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ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the potential of aquatic bioresources

Descrizione del progetto

Semaforo verde per la bioeconomia blu europea

Le risorse acquatiche viventi e rinnovabili, quali alghe, spugne, meduse o microrganismi, sono alla base della bioeconomia blu, che fornisce un’ampia gamma di prodotti, processi e servizi. Dato il suo ruolo importante nel Green Deal europeo, la bioeconomia blu è essenziale nella riduzione della pressione sulle risorse terrestri e nell’affrontare i cambiamenti climatici. In tale contesto, il progetto BlueBio di ERA-NET Cofund agirà per liberare il potenziale delle risorse biologiche acquatiche al fine di creare posti di lavoro e crescita economica e fornire alimenti, nutrizione, prodotti e servizi biocompatibili. L’obiettivo consiste nell’identificare i modi migliori di commercializzare questo tipo di prodotti e servizi. Il progetto stabilirà meccanismi di finanziamento coordinati per la ricerca e lo sviluppo al fine di rafforzare la posizione dell’Europa all’interno della bioeconomia blu. Il progetto BlueBio sfrutta le reti, i traguardi e le strategie ottenuti da COFASP ed ERA-MBT di ERA-NET e JPI Oceans.


The ERA-NET Cofund BlueBio will act to unlock the potential of aquatic bio-resources to create jobs, economic growth and provide food, nutrition and bio-based products and services. Thus, paving the way for a sustainable and competitive Blue Bioeconomy in Europe. The goal is to identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value in the Blue bioeconomy. The objectives of BlueBio are to establish a coordinated R&D funding scheme that will strengthen Europe’s position in this complex economic field in a global market. This will primarily be achieved by engaging funding agencies to implement a co-funded call focusing on Blue Knowledge and technological developments to respond to needs and gaps for R&I. The consortium has committed budgets making a strong co-funded call leveraging well the Commission's requests. BlueBio builds upon the networks, achievements and strategies obtained in the COFASP and ERA-MBT ERA-NETs and JPI Oceans, and will leverage the JPI Oceans role as a coordination platform. The consortium aims to implement 2-4 additional calls, developed through stakeholder engagement, and identifying new funding initiatives. BlueBio will implement a range of related activities which can add value to the cofounded projects and better address the impact of R&I projects. BlueBio will enhance valorisation from the actors in the Blue Bioeconomy sector, identify and address R&I needs of industry and society. Communications activities will support BlueBio and the funded projects to realise tangible impacts. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of pre-commercial outputs aimed at accelerating commercialisation and competitive deployment. BlueBio's directions and legacy will be informed by strategic forward-looking processes involving all stakeholders in identifying needs and gaps along the value chains.

Campo scientifico (EuroSciVoc)

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERA-NET-Cofund - ERA-NET Cofund


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 365 979,72
0283 Oslo

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 7 169 635,51

Partecipanti (33)