a multicriteria assessment of examples promoting circular economy and solutions for urban biowaste into eg biobased chemicals biobased materials and food and feed additivesingredients

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 7 (final)

The report will detail the design sampling and all activities to the field scale demonstration experiments that will be carried out in Greece and in Spain It will include an indepth evaluation of field and greenhouse conditions The performance of the production and application of biochar will be evaluated in terms of their agricultural efficiency and the effect of the improvement of the agricultural quality of the soil

External Expert Advisory Board Report (third phase)

This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important points discussed during the different External Expert Advisory Board EEAB meetings of the WaysTUP project experts recommendations partners comments important issues raised etcRegarding the structure of the delivery this will include an overview of the role of the EEAB in the project description of the methodology for the selection process for the EEAB members for the different phase of the project a brief presentation and description of the members of EEAB details of the minutes of the meetings and finally an analysis of the recommendations of the members to the WaysTUP project

Policy baseline analysis (final)

This report will include an inventory of policies as well as a detailed analysis that will cover development directions of various policies trends drivers obstacles gaps shortcomings and comparison of policies across countries in order to identify key similarities and differences and prospects for future policy development

Evaluation methodology for measuring the change

This document outlines the behavioural change methodology to evaluate citizen’s awareness and behaviours towards biowaste recycling and acceptance of products

Report on barriers for urban biowaste valorisation for biobased products (final)

This deliverable will include the conceptual framework for cataloguing the main barriers related to urban biowaste valorisation for biobased products will take place This will be achieved by performing web and paperbased surveys and interviewing selected stakeholders such as waste management authorities converters consumers and legislators

Project workshops Report (final)

This deliverable will describe the initial design and organization of the project workshops as described in Task 84 as well as partners participation and presentation in relevant events and conferences

Toolkit: Interventions for change

This document outlines interventions of change for improving the perception and acceptance of users of biowaste derived products.

Scope of the behavioural change campaign

This document describes the behavioural objectives and target goals based on the behavioural mapping exercise

Report on demonstration of PILOT 4 (state of play)

The report will provide specific process performance data from testing of feedstock from used cooking oils and their transformation including conversion rates of processes

Report of urban biowaste composition and physicochemical characteristics

Report on the results of composition analysis of different types of urban biowaste determined during Waste Analysis Campaigns WACs and their physicochemical characterization

Report on demonstration of PILOT 3 (state of play)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 3 The report will provide specific process performance data results of economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

Behavioural change in WaysTUP! communities: intermediate report

This document reports the intermediate results of the behavioural change analysis

Project workshops Report

This deliverable will describe the initial design and organisation of the project workshops as described in Task 84 as well as partners participation and presentation in relevant events and conferences

Regulatory aspects assessment

As part of the evaluation of the pilot implementations the deliverable will summarise the lessons learnt related to the regulatory aspects of the uptake of the innovative solutions to the transformation of urban biowaste into biobased products in the city context

Catalogue of urban biowaste solutions and good practices examples (state of play)

A catalogue of urban biowaste valorisation solutions and good practice examples will be developed based on a multicriteria assessment of examples promoting circular economy and solutions for urban biowaste into eg biobased chemicals biobased materials and food and feed additivesingredients

Report on LCA results of new value chains

This deliverable will include the means to the project team to avoid a narrow outlook on environmental concerns by a compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases b evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases and c interpreting the results to help make a betterinformed decision This information provided will contain alternative scenarios to be considered by each new value chain flow charts of relevant processes and material flows expected efficiency and potential for success

Data-base Management Plan adhering to the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot (update)

WaysTUP is committed to good data management In an effort to provide a management lifecycle of the data collected processed and generated within the project it is necessary to provide a Data Management Plan DMP This DMP describes how the research data will be made findable accessible interoperable and reusable Deliverable 92 follows the guidelines for FAIR Data Management set by the EC H2020 to submit an update of the first version of our DMP as a deliverable It will also make use of the Commissions DMP template as a guideline

Communication and Dissemination Plan (M3, updated on M21)

This deliverable will be the first version of the Communication and Dissemination plan and will be updated in M21 It will include the assessment of dissemination activities in terms of impact and effectiveness

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 5 (final)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 5 including a sugars yield b degradation of structural polysaccharides c biosolvents yield in respect to the composition of the raw substrate d energy consumption

Report on monitoring of WaysTUP! PILOTS demonstration (final)

Report on the PILOT operation including the activities performed Procedures followed and learned lessons during the PILOTs operation will be included

Report on demonstration of PILOT 5 (state of play)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 5 including a sugars yield b degradation of structural polysaccharides c biosolvents yield in respect to the composition of the raw substrate d energy consumption

Business Models Analysis

The deliverable concerns the development and practical setup of new innovative business models based on the outcomes of the project. To this end, firstly identification and analysis of existing Business Models will take place. Collection and analysis of existing business models stemming both from the Circular Economy, namely Circular Business Models (CBMs), and Enabling Business Models (EBMs). The report will also record successful past application of Business Models in Circular Economy through the analysis of selected case studies having similar context with the Project’s PILOTs. Doing so, WaysTUP! project will be able to identify current business model’s trends and how these where successfully implemented in real-life conditions.

Market Outlook Report

This deliverable is focused on the development of a complete view of the entire urban biowaste value chain focusing on detailed market analysis The market outlook report will analyse 1 The market drivers and barriers to entry for technologies and endproducts within each country and on a broader European basis taking into accounteconomic scientifictechnological political and organisational factors for different geographic areas technological solutions endproducts and user groups 2 The economic models for the Pilot solutions including the value of the solutions to each stakeholder group ultimately driving the pricing of the solutions through public and private channels 3 Identification within each partner country of the potential markets for deployment beyond the PILOT stage including identification of potential early adopters

Behavioural change: final evaluation and policy manifesto

This document reports the final results of the behavioural change analysis

Report on demonstration of PILOT 1 (state of play)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 1 The report will provide specific process performance data results of economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

External Expert Advisory Board Report (fourth phase)

This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important points discussed during the different External Expert Advisory Board EEAB meetings of the WaysTUP project experts recommendations partners comments important issues raised etcRegarding the structure of the delivery this will include an overview of the role of the EEAB in the project description of the methodology for the selection process for the EEAB members for the different phase of the project a brief presentation and description of the members of EEAB details of the minutes of the meetings and finally an analysis of the recommendations of the members to the WaysTUP project

Dissemination Pack

This deliverable will include the Communication and Dissemination activities covering participation in relevant events and conferences, awareness-raising campaigns, organisation of the project final conference, press releases, articles in popular newspapers, news feeds and social media, production of all the promotional material required for the online communication activities and the awareness raising campaigns, brochures Project website, newsletters, etc.

Laboratory analysis protocol and methodology for executing WAC

Report on the development of a representative methodology for the conduction of Waste Analysis Campaigns WACs of different types of urban biowaste that will be used as feedstocks for the biobased products Strict sampling and preservation times will be followed in order to ensure the freshness of the samples This report will also include a common protocol for laboratory analysis for the detailed physicochemical characterization of urban biowaste according to recognised standard test methods

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 2(final)

Report on the results of the demonstration phase of PILOT 2 The report will provide specific process performance data results of the economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

Local engagement plans

This deliverable will local engagement plans that will include identification and mapping of the main stakeholders involved relevant social innovation activities which are in place a plan of implementing one launch event and participating in other events social media campaigns etc

Guidance for cities on adopting new organisational models

This deliverable will serve as a targeted guidance document for city managers and local decision makers on adopting new organisational models supporting the recycling and valorisation of urban biowaste The guidance document will target not only the stakeholders associated with the PILOT activities of the project but also other local level actors across Europe promoting replicability of the project results

Report on demonstration of PILOT 7 (state of play)

The report will detail the design sampling and all activities to the field scale demonstration experiments that will be carried out in Greece and in Spain It will include an indepth evaluation of field and greenhouse conditions The performance of the production and application of biochar will be evaluated in terms of their agricultural efficiency and the effect of the improvement of the agricultural quality of the soil

Minutes of the roundtable for validating recommendations

This deliverable will include the outcomes of the roundtable discussion organised in Brussels with relevant decision makers and stakeholders with an aim to validate the recommendations of the draft Policy Brief and to obtain views and suggestions of relevant actors

Report on demonstration of PILOT 6 (state of play)

Report on results obtained in the demonstration process for production of bioethanol and biosolvents

Techno-economic assessment of new value chains

The economical assessment will integrate all relevant information regarding process flowsheets material and energy balances specifications of equipment to be used in PILOTs Although the complete set of information will only be available at the end of the process every 6 months the information will be collected from partners continuously refining it integrating new layers of detail and timely identifying information that might be lacking Further to process information market information will also be obtained from publicly available sources and the partners mainly the end users market volumes and segmentation prices and the raw material processors availability costs Throughout the project a constant technical and economic analysis monitoring of the demonstration processes particularly those of WP1 to WP6 will be undertaken by BIOPOLIS with the help of the other project members particularly the leaders of WP1 to WP6 DRAXIS NFG SAV IMEC BIOPOLIS and BIOS Constantly feeding back information and data to the pilot activities helping on decision taking and choosing the best between several possible processing alternatives

Policy Brief

The Policy Brief will provide evidencebased EU level policy recommendations formulated for decision makers on how integrated system innovation approaches aiming at valorising urban biowaste could be embedded more efficiently into the delivery of various major policy objectives The deliverable will also include a summary of the key outcomes of the project and will strive to address specific value chain related issues that are associated with the various PILOT activities

Network of Interest Report

The network of interest will consist of contacts of interested in the work stakeholders Apart from receiving communications about the developments of the project they will be invited to participate in webinars eg to be introduced to the project the pilots etc as well as will be invited to reply to polls etcThis deliverable will include the development of the network the activities performed and the feedback received from the different stakeholders the first version of the deliverable will include the establishment of the network M12 the second version will include an update on the development of the network and the activities performed M24 and the final version will include the final of the report on the development of the network and all the activities permormed M41

External Expert Advisory Board Report (First phase)

This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important points discussed during the different External Expert Advisory Board EEAB meetings of the WaysTUP project experts recommendations partners comments important issues raised etcRegarding the structure of the delivery this will include an overview of the role of the EEAB in the project description of the methodology for the selection process for the EEAB members for the different phase of the project a brief presentation and description of the members of EEAB details of the minutes of the meetings and finally an analysis of the recommendations of the members to the WaysTUP project

External Expert Advisory Board Report (second phase)

This deliverable aims to provide an overview of the most important points discussed during the different External Expert Advisory Board EEAB meetings of the WaysTUP project experts recommendations partners comments important issues raised etcRegarding the structure of the delivery this will include an overview of the role of the EEAB in the project description of the methodology for the selection process for the EEAB members for the different phase of the project a brief presentation and description of the members of EEAB details of the minutes of the meetings and finally an analysis of the recommendations of the members to the WaysTUP project

Report on barriers for urban biowaste valorisation for biobased products (state of play)

This deliverable will include the conceptual framework for cataloguing the main barriers related to urban biowaste valorisation for biobased products will take place This will be achieved by performing web and paperbased surveys and interviewing selected stakeholders such as waste management authorities converters consumers and legislators

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 4 (final)

The report will provide specific process performance data from testing of feedstock from used cooking oils and their transformation including conversion rates of processes

Project Management Handbook

This deliverable will outlines the Project Management Handbook It will comprehend the internal procedures of the WaysTUP project consortium in terms of project execution administrative management management structures communication and collaboration It contains all relevant information for consortium partners to refer to during the project

Community engagement report

It will contain the minutes of all the community engangement activities that will be carried out throughout the implementation of the project

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 6 (final)

Report on results obtained in the demonstration process for production of bioethanol and biosolvents

Data-base Management Plan adhering to the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot (final)

WaysTUP is committed to good data management In an effort to provide a management lifecycle of the data collected processed and generated within the project it is necessary to provide a Data Management Plan DMP This DMP describes how the research data will be made findable accessible interoperable and reusable Deliverable 95 follows the guidelines for FAIR Data Management set by the EC H2020 to submit a final version of our DMP as a deliverable It will also make use of the Commissions DMP template as a guideline

Network of Interest Report (final)

The network of interest will consist of contacts interested in the work stakeholders Apart from receiving communications about the developments of the project they will be invited to participate in webinars eg to be introduced to the project the pilots etc as well as will be invited to reply to polls etcThis deliverable will include the development of the network the activities performed and the feedback received from the different stakeholders the first version of the deliverable included the establishment of the network M12 the second version included an update on the development of the network and the activities performed M24 and the final version will include the final of the report on the development of the network and all the activities performed M41

Report on the demonstration of PILOT 1 (final)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 1 The report will provide specific process performance data results of economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

Report on demonstration of PILOT 2 (state of play)

Report on the results of demonstration phase of PILOT 2 The report will provide specific process performance data results of economic analysis made and will evaluate the upscale potential of optimised process

Policy baseline analysis (draft M18)

This report will include an inventory of policies as well as a detailed analysis that will cover development directions of various policies trends drivers obstacles gaps shortcomings and comparison of policies across countries in order to identify key similarities and differences and prospects for future policy development

Database Management Plan adhering to the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot (state of play))

WaysTUP is committed to good data management In an effort to provide a management lifecycle of the data collected processed and generated within the project it is necessary to provide a Data Management Plan DMP This DMP describes how the research data will be made findable accessible interoperable and reusable Deliverable 92 follows the guidelines for FAIR Data Management set by the EC H2020 to submit a first version of our DMP as a deliverable within the first 6 months of the project It will also make use of the Commissions DMP template as a guideline


Valorisation of source‑separated food waste to bioethanol: pilot‑scale demonstration

Autori: K. Passadis, D. Christianides, D. Malamis, E. M. Barampouti, S. Mai
Pubblicato in: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Numero (2022) 12:4599–4609, 2022, Pagina/e 4599-4609, ISSN 2190-6815
DOI: 10.1007/s13399-022-02732-6

Valorisation of cellulosic rejections from wastewater treatment plants through sugar production

Autori: I.Ballesteros, A.Duque, M.J.Negro, C.Coll, M.Latorre-Sánchez, J.Hereza, R.Iglesias
Pubblicato in: Journal of Environmental Management, Numero 03014797, 2022, ISSN 0301-4797
Editore: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114931

Characterization and Risk Assessment of Different-Origin Biochars Applied in Agricultural Experiments

Autori: Lilli, M.A.; Paranychianakis, N.V.; Lionoudakis, K.; Saru, M.L.; Voutsadaki, S.; Kritikaki, A.; Komnitsas, K.; Nikolaidis, N.P.
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 15, 2023, Pagina/e 9036 (16 pages), ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su15119036

Advanced Bioethanol Production from Source-Separated Bio-waste in Pilot Scale

Autori: Panagiota Tsafara, Konstantinos Passadis, Diogenis Christianides, Emmanouil Chatziangelakis, Ioannis Bousoulas,Dimitris Malamis, Sofia Mai, Elli Maria Barampouti, Konstantinos Moustakas
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 2022, 14, 12127, 2022, Pagina/e 1-18, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su141912127

The Impact of Sewage-Sludge- and Olive-Mill-Waste-Derived Biochar Amendments to Tomato Cultivation

Autori: Lilli, M.A.; Paranychianakis, N.V.; Lionoudakis, K.; Kritikaki, A.; Voutsadaki, S.; Saru, M.L.; Komnitsas, K.; Nikolaidis, N.P.
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 15 (15 pages), 2023, Pagina/e 3879, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su15053879

ROOTS - Circular policies for changing the biowaste system

Autori: Miguel Ángel Suárez, Elisa Gambuzzi, José M. Soriano Disla, Gemma Castejón, Giulio Poggiaroni, James Ling
Pubblicato in: Open Research Europe, Numero 22/08/2023, 2023
Editore: Open Research Europe
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.15507.1

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