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Related to T54 Demonstration of smart solar V2G charging stations for ecars and ebuses interconnected with local PVsystems and districtwide stationary storage in apartment buildings including 2nd life batteries controlled by district EMS and monitored by performance measurement equipmentReport describing the setup of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the operation of IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in TT 2
"Launch of T.T.#5 activities on Citizen engagement and motivating feedback (Gothenburg)""Related to T7.7. Demonstration of a BIM (Building Information Modeling) based 3D virtual reality environment, and a Personal Energy Threshold app for nudging users to change their consumption behaviour. Report describing the set-up of demonstration activities including the Spatial Design Contest and the ongoing development of “Min Stad” and initial experiences regarding the IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in T.T. #5. "
"Launch of T.T.#4 activities on City Innovation Platform and information services (Nice)"Related to T66 This report will present the Nice metropolis digital data infrastructure and the specifications of the City Innovation platform to collect aggregate and share all data generated on its territory by the activities of the local authority departments
"Launch of T.T.#1 activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Utrecht)"Related to T53 Demonstration of districtscale integrated PVsystem interconnected to a district smart energy grid energy savings towards nZEB by refurbishment of social housing apartments smart heating and ventilation systems and smart dynamic DC street lighting powered by renewables monitored by performance measurement equipmentReport describing the setup of demonstration activities and initial experiences of operation regarding the IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in TT 1
"Launch of T.T.#5 activities on Citizen engagement and motivating feedback (Utrecht)"Related to T5.7. Demonstration of innovative citizen engagement methods, resulting in citizens who understand, trust, use and feel ownership of the Utrecht IRIS solutions offered in their homes and district. Report on thematic citizen engagement activities (e.g. community building by means of change agents, campaigns involving district schools, co-creation in local innovation hub, VR platform for new home and district experiences, local news desk and citizen journalism program) engaging the households living in the apartment buildings and other inhabitants of Kanaleneiland-Zuid, including a description of the initial operation of these activities.
"Launch of T.T.#4 activities on City Innovation Platform and information services (Utrecht)""Related to T5.6. City Innovation Platform with information services serving citizens, municipality and other stakeholders, based on open ICT and APIs, together allowing for the new business models that emerge in the Utrecht lighthouse project. Report describing the set-up of the City Innovation Platform, the specification of the associated new information services, and initial experiences regarding the operation of the CIP, the new CIP services and citizen involvement in T.T #4."
"Launch of T.T.#1 activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Gothenburg)""Related to T7.3. This demonstrator will include physical installation of the solar PV, geothermal bore holes, coolant link to the neighbouring office building and the network of energy meters, connecting and testing them, and also testing airtightness in individual apartments. A BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics installation will be demonstrated. Report describing the set-up of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the operation of IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in T.T. #1."
"Launch of T.T.#4 activities on City Innovation Platform and information services (Gothenburg)"Related to T76 Demonstration of prototype version of CIM City Information Model and the implementation of the Energy Cloud integrated energy consumption data model for Chalmers campusReport describing the setup of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in TT 4
"Launch of T.T.#3 activities on Smart e-mobility (Gothenburg)"Related to T7.5. The demonstrator will include the smart e-mobility solution EC2B in Riksbyggen’s BRF Viva, i.e. shared e-vehicles in connection to accommodation, easy access to a variety of other transport solutions, and customized information on suitable transport options which also “nudges” users towards more sustainable choices. A smaller version of the service will be offered to other residents and employees in the district. The report will describe the set-up of the demonstrator and initial experiences of operation.
"Launch of T.T.#2 activities on Smart energy management and storage for flexibility (Nice)"Related to T64 The report will define the use cases and of the scenarios of creation of value and condition to establish a positive business case It will also define the specifications of the platform according to the following sets of themes Model of management of the request and the potentials for flexibility Model of management of the forecast of the production of ENR Model of management of storage capacities electric and thermal
"Launch of T.T.#2 activities on Smart energy management and storage for flexibility (Gothenburg)""Related to T7.4. Demonstration of a 350 V DC microgrid, a low temperature DH system for six buildings, a PCM thermal storage facility for cooling, and integration of an electrical energy storage using 2nd life batteries from electrical buses. Report describing the set-up of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the operation of IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in T.T. #2. "
Software updates on CIP-components, standards and processesRelated to T46 Report on the everyday operation of the CIP deployed and integrated in the LH cities and the results of the monitoring of the health status and performance of the CIP New software upgradesupdatesbugfixes will be deployed in the already installed CIP as needed M25 first update M60 second update
"Launch of T.T.#3 activities on Smart e-mobility (Utrecht)""Related to T5.5. Demonstration of the V2G e-car sharing system WeDriveSolar and smart solar V2G e-buses, powered by wind power and locally produced solar power, monitored by performance measurement equipment. Report describing the set-up of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the operation of IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in T.T #3."
"Launch of T.T.#3 activities on Smart e-mobility (Nice)"Related to T65 Demonstration of the FreeFloating car sharing service as a key solution in the overall city mobility landscape and how optimizing operator charging plan strategies as well as mixing public usages with private captive fleets concerns could increase the mobility impact at city levelThe report will describe the setup of demonstration activities and initial experiences regarding the operation of IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in TT 3
"Launch of T.T.#5 activities on Citizen engagement and motivating feedback (Nice)"Related to T67 The report will demonstrate the results of the implementation of different usercentred design methods and activities for citizen engagement into energy efficiency and smarter cities solutions The impacts of each solution or project CITYOPT Civocracy CUSA will be evaluated and compared through appropriated KPI technology appropriation energy savings citizens participation and engagement behaviour change in order to identify suitable adaptations to allow the rolling out of these solutions to the market
"Launch of T.T.#1 activities on Smart renewables and near zero energy district (Nice)"Related to T63 Energy storage system has been installed on Palazzio Meridia building and production and consumption electricity load profiles have started to be monitored to assess peak load reduction Energy efficient refurbishment solutions have been rolled out on Towers 13 and 14 in Les Moulins and data measurement and acquisition system is operationalReport describing the setup of demonstration activities and initial experiences of operation regarding the IRIS solutions and citizen engagement activities in TT 1
Document with technical solution reference architecture for CIP-componentsRelated to T4.2. The reference architecture will describe the business and technical capabilities needed for the CIP. It will also contain a description of technical aspect like api’s and Fiware components used.
Related to T5.2. Report on the final results of the Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing the results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Utrecht demonstation activities defined in D5.1 and refined in D5.8, capturing the lessons learnt of all demonstration activities in M1-M60 including citizen engagement and business modelling results, providing input for knowledge dissemination and for optimization of Utrecht CIP services and business models, and for replication of the IRIS smart city solutions across and beyond Utrecht city.
Communication highlights, insights and lessons learnt from IRISRelated to T10.1. Best practices for communicating in and around smart city initiatives in Europe. A practical set of key takeaways for long-term engagement and uptake.
Report on data model and management plan for integrated solutionsRelated to T9.2, T9.3. Report with definitions on the monitoring infrastructure and comprehensive data collection approach and model which are needed for coordination and supervision of information collection in Task T9.3.
Report on baseline, ambition and barriers for Gothenburg lighthouse interventionsRelated to T7.1. Report providing precise and realistic specification of ambitions, activities and planning for each of the interventions planned, running in parallel and in close cooperation with activities in WP1 on the extraction of requirements for the 5 Transition Tracks, including baseline definition of citizen energy and mobility behaviour, along with setting up of the monitoring principles and early business modelling development.
"Report on Citizens requirements from the T.T.#5 Solutions"Related to T1.5. This deliverable compiles and summarises existing approaches to citizen engagement and parallel co-creation approaches. The report will examine in detail how the different solutions can include the requirements of citizens in their development and deployment and will consider the individual characteristics of the targeted citizen populations in each city. A citizen engagement plan will be formulated and described for each demonstration area and will include activites for stimulating and encouraging citizen engagement and for creating appropriate end user profiles that will be used in WP3, 5-7 and 8.
Report on improvement of existing standards/interoperability issues of ICTRelated to T2.2. The report will ensure that the exchange of experiences and needs of each city on standards and interoperability are matched with existing projects and initiatives, like Espresso, Fiware, TMforum, OGC, EIP-SSC and USEF, in order to maximize the impact of IRIS. The focus is on the international deployment and valorisation potential of local flexibility in energy supply and demand. The report describes the related standards, suggestions for adaptation or improvement of standards, and recommendations for interoperability of the ICT, USEF and data to ensure that the data can be used in the various systems without extra handling or loss of the significance of related information.
Communication and dissemination tools and materialsRelated to T10.2, T10.4. Key communication tools to circulate, share and create awareness in person. Website and social media visuals for online impact. Academic and technical outreach embodying open innovation principals. Overview of articles, interviews, news and video generated by the project.
Second update of communication and dissemination planRelated to T101 Second update of the framework document and strategy for effective and relevant local national and European communication and dissemination across multiple channels Incorporates analysis of intial communications and modifies and updates to ensure effective communication and dissemination
"User, Business and Technical Requirements of T.T.#1 Solutions"Related to T1.1. The report summarizes current existing know-how based solutions relevant to increase of RES harvesting and utilization of waste heat streams among partners and their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more replicable on a EU level. The individual characteristics of each city will be considered. The orientation of the report will be the provision of the detailed requirements and specification of the corresponding solutions, along with the provision of recommendations capable of allowing the demonstrated solutions to become more transferable among EU cities.
Corporate identity design and guideRelated to T10.1. Coordinated and clear visual identity for the project. Easy identification and understanding of key project goals, ouputs and potential.
Data Governance planRelated to T4.3. Report on data governance within the CIP platform with the description of the support process in allowing the data valorization and incorporating privacy and ethical issues.
Interim social media and content distribution monitoring reportRelated to T10.4. Data and analysis of the reach and influence of online activities. The report will provide information for in-depth analysis and subsequent improvement of IRIS digital strategy.
Capacity building activities based on the IRIS smart cities tool-boxRelated to T8.2. Report on capacity building activities based on IRIS smart cities toolbox in terms of training, disseminating results and knowledge transfer through mentoring, training sessions and workshops.
Planning of Gothenburg integration and demonstration activitiesRelated to T7.2. Report providing the coordination structures and procedures concerning governance, communication, monitoring and impact analysis, local risk assessment, periodic reporting, and planning of Utrecht integration and demonstration activities aligned between Utrecht ecosystem partners
Communication and dissemination plan with conference agendaRelated to T10.1. A framework document and strategy for effective and relevant local, national and European communication and dissemination across multiple channels. Facilitates a network of core communications contacts and locally generated content to engage citizens and stakeholders in sustainable change and boost demand for smart city solution replication.
First update of Data Management PlanRelated to T9.2. This deliverable will update the early Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs included in T9.1. The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated, and will include information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access; and how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).The early strategy will also give recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information.
SCUIBI-program 3.0 handbook for implementation in IRIS cities & beyondRelated to T32 This deliverable provides a handbook for the implementation of a Smart Cities User Innovation and Business Incubation Program we have developed and implemented in Utrecht Nice and Gothenburg The program we present is tried tested and lessons have been drawn from experience in the three LHcities The handbook is ready to implement in the follower cities
Focsani South-Central Europe implementation guidelineRelated to T8.6. Implementation guideline with specific focus for South-Central Europe. Guideline provides details on how other areas may start replication of activities. It will describe a set of actions and directions and guidance on how to implement activities specific for South-Central Europe.
Final report on Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration results and lessons learntRelated to T7.2. Report on the final results of the Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activities, comparing the results with the ambitions, specifications and planning of the Gothenburg demonstration activities defined in D7.1 and refined in D7.8, capturing the lessons learnt of all demonstration activities in M1-M60 including citizen engagement and business modelling results, providing input for knowledge dissemination and for optimization of Gothenburg CIP services and business models, and for replication of the IRIS smart city solutions across and beyond Gothenburg city.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Southwestern Europe implementation guidelineRelated to T8.5. Implementation guideline with specific focus for South-Western Europe. Guideline provides details on how other areas may start replication of activities. It will describe a set of actions and directions and guidance on how to implement activities specific for South-Western Europe.
Final social media and content distribution monitoring reportRelated to T10.4. Data and analysis of the reach and influence of online activities. Online impact and influence achieved by the IRIS project.
Fourth and final update of the Data Management PlanRelated to T9.2. This deliverable will update the latest Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs included in T9.1. The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated, and will include information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access; andhow data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).The early strategy will also give recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information.
"User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#4 Solutions"Related to T1.4. The report describes the compliance of the City Innovation Platform for each city with existing and developing standards, open protocols, security measures, international initiatives and an analysis of EU technical regulations already in force for grid monitoring (e.g. European Smart Grid Task Force for grid monitoring). The report provides detailed input for implementing an open, flexible platform that matches existing and developing initiatives.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife replication planRelated to T85 A replication plan businessfinancing plan for postproject replication with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
European cities and district market analysisRelated to T3.1. The report will contain identified efficient pathways for replication and deployment of IRIS solutions by trending and mapping legal, political, acceptance and financial conditions throughout Europe.
Planning of Utrecht integration and demonstration activitiesRelated to T5.2. Report providing the coordination structures and procedures concerning governance, communication, monitoring and impact analysis, local risk assessment, periodic reporting, and planning of Utrecht integration and demonstration activities aligned between Utrecht ecosystem partners.
A Roadmap for replication of activitiesRelated to T8.1. A Roadmap (business/financing plan) summarizes replication of activities for demonstration plans and post-project replication with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), as well as a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment, providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources.
Vaasa replication planRelated to T83 A replication plan businessfinancing plan for postproject replication with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
Preliminary report on Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activitiesRelated to T52 Preliminary report on the intermediate results of the Utrecht lighthouse demonstration activities comparing these results with the ambitions specifications and planning of the Utrecht demonstation activities defined in D51 providing input for finetuning the Utrecht citizen engagement activities and business models related to TT 1 to 4 leading to optimization of Utrecht demonstration and replication activities until M60
Interim report on national and international conferencesRelated to T10.5. This interim report summarizes the results of the participation of IRIS partners in specific national and international event and conferences for cooperation and exchange with other for a/ networks than selected projects EIP-SCC (Lighthouse projects), ESPRESSO, and CITYKEYS, in terms of communicating the project, disseminating results and knowledge transfer through plenary presentations, poster sessions, and participation in workshops.
Report on monitoring and evaluation schemes for integrated solutionsRelated to T9.1. Report on the KPIs and target numbers in relation to the all-embracing monitoring program, designed to be able to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the cities proposed integrated solutions at different time horizons, including necessary harmonization of metrics. The report will also contain an evaluation plan based on defined KPIs as well as a defined monitoring program, which is necessary to create a baseline for later reference.
Alexandroupolis Southeastern Europe implementation guidelineRelated to T8.4. Implementation guideline with specific focus for South-Eastern Europe. Guideline provides details on how other areas may start replication of activities. It will describe a set of actions and directions and guidance on how to implement activities specific for South-Eastern Europe.
Intermediate report after one year of measurementRelated to T95 Report providing early results on the impact of actions carried out in the LHs Based on the initial KPIs defined and through continuous analysis and evaluation of the results along with the impact analysis this deliverable will give an early indication on the effective potential of each integrated solution and technology implemented in the LHs
Learnings from innovative business model adaptation toolRelated to Task 3.1. This deliverable consists of a tool designed to help regions in creating conditions suitable for experimenting with novel smart city business models. The tool captures diagnostic and intervention practices for strengthening the local innovation system, as well as for mapping and altering business models themselves. The development and use of the tool in the three LH-cities provides a basis for applying it in follower cities.
Third update of the Data Management PlanRelated to T92 This deliverable will update the latest Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs included in T91 The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected processed andor generated and will include information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project what data will be collected processed andor generated which methodology and standards will be applied whether data will be sharedmade open access andhow data will be curated and preserved including after the end of the projectThe early strategy will also give recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information
First update of communication and dissemination planRelated to T10.1. First update of the framework document and strategy for effective and relevant local, national and European communication and dissemination across multiple channels. Incorporates analysis of initial communications and modifies and updates to ensure effective communication and dissemination.
Final report on national and international conferencesRelated to T10.5. This final report summarizes the results of the participation of IRIS partners in specific national and international event and conferences for cooperation and exchange with other for a/ networks than selected projects EIP-SCC (Lighthouse projects), ESPRESSO, and CITYKEYS, in terms of communicating the project, disseminating results and knowledge transfer through plenary presentations, poster sessions, and participation in workshops.
Preliminary report on Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activitiesRelated to T72 Preliminary report on the intermediate results of the Gothenburg lighthouse demonstration activities comparing these results with the ambitions specifications and planning of the Gothenburg demonstration activities defined in D71 providing input for finetuning the Gothenburg citizen engagement activities and business models related to TT 1 to 4 leading to optimization of Gothenburg demonstration and replication activities until M60
First update of the mentoring roadmapRelated to Task 81 First update of the mentoring roadmap for FCs mentored by LHs with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
Alexandroupolis replication planRelated to T84 A replication plan businessfinancing plan for postproject replication with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
Recommendations for KPIs based on CITYKEYS and SCISRelated to T3.1. This deliverable will provide recommendations for a complete and meaningful set of KPIs for the project to be used in WP9. In collaboration with CITYKEYS and SCIS, project indicators will be reviewed, fine-tuned and consolidated, enabling monitoring, replication and dissemination of project results throughout the project duration. The end-report will also provide input to CITYKEYS, notably on KPIs for co-creation and citizen engagement.
Establish & operate IRIS European smart cities network with Seven European level regional arrangementsRelated to T8.7. Report on European scale-up activities to have minimum 80 active cities as active members, connections to and co-operation with existing European cities networks and seven European level regional arrangements (networks).
First version of website and key social media channels onlineRelated to T10.4. Report on the establishment of the first version of the IRIS project website and the accompanied IRIS online social media channels to distribute IRIS content to interested media, specialist and public audiences. Basis for coordinated digital outreach and impact across multiple platforms. Development of social media to distribute IRIS content to interested media, specialist and public audiences.
Report on evaluation and impact analysis for integrated solutionsRelated to T9.5. This deliverable provides the final report on the impact of all actions carried out in the LHs. A minimum two years of full set of data will be considered for the reporting period after the implementation of each integrated solution and technology. Also, the measured data will be submitted into the SCIS.
Vaasa Northeastern Europe implementation guidelineRelated to T8.3. Implementation guideline with specific focus for North-Eastern Europe. Guideline provides details on how other areas may start replication of activities. It will describe a set of actions and directions and guidance on how to implement activities specific for North-Eastern Europe.
Second update of the mentoring roadmapRelated to task 8.1. Second update of the mentoring roadmap for FCs mentored by LHs with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), as well as a schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks. Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment, providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources.
Report on baseline, ambition & barriers for Utrecht lighthouse interventionsRelated to T51 Report providing precise and realistic specification of ambitions activities and planning for each of the interventions planned running in parallel and in close cooperation with activities in WP1 on the extraction of requirements for the 5 Transition Tracks including baseline definition of citizen energy and mobility behaviour along with setting up of the monitoring principles and early business modelling development
Final report on Nice lighthouse demonstration results & lessons learntRelated to T6.2. This deliverable is a final report to detail the activities performed on T62 in evaluating the participation and satisfaction of the Nice ecosystem partners, the IRIS project partners, as well as involved stakeholders, and achievement of project results in conformance with the established planning and budget, including replication at the district, city, region and national level.
Second round of software updates on CIP-components, standards and processesRelated to T4.6. Second report on the everyday operation of the CIP deployed and integrated in the LH cities and the results of the monitoring of the health status and performance of the CIP. New software (upgrades/updates/bugfixes) will be deployed in the already installed CIP as needed.
Focsani replication planRelated to T86 A replication plan businessfinancing plan for postproject replication with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
Report on the list of selected KPIs for each Transition TrackRelated to T1.1-T1.5. The report will contain a list of KPIs that will be used for facilitating the monitoring phase of the demonstrated Solutions and their evaluation. The repository of KPIs will differentiate based on the character of each of the five (5) Transition Tracks (TT) already identified and described in the context of IRIS.
European level replication planRelated to T87 Report on beyondproject replication Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
IRIS City innovation management performance and roadmapsRelated to T33 The report will present the cities innovation performance based on the IMP3rove methodology benchmark among the IRIS cities as well as presenting individual roadmaps to enhance the cities innovation capacity The objective with the activity is to increase the cities general capacity to deploy smart city solutions with an enhanced efficiency
Lessons learnt though cooperation with other Lighthouse projectsRelated to T2.1. The report identifies and analyses barriers and drivers in legislation, regulations and policies as experienced by the LHs and FCs at local, national and European level, and provides recommendations for adaptation, mitigation and lobby addressing specifically the barriers, focusing on barriers that can be addressed effectively within the scope of the project.
Second update of Data Management PlanRelated to T9.2. This deliverable will update the latest Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs included in T9.1. The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated, and will include information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access; and how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).The early strategy will also give recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information.
IRIS exploitation plan and operationsRelated to T3.5. The report contains exploitation plan for the IRIS solutions that are “born global”. The plan will match the set objectives, which are to reach at least 20 replication / deployment agreements before end of project.
Financing solutions for cities and city suppliersRelated to T3.4. The report will map and present financial pathways for IRIS solutions, including a financial toolbox. It will mainly focus on two tracks; IRIS solutions with city ownership and without city ownership. The work is important since the European cities have lack of sustainable financing frameworks as one of as the main deployment obstacles.
Replication tool boxRelated to T8.3. A report describing IRIS´ exploitable results available for post-project and beyond-project continuation for capacity building, training and knowledge transfer.
Planning of Nice integration and demonstration activities (Nice)Related to T6.2. This report will define the optimal coordination, collaboration and communication between the Nice ecosystem partners and involved stakeholders, supporting optimal preparation and implementation of all foreseen Nice lighthouse interventions.
"User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#2 Solutions"Related to T1.2. The report identifies and analyses at first level current existing know-how based solutions relevant to energy management and storage among partners and at second level their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more efficient. The orientation of the report will be the provision of the detailed requirements and specification of the corresponding solutions, along with the provision of smart solutions - recommendations capable of allowing a smarter and more efficient grid balancing, not only as concerns the electricity, but also additional energy streams distribution as those of heating/cooling on a city level basis.
Report on local news desks and citizen journalism programsRelated to T10.3. Key initiatives and lessons learned in fostering culturally appropriate local communications that drive sustainable behaviour change and demand for smart city solutions. Highlights peer to peer exchange, video content and citizen generated content and social media impact.
A mentoring roadmapRelated to T81 A mentoring roadmap for FCs mentored by LHs with a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS as well as a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Report will focus on removing obstacles to investment providing visibility and technical assistance to investment and replication in additional areas and making smarter use of new and existing financial resources
"User, Business and Technical requirements of T.T.#3 Solutions"Related to T1.3. The report summarizes current existing know-how based solutions relevant to mobility schemes promoting RES use and management (e.g. EVs, V2G) among partners and their integration with smart components in order to become smart controlled and more replicable on a EU level. The individual characteristics of each city will be considered. The orientation of the report will be the provision of the detailed requirements and specification of the corresponding solutions, along with the provision of recommendations capable of allowing the demonstrated solutions to become more transferable among EU cities.
Transition Strategy, Commissioning Plan for the demonstration & replicationRelated to T1.6. This report will provide a detailed transition strategy plan, comprising of the demonstration, replication and opinions exchange planning among cities / administrations / cities planners and all involved stakeholders, on the basis of the analysis of all the defined solutions in the five IRIS transition tracks. A commissioning plan will further be developed and commonly approved by all involved partners, to be used in the demonstrations of the three LH cities, the result of which will feed back in to the replication plans in WP8.
Preliminary report on Nice lighthouse demonstration activitiesRelated to T62 This deliverable is an interim report to detail the activities performed on T62 in developing coordination structure and procedures organising periodic meetings with Nice Lighthouse partners aligning planning and investment agendas between Nice partners and measuring the success of the overall Task
Report on unified framework for harmonized data gathering, analysis and reportingRelated to T9.3. Report on the design, development and deployment of the project unified monitoring and evaluation framework for that will allow smooth and integrated data gathering from all the LH cities, enabling the monitoring, post-processing, visualization and permitting easy sharing and cooperation between the consortium partners.
Report on monitoring framework in LH cities and established baselineRelated to T9.4. Report on how the unified framework developed in T9.3 is deployed to all lighthouse cities including tested and verified baseline data.
Report on baseline, ambition & barriers for Nice lighthouse interventionsRelated to T6.1. Report on baseline, ambition and barriers for Nice Lighthouse interventions”: Report will identify the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Nice LH ecosystem and will generate guidelines for the development of the IRIS action plan. In parallel and close cooperation with activities in WP1, the report will include citizen energy and mobility behaviour issues in view of defining early business modelling development.
Functional & technical requirements for integrated, interoperable and open solutions, standards and new business modelsRelated to T4.2. The deliverable for this task is a standard-based reference CIP architecture and technology stack for connecting, managing and providing large volumes of data and information coming from vertical solutions, platforms and external data sources/partners. The reference architecture contains the foundation for a City Data Market, to provide support for realizing integrated solutions, new business models and applications. It also describes the Data Management Framework, including requirements for data governance policies and compliance with security and privacy regulations (GDPR).
Sustainable Business Model Dash-board toolRelated to T3.1. Report will underline the limits of the extant SBM contributions and how the IRIS context should go beyond. The report will frame the basic pillars of the IRIS SBM by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of local ecosystems.
Related to T9.2. This deliverable will give an early Data Management Plan based on the initial definition of KPIs included in T9.1. The DMP will describe the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated, and will include information on the handling of data during and after the end of the project; what data will be collected, processed and/or generated; which methodology and standards will be applied; whether data will be shared/made open access; and how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).The early strategy will also give recommendations to ensure privacy and security of sensitive information.
Related to T4.4. Guide for integration and configuration of Fiware components and source code of the CIP core components and APIs of the CIP platform with technical documentation and test plan.
Hermse, M.
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Utrecht University
Kuipers, B.
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Utrecht University
Nijland, I.
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Utrecht University
Válková, K.
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Utrecht University
Picari, M.
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Utrecht University
Eveleens, C. P.
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Utrecht University
Astrid C. Mangnus, Joost M. Vervoort, Willem-Jan Renger
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Utrecht University
Mooij, D.
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Utrecht University
Omlo, L.
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Utrecht University
Morin, R. P. D.
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Utrecht University
Bammer, J.
Veröffentlicht in:
Utrecht University
Hermse, M., Nijland, I., & Picari, M.
Veröffentlicht in:
USE Working Paper series, 2020
Utrecht University
Mark Sanders, Carolin Eckinger
Veröffentlicht in:
Utrecht University School of Economics Working Paper Series, Ausgabe nr: 19-16, 2019
Utrecht University
Zanders, L., Polzin, F., & Sanders, M.
Veröffentlicht in:
Utrecht University.
Jip Leendertse, Mirella Schrijvers, Erik Stam
Veröffentlicht in:
Research Policy, 2021, Seite(n) 104336, ISSN 0048-7333
Elsevier BV
Vasileios Sougkakis, Konstantinos Lymperopoulos, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos Margaritis, Paraskevi Giourka, Komninos Angelakoglou
Veröffentlicht in:
Smart Cities, Ausgabe 3/2, 2020, Seite(n) 362-384, ISSN 2624-6511
Tomi Paalosmaa, Miadreza Shafie-khah
Veröffentlicht in:
World Electric Vehicle Journal, Ausgabe 12/4, 2021, Seite(n) 188, ISSN 2032-6653
Ioannis Lampropoulos, Tarek Alskaif, Wouter Schram, Eelke Bontekoe, Simone Coccato, Wilfried van Sark
Veröffentlicht in:
Smart Cities, Ausgabe 3/2, 2020, Seite(n) 248-288, ISSN 2624-6511
Astrid C. Mangnus, Joost M. Vervoort, Willem-Jan Renger, Valentina Nakic, Karin T. Rebel, Peter P.J. Driessen, Maarten Hajer
Veröffentlicht in:
Cities, 2021, Seite(n) 103466, ISSN 0264-2751
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Komninos Angelakoglou, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Paraskevi Giourka, Inger-Lise Svensson, Panagiotis Tsarchopoulos, Athanasios Tryferidis, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Veröffentlicht in:
Smart Cities, Ausgabe 2/2, 2019, Seite(n) 269-306, ISSN 2624-6511
Paraskevi Giourka, Mark W. J. L. Sanders, Komninos Angelakoglou, Dionysis Pramangioulis, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Dimitrios Rakopoulos, Athanasios Tryferidis, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 12/24, 2019, Seite(n) 4798, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Salanova, J.M.; Ayfantopoulou, G.; Magkos, E.; Mallidis, I.; Maleas, Z.; Narayanan, S.; Antoniou, C.; Tympakianaki, A.; Martin, I.; Fajardo-Calderin, J.
Veröffentlicht in:
Sustainability, Ausgabe 2022, 14, 7764., 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
A comparative analysis of charging strategies for battery electric buses in wholesale electricity and ancillary services markets
Veröffentlicht in:
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Ausgabe Volume 172, 2023, 103085, 2023, ISSN 1366-5545
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Evripidis Magkos, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Konstatinos Lymperopoulos and Dimitrios Bechtsis
Veröffentlicht in:
10th International Congress on Transportation Research, Ausgabe September 1st - 3rd 2021, 2021
International Congress on Transportation Research
Mark Sanders, Willem-Jan Renger, Nathan Rozema
Veröffentlicht in:
The 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Ausgabe 17th, 2019
Utrecht University
Chris Eveleens, Frank van Rijnsoever, Marko Hekkert, Mark Sanders
Veröffentlicht in:
The 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Ausgabe 17th, 2019
Utrecht University
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