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Multi-use affordable standardised floating Space@Sea

Description du projet

Un concept innovant pour un espace de pont sûr en mer

L’océan joue un rôle primordial à l’heure de soutenir la durabilité alimentaire et les énergies renouvelables. Des concepts innovants, flexibles et évolutifs peuvent soutenir la pisciculture et la phycoculture ainsi que les éoliennes (flottantes) à exploitant l’énergie océanique. Le projet Space at Sea, financé par l’UE, élaborera un concept modulaire, évolutif et flexible de plateformes polyvalentes offrant un espace de pont sûr et rentable en mer. Il utilisera des flotteurs standardisés affichant de faibles coûts de production, chacun remplissant une fonction différente: logement, pôle d’énergie renouvelable, aquaculture et logistique. La combinaison de ces flotteurs permettra de former des îlots spécifiques qui seront utilisés pour valider et démontrer un éventail d’applications. Le projet mettra en place un pôle énergétique en mer du Nord, des installations aquacoles en Méditerranée et une plateforme logistique flottante en mer Noire.


The Space@Sea project aims to develop multi-use platforms with the objective to develop safe and cost efficient deck space at sea. Due to the increasing population and scarce usable space on land, there is an increasing need for sustainable food and renewable energy from the ocean. In the future these will be supplied more and more by fish- and seaweed farms and ocean energy(floating) wind turbines. There are also geographical locations where additional housing or logistic hubs are needed. All these developments need a flexible and scalable concept that can support a multitude of activities at sea.
Space@Sea consists of a group of companies, research institutes and universities that will develop a modular concept for multi-use platforms. Standardised floaters that can be produced at low cost will form the basis. The approach will reduce the cost through standardisation in a similar way that containers reduced the cost of transport in the past.
Each floater can support a different function, such as: housing, renewable energy hub, aquafarming (seaweed, algae and fish farms) and logistics equipment. By combining the applications in different ways, Space@Sea will form islands according to the specifications for the location and function at hand. Three specific islands will be validated and demonstrated as part of Space@Sea: An energy hub in the North Sea, aquaculture in the Mediterranean and a floating logistics hub in the Black Sea.
To develop a safe and economically viable floating island, a floater need to be developed that can meet the requirements of the various applications and environmental conditions. At the same time these requirements will be brought together into a standardized design. Technology developments are required for the floater, the shared mooring system, coupling between the floaters and application specific developments.
The Space@Sea consortium aims to overcome these challenges for a sustainable and cost efficient development of our oceans.

Appel à propositions


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Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 631 787,50
Haagsteeg 2
6708 PM Wageningen

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Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 631 787,50

Participants (20)