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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

La tecnologia organ-on-a-chip verso la prossima generazione

Gli organ-on-a-chip sono sistemi microingegnerizzati che consentono la coltura in vitro di cellule in un ambiente 3D. Si avvalgono della microfluidica e delle strutture a base di polimeri per riprendere da vicino le proprietà fisiologiche del microambiente e della struttura del rispettivo organo. La tecnologia organ-on-a-chip ha rivoluzionato la ricerca di nuovi farmaci, offrendo dati affidabili sull’efficacia e la tossicità dei prodotti farmaceutici. La missione del progetto EUROoC, finanziato dall’UE, è di fornire una formazione multidisciplinare ai giovani ricercatori per una carriera nel campo della produzione di organi su chip. Dal punto di vista sperimentale, i tirocinanti punteranno a costruire dispositivi organ-on-a-chip di prossima generazione di intestino, fegato, ossa, cuore, retina e tessuto adiposo.


EUROoC will create a trans-European network of industrially oriented specialists fully trained in development and application of the emerging Organ-on-a-chip (OoC) technology. OoC technology is advancing at breath taking pace due to its potential impact in drug development and personalised treatments of disease. New researchers entering this field must be equipped with a multidisciplinary background ranging from biology to microfluidic chip engineering. EUROoC will offer the first complete and coherent European training program on OoC by gathering multidisciplinary participants (biologists, physicists, chemists, engineers) in a multi-sectoral network composed of 4 companies (3 SMEs), 2 regulation entities and 10 academic institutions. EUROoC will qualify the next generation of interdisciplinary scientists for all aspects of OoC development and utilisation, including understanding of commercialisation pathways and regulatory aspects. EUROoC furthermore comprises a collection of innovative research projects addressing the development of advanced OoC systems with higher physiological significance going beyond current in vitro testing. The EUROoC project will create advanced OoCs, which closely recapitulate properties of the respective organ tissues in vivo regarding cell types, microenvironment, organ-specific tissue structure and function as well as concepts for the interconnection of individual OoCs. The various OoC models to be developed comprise heart-on-a-chip, bone-on-a-chip, retina-on-a-chip, lung-on-a-chip, adipose- on-a-chip, gut-on-a-chip to liver-on-a-chip. The OoC systems will be able to monitor and analyse tissue functionality and response in situ by integrating various novel sensing elements. The OoCs developed will be pre-validated with the regulatory partners through in vitro-in vivo correlations. The research and training program planned will increase European competitiveness sustainably in this emerging key technology.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 182 569,40
72770 Reutlingen

Mostra sulla mappa

Baden-Württemberg Tübingen Reutlingen
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 182 569,40

Partecipanti (12)

Partner (10)