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An Open Innovation Ecosystem for upscaling production processes of lightweight metal alloys composites

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - LightMe (An Open Innovation Ecosystem for upscaling production processes of lightweight metal alloys composites)

Période du rapport: 2022-01-01 au 2023-06-30

Over the last two decades, a high number of research projects have focussed on the development of new lightweight metal alloys for industrial applications. However, a limited number of products have reached the market end users. Lack of funding for further development and upscaling and the unwillingness of end users to adopt non-validated and non-standardised technologies in their processes are some of the reasons that account for this phenomenon known as 'valley of death'. LightMe project targeted on setting up of a self-sustainable open innovation ecosystem for the upscaling of industrial processes concerning lightweight metal alloys (aluminum, magnesium and titanium) composites. In such an open innovation ecosystem, technologies that have been developed up to TRL4-5, succesfully upscaled and validated up to TRL 7. The LightMe Ecosystem provided the necessary infrastructure (6 Pilot Lines – PL) and knowhow for upscaling the new materials concepts related to lightweight MMnC and advanced materials, in a cost effective and sustainable way. LightMe ecosystem represented by Asfimet srl, an Italian for profit company, which introduced in the consortium as new beneficiary during the third period of the project. The successful integration of ecosystem activities and the positive outcome of test cases accessing ecosystem services will generate job opportunities and foster significant growth, particularly for companies, including SMEs, leading to the introduction of novel and sustainable products and materials, thereby benefiting society. The basic objectives of LightMe project that have been succesfully achieved, are the following:
•Set up a sustainable open innovation ecosystem for efficient, low cost and fast upscaling of lightweight metal alloys and nanocomposites and related products.
•Setting all the procedures needed in ASFIMET to act as the SEP for the clients of the ecosystem.
•Enhance the operation and implement additional features to the Pilot Lines in order to cope with the industrial requirements demanded by the customers in terms of novel lightweight products development.
•Validate the proper operation of the ecosystem based on 8 selected test cases.
•Launch an open call of interest for test cases dedicated to SMEs that will be able to access the ecosystem during the last two years of the project.
•To establish clustering and networking channels with networks, councils and other test beds, particularly in the field of metal alloys and composites, for cooperation and developing synergies towards a pan European integrated and sustainable ecosystem.
The project has successfully established an internal communication structure, resulting in various technical and non-technical achievements. Administrative and financial management played crucial roles throughout the project's lifespan, ensuring smooth implementation and monitoring of all activities. In the third reporting period, a new consortium plan decided, accepted, and implemented regarding the SEP. More specifically, originally the SEP was planned to be an NPO. However, during the project implementation this initial approach was reconsidered and instead of an NPO LightMe consortium decided to proceed with a for profit company to represent the OITB, and for this reason an amendment was submitted. For this scope, a new beneficiary (Asfimet srl) was added to the consortium to act as SEP. Pilot Lines completed necessary upgrades, established communication structures and data management, identified health and safety regulations, and finalized risk assessments following specific standards. Test cases were succesfully implemented, and collaboration with other Ecosystems took place through events addressing common issues, knowledge exchange, and best practices in business models, pricing policies, and marketing activities.
LightMe actively participated in and organized numerous clustering events (almost 20) to raise awareness among stakeholders and foster new synergies.
LightMe organised a very important clustering event, the First International Conference on Lightweight Materials (11-12 May, 2023, PoliMi, Milan). The two-day conference was dedicated to the advancement of industry regarding the progress on materials and gathered technical presentations from academia, industry, and OITB in the field of lightweight materials.
LightMe was active at the NanoSafety Clustering event and collaborated with standardization bodies and ISO technical committees. Two standardization surveys were conducted during this period. Training activities were completed, and the Ecosystem Business Plan, value proposition, market analysis, individual Business Plans for end users, and financial projections were finalized. Partners also engaged in dissemination, created the project’s website and social media profiles. Additionally, innovation management and access to funding activities crucial for project development and sustainability were carried out.
Process monitoring and control systems have been integrated in the PLs and as anticipated these activities prsent increment in the yields in manufacturing processes and the recovery of unused materials. Moreover, the development of new die tools made out of graphite, demonstrate a shift to more sustainable tools in the production lines. Life Cycle Analysis revealed that the recycling and safe disposal of materials containing nanoparticles have been succesfully addressed and raised to a wider audience. Regarding occupational risks, PL partners have already adopted the necessary measurements for reducing such risks and are working on the risk assessment of the PLs. As the project completed, LightMe pave the way for the development of updated health and safety standards on the handling and processing of nanoparticles resulting in a significant outcome of the project as current legislation is limited. Work is done in order to enhance innovation capacity through the upgrading of the pilot lines, create new markets opportunities through the development of capability, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies by the ability to develop enhanced materials accessible to SMEs and large companies. Regarding the active role of Open Call, several applicants have contacted the Ecosystem showing their interest in LightMe services. So far, 11 applications have been received and 7 of them have being implemented, while the rest of them are in progress. Moreover, in post-project period, Asfimet will continue to accept applications and process new proposals, supporting SMEs going forward in raising TRLs of advanced materials. from the work. Ecosystem activities have already led to the creation of job positions for technical, scientific and managerial personnel and such positions are expected to increase with the establishment in the post period of the project through ASFIMET.
Finally, the development of anti-bacterial, and potentially anti-viral surfaces within the Ecosystem present significant societal benefits linked to the handling of this and future pandemics.
Figure 1. LightMe open access innovation Ecosystem structure