CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.
Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Related to task 8.3.3. Report of the closing workshop that will be organized to present the key NEMO results to the main stakeholders in view of maximum impact.
Report on development, dissemination and impact of the NEMO animation video 1 (released on M24) and video 2 (released on M46) showing added value to societyRelated to task 8.3.2. Two short NEMO Animation videos are developed to demonstrate the project objectives, policy relevance and corroborate the social, environmental and health benefits of the targeted NEMO solutions, improving public acceptance and trust.
"Report on the organization and outcome of workshops on Sustainability Assessment and Social License to Operate with ""H2020 SC5 projects"""Related to task 7.1. Organisation of a joint event with H2020-projects of the “Raw materials Innovation actions working group”.
NEMO Expert panel events (6 workshops during project)Related to task 8.2.2. CATA, supported by KU Leuven, will set up a high-level multi-stakeholder expert panel. A total of 6 meetings is foreseen. This high-level group is to include persons from not only industry Associations and Technology Platforms, academia and public authorities but especially also from international NGO’s like WWF, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace who, in general, take a relatively critical stance towards primary mining, in view of certain, “not-so-responsible mining” examples in China, Africa and Latin America.
Report on addition of pilots from NEMO in the Virtual Lab databases of the EIT Raw Materials
Environmental assessment report of NEMO processesThis report will describe the LCA methodology used for assessing the NEMO processes The methodological assumptions will be given according to ISO14040 The report will include in annex the LCI data in ELCD format
Report on legislative/regulative requirements for (1) transport and processing of mining residues in the EU and (2) construction product standards and certification proceduresThe report will list the requirements and procedures for shipping of processed tailing residues in/among partner countries and in the EU in general. In addition, the end-product requirements for the targeted construction materials in terms of CEN standardisation and certification will be compiled.
Dissemination and communication planRelated to task 8.3.1. A holistic dissemination and communication plan that answers WHO will receive WHAT, HOW and WHEN. The plan includes a vision on how to use and disseminate the NEMO project results, during and after the lifetime of the project.
This final report of WP6 will discuss how to evaluate the potential exploitation of tailing sites with NEMO processes with respect to the contribution to securing critical raw materials in Europe and the benefits to society and the environment A clear decision tree for policy makers will be included The inventory will comprise the collected data and justification for these data for the different materials developed in SSUCHY the processes to produce and transform these materials the manufacturing of semiproducts The data will cover the relevant foreground data that cannot yet be found in existing databases The format of the data will be directly compatible with the ELCD European reference Life Cycle Database The data collection will be accompanied with an introductory report on the set up of the data collection and on the use of the data for LCA analyses on products made of SSuchy materials defining the goal and scope of the assessments including also the definition of the system boundaries of the reference flows and functional units allocation rules etc A second part of the report will give results of cases based on 3 semifinished products developed in SSUCHYThe report will describe the full LCA performed on the demonstrators developed in SSuchy Task 104 including scenarios for recycling the demonstrators and the estimated durability This report will make use of D101 for all necessary data and for the methodology
NEMO websiteRelated to task 8.3.2 and task 8.3.3. External communication through a smart phone-friendly, responsive Project Website, continuously updated by KU Leuven and smartly aligned with other news feeds (SIM² KU Leuven, EIT RawMaterials, EURELCO etc.). NEMO website will also centralise all relevant peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals, conference papers and technical articles.
Peer reviewed publication on integrated NEMO concept (public)Related to task 53 Peer reviewed Journal publication which presents the integrated NEMO concept as further developed within the project as well as the validation of the concept through industrial scale demonstration in the 4 NEMO pilots
Isadora R. Rodrigues; Clio Deferm; Koen Binnemans; Sofía Riaño
Publicado en:
Separation and Purification technology, Edición 296, 2022, Página(s) 121326, ISSN 1873-3794
Jarno Mäkinen, Tiina Heikola, Marja Salo, Päivi Kinnunen
Publicado en:
Minerals, Edición 11/3, 2021, Página(s) 317, ISSN 2075-163X
B. Dewulf, S. Riaño, K. Binnemans
Publicado en:
Separation and Purification Technology, Edición 290, 2022, Página(s) 120882, ISSN 1383-5866
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Jarno Mäkinen, Marja Salo, Mohammad Khoshkhoo, Jan-Eric Sundkvist, Päivi Kinnunen
Publicado en:
Hydrometallurgy, Edición 196, 2020, Página(s) 105418, ISSN 0304-386X
Elsevier BV
Brecht Dewulf; Vincent Cool; Zheng Li; Koen Binnemans
Publicado en:
Separation and Purification technology, Edición 294, 2022, ISSN 1873-3794
A. Hubau, A.G. Guezennec, C. Joulian, C. Falagán, D. Dew, K.A. Hudson-Edwards
Publicado en:
Hydrometallurgy, Edición 197, 2020, ISSN 1879-1158
Marieke Meesters, Piet Wostyn, Judith van Leeuwen, Jelle Hendrik Behagel, Esther Turnhout
Publicado en:
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Edición 49, 2021, Página(s) 7-11, ISSN 1877-3435
Elsevier BV
A. Peys, R. Snellings, B. Peeraer, A. Gholizadeh Vayghan, A. Sand, L. Horckmans, M. Quaghebeur
Publicado en:
Journal of Cleaner Production, Edición 366, 2022, Página(s) 132989, ISSN 1879-1786
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