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Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Report drawing lessons learned from the case studies, in particular concerning working solutions and enabling conditions (T2.5)
Synthesis of farmers and stakeholders opinions to implement suggested contract solutions based on stakeholder discussionsSynthesis report on perspectives on new contract solutions and lessons learned for their implementation T34
Farmers and stakeholders opinions on implementation of suggested contract solutions based on survey resultsReport on opinions of farmers and other stakeholders about the new contractual solutions T32 T33
Report on legal aspects and issuesReport on main legal issues in terms of barriers enabling conditions and implication for development of the legal context T15
Catalogue of updated factsheets of European in-depth case studiesCollection of updated factsheets T24
Identification of potential improved solutionsReport illustrating the improved contractual solutions identified through their main features dimensions working model and contexts they are more likely to work T12
Report on European in-depth case studiesReport illustrating in detail the results of the in-depth case studies carried out in the EU, presented in a standard and structured format (T2.2)
Report on CoP activities and lessons learnedFinal report on the experience with the CoP including account of activities done and lessons learned T53
Report on dissemination and communication strategy - finalLiving document formulating the CONSOLE dissemination and communication strategy and actions the final version will be delivered to the Commission as a deliverable T61
Reports on the role of land tenure and land dynamics in AECPGs provisionReports results of simulations and performance evaluation in relation to land tenure and land dynamics T42
Report on integrated solutions, upscaling and lessons learnedReport on interplay and synergies among different instruments including performance simulations and overall lessons learned T46
Report on performance and design of solutions for the provision AECPGs in value chain perspectiveReports results of simulations and performance evaluation of provision AECPGs in value chain perspective T45
Report on clustering with other projects -draftReport illustrating activities planned for the coordination with other projects as agreed in task 71
Report on performance and design of collective approaches to AECPGs provisionReports results of simulations and performance evaluation of collective approaches T44
Draft frameworkReport illustrating the characteristics and draft contents of the framework including first solutions to make it usable in a decisionmaking context and first on line implementation T13
Report on ground-truth testing of the framework in real life and lessons learned from testingReport on groundtruth testing of the framework including activities done lessons learned from testing and feedback for the development of the framework and contract design itself T52
Policy implications on new AECPG contract solutionsShort document illustrating the main policy implications of the whole project including insights from all WPs elaborated through the experience of testing and the workshop in task 54
Draft report on experience from outside the EUDraft report illustrating the case studies carried outside the EU presented as much as possible in a standard and structured format T23
Report on performance and design of result-based/outcome-oriented approaches for AECPGs provisionReports results of simulations and performance evaluation of resultbasedoutcomeoriented approaches for AECPGs provision T43
Final AECPG contractual framework and practical solutions catalogueReport and online implementation of the framework T14
Synthesis report on comparative analysis of improved solutions and synthesis of lessons learnedShort report summarising the lessons learned and providing a summary comparative analysis of the contractual solutions identified T17
Report on clustering with other projects - finalReport illustrating activities planned for the coordination with other projects as agreed in task 71
Final report on experiences from outside the CONSOLE Countries (updating D2.2 Draft report on experiences from outside the EU)Final report illustrating the case studies carried outside the EU presented as much as possible in a standard and structured format T23
Report on dissemination and communication strategy - 2nd draftLiving document formulating the CONSOLE dissemination and communication strategy and actions (T6.1)
Conceptual frameworkReport illustrating the developed conceptual framework and its components features references including structuring conclusions for the next steps T11
The participation of farmers in innovative contract solutions based on secondary data analysesReport on variables affecting the different aspects of feasibility at the farm level T32 T33
Report on technological aspectsReport on main technical issues in terms of barriers enabling conditions and prospective technological development T16
Report on dissemination and communication strategy 1st draftLiving document formulating the CONSOLE dissemination and communication strategy and actions T61
Guidelines for CoP management at local to the (sub)national levelDocument including indications about CoP management and facilitation (T5.1)
Short summary of lessons learned from the case studies, in particular concerning working solutions and enabling conditions, in a non-technical language
EIP-AGRI abstract on acceptance and behaviour by actors about AECPG contract designIllustration of main variables affecting feasibility at the farm level and farmersstakeholders views about new contractual solution in nontechnical language
Practice abstract on a framework for AECPG contract design - finalSummary of main dimensions of the framework and of the contractual solutions identified in nontechnical language as well as presentation of the framework as a tool for decision making in its final form
Practice abstract on communication, dissemination and exploitation in PG related contract solutionsAbstract for EIPAGRI services for illustrating lessons learned and future insights about the approach to communication dissemination and exploitation in PG related contract solutions T63
Practice abstract on innovative design options and performances of AECPG contractual solutionsShort summary of overall results on innovative contractual solutions and their performance in a nontechnical language
Platform for training eventsPlatform where training activities will be based for sharing materials and information and hosting online training initiatives The platform will be accompanied by a short document explaining functionalities T53
Project websiteProject website up running and with ongoing animation delivery accompanied by a short report about functionalities T62
Practice abstract on policy implications on new AECPG contract solutionsShort summary reporting policy implications for diffusion to a wider audience T54
Practice abstract on a framework for AECPG contract design – intermediateSummary of main dimensions of the framework and of the contractual solutions identified in nontechnical language
Catalogue of descriptive factsheets of all European case studiesCollection of factsheets illustrating the case studies carried in the EU, presented in a standard and structured format (T2.2)
Bartolini Fabio; Vergamini Daniele; Andreoli Maria
Publicado en:
Agrochimica, Edición 2, 2019, Página(s) 287-292, ISSN 0002-1857
Pisa University Press
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