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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Automated computational design of site-targeted repertoires of camelid antibodies


Eine Hochdurchsatzstrategie für die Entwicklung, Synthetisierung und das Screening von Kameliden-Antikörpern

Kamelide Einzeldomänenantikörper (VHH oder Nanokörper) werden aus der Säugetierfamilie der Camelidae (Lamas, Kamele und Alpakas) gewonnen. Kameliden-Antikörper haben keine leichte Kette und werden aus zwei identischen schweren Ketten gebildet. Sie sind sehr spezifisch und weisen ein strikt monomeres Verhalten, eine hohe Thermostabilität und eine gute Löslichkeit auf. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AutoCAb bezweckt die Entwicklung einer Hochdurchsatzstrategie für die Entwicklung, Synthetisierung und das Screening von VHH-Repertoires, die auf funktionelle Stellen in bestimmten Proteinen abzielen. Jeder VHH wird speziell entwickelt, um eine hohe Stabilität und Bindung an den Zielort zu gewährleisten. Die Forschenden werden innovative Methoden zur spezifischen DNA-Oligosynthese einsetzen und mithilfe von Maschinenlernmethoden stabile, hoch bindende, zielspezifische Antikörper gewinnen, um die grundlegende und angewandte biomedizinische Forschung voranzubringen.


We propose to develop the first high-throughput strategy to design, synthesize, and screen repertoires comprising millions of single-domain camelid antibodies (VHH) that target desired protein surfaces. Each VHH will be individually designed for high stability and target-site affinity. We will leverage recent methods developed by our lab for designing stable, specific, and accurate backbones at interfaces, the advent of massive and affordable custom-DNA oligo synthesis, and machine learning methods to accomplish the following aims:
Aim 1: Establish a completely automated computational pipeline that uses Rosetta to design millions of VHHs targeting desired protein surfaces. The variable regions in each design will be encoded in DNA oligo pools, which will be assembled to generate the entire site-targeted repertoire. We will then use high-throughput binding screens followed by deep sequencing to characterize the designs’ target-site affinity and isolate high-affinity binders.
Aim 2: Develop an epitope-focusing strategy that designs several variants of a target antigen, each of which encodes dozens of radical surface mutations outside the target site to disrupt potential off-target site binding. The designs will be used to isolate site-targeting binders from repertoires of Aim 1.
Each high-throughput screen will provide unprecedented experimental data on target-site affinity in millions of individually designed VHHs.
Aim 3: Use machine learning methods to infer combinations of molecular features that distinguish high-affinity binders from non binders. These will be encoded in subsequent designed repertoires, leading to a continuous “learning loop” of methods for high-affinity, site-targeted binding.
AutoCAb’s interdisciplinary strategy will thus lead to deeper understanding of and new general methods for designing stable, high-affinity, site-targeted antibodies, potentially revolutionizing binder and inhibitor discovery in basic and applied biomedical research.

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€ 2 337 500,00
7610001 Rehovot

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 337 500,00

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