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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine

Descripción del proyecto

Apoyo a los estudios genómicos y evolutivos en Estonia

Los avances tecnológicos en genómica permiten que los científicos reconstruyan la historia genética de las especies. ¿Se puede hacer lo mismo con las enfermedades habituales? ¿Son el resultado de fuerzas evolutivas? El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos cGEM tiene como objetivo abordar estas preguntas al ayudar a establecer un centro integrado de genómica, evolución y medicina en Estonia. Los investigadores desarrollarán modelos de predicción de riesgo de enfermedades para comprender la nueva aparición de enfermedades habituales en distintas poblaciones. Esto se logrará utilizando biobancos internos de poblaciones locales, así como a través de colaboraciones internacionales. El objetivo final es traducir los hallazgos a la práctica clínica cotidiana.


The proposed ERA Chair – the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine (cGEM) aims to apply advancements in genomic medicine in an evolutionarily-aware framework to account for different evolutionary pathways of populations which have led to differences in susceptibility to common diseases. This requires the knowledge about the genetic risk factors for diverse ethnic groups and the tools to highlight the underlying genetic predisposition to diseases in complex human populations. For this reason, we will bring together the scientific expertise in three institutions: the Estonian Biocentre (EBC) and the Estonian Genome Center (EGC) which will be consolidated to form the Institute of Genomics at University of Tartu (IGUT) in January 2018, and the Institute of Clinical Medicine (ICM). The synergy between the three scientific hubs will create the research capacity for tackling the abovementioned aim. This capacity will be built to apply a holistic approach to understand the evolutionary driving forces that have led to common diseases; develop disease risk prediction models applicable in different populations, and explore the means for translating these findings into suitable input for everyday clinical practice.
For these purposes we shall estimate the mutation rate across molecular pathways during the evolution, migration and mixing of the human populations, and study the roles of demographic history and local adaptation in the global patterns of mutation processes in humans exploring regional differences in the accumulation of mutations predisposing individuals to common complex diseases.

the cGEM will utilize its international collaborations and in-house biobanks to advance the personalized medicine solutions for admixed populations for predicting risk of certain complex diseases, including metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, and cancers.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 2 500 000,00
51005 Tartu

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Eesti Eesti Lõuna-Eesti
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 2 500 000,00