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ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the potential of aquatic bioresources

Description du projet

Feu vert à la bioéconomie bleue de l’Europe

Les ressources aquatiques renouvelables et vivantes, comme les algues, les éponges, les méduses ou les micro-organismes, forment la base de la bioéconomie bleue et sont à la source d’un large éventail de produits, de processus et de services. Jouant un rôle important dans le pacte vert pour l’Europe, la bioéconomie bleue est essentielle pour réduire les pressions exercées sur les ressources terrestres et lutter contre le changement climatique. Dans ce contexte, le projet Cofund BlueBio du programme ERA-NET s’attachera à libérer le potentiel des bioressources aquatiques afin de créer des emplois, de stimuler la croissance économique et de fournir des services et des produits alimentaires, nutritionnels et biosourcés. Il a pour objectif d’identifier les meilleurs moyens de commercialiser des produits et services biosourcés. Le projet établira un régime coordonné de financement de la R&D afin de consolider la position de l’Europe dans la bioéconomie bleue. BlueBio tire parti des réseaux, des réalisations et des stratégies développées dans le cadre des projets COFASP, MarineBiotech d’ERA-NET (ERA-MBT) et JPI Oceans.


The ERA-NET Cofund BlueBio will act to unlock the potential of aquatic bio-resources to create jobs, economic growth and provide food, nutrition and bio-based products and services. Thus, paving the way for a sustainable and competitive Blue Bioeconomy in Europe. The goal is to identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value in the Blue bioeconomy. The objectives of BlueBio are to establish a coordinated R&D funding scheme that will strengthen Europe’s position in this complex economic field in a global market. This will primarily be achieved by engaging funding agencies to implement a co-funded call focusing on Blue Knowledge and technological developments to respond to needs and gaps for R&I. The consortium has committed budgets making a strong co-funded call leveraging well the Commission's requests. BlueBio builds upon the networks, achievements and strategies obtained in the COFASP and ERA-MBT ERA-NETs and JPI Oceans, and will leverage the JPI Oceans role as a coordination platform. The consortium aims to implement 2-4 additional calls, developed through stakeholder engagement, and identifying new funding initiatives. BlueBio will implement a range of related activities which can add value to the cofounded projects and better address the impact of R&I projects. BlueBio will enhance valorisation from the actors in the Blue Bioeconomy sector, identify and address R&I needs of industry and society. Communications activities will support BlueBio and the funded projects to realise tangible impacts. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of pre-commercial outputs aimed at accelerating commercialisation and competitive deployment. BlueBio's directions and legacy will be informed by strategic forward-looking processes involving all stakeholders in identifying needs and gaps along the value chains.

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Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

ERA-NET-Cofund - ERA-NET Cofund


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 365 979,72
0283 Oslo

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Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 7 169 635,51

Participants (33)