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Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through improved livestock Health and Welfare

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HealthyLivestock (Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through improved livestock Health and Welfare)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-03-01 do 2021-08-31

Modern livestock production systems often constrain natural animal behaviour and may result in health problems and product quality issues. Efforts to maximise production often involve overuse of anti-microbial drugs in farm animals. Drug residues may accumulate in animal products and the environment, antimicrobial resistance and a risk for consumers. The EU and China both face this challenge, although not to the same extent.

The main objective of HealthyLivestock is to reduce the use of antimicrobials applied by the pig and broiler industry in China and Europe, and the subsequent residues in the food chain and the environment, by improving on-farm animal health & welfare without compromising productivity.

This involves a multidisciplinary approach aiming at:
• reduction of antimicrobial use on farms through development of technical innovations and farm management solutions;
• validation of the solutions in terms of reduced drug residues, practical feasibility, societal acceptance and economic viability;
• effective technology transfer through tools and standard setting dedicated to different stakeholders.
Strategy 1: Biosecurity
In Europe, formats for Health plans to reduce disease risks were developed and were tailored to individual farms.
In China, the biosecurity assessment protocol was used for the assessment of risk factors regarding African Swine Fever. It was included in an app for farm visits, and preliminary data suggests that the higher the biosecurity score, the higher the survival rate of the pig farms.
Two innovative tools to assess biosecurity risks were developed and applied to pig and broiler farms.
Sets of biomarkers were identified and are used to monitor animal health and welfare in these farms.

Strategy 2: Resilience
The peri-hatching systems X-track in broilers seem promising. Challenge experiments are implemented and results are expected soon. Preliminary results indicate that resilience might be improved in an on-farm hatching system such as X-Treck as compared to conventional hatching.

To assess consequences of environmental enrichment in pig housing systems partner UNEW investigated several available databases in the UK. Preliminary analysis suggests that farms providing straw-based enrichment, have decreased total usage of antibiotics.

FLI assessed the use of elevated structures for broiler welfare. Usage at night seems to be higher than during daytime. Elevated structures did not affect fearfulness, or affect walking ability.

In China, partner IAS found that pregnant sows raised in group housing conditions have lower stress hormone levels than those in Chinese stalls. Furthermore, the data suggests that offspring of group sows had stronger resistance and resilience to disease.

Partner NVRI obtained preliminary results of serological tests that indicate that supplementation of probiotic substances in broiler chicken flocks may have a positive effect on immunity system and production parameters.

In China, symbiotic (pre-pro biotic combinations) dietary treatments in broilers appeared to improve performance of broilers. Challenge studies are done and currently analysed, the results appear to show that TCM lowers pro-inflammatory responses and decreases gut health parameters.

Strategy 3: Rapid Detection
The work in France on individual pig behaviour was completed, but unfortunately without clear early behavioural indicators related to disease. Several suggestions are proposed for future work on early behaviour indicators for disease in pigs. Some ideas are still being tested in China.

At pig group level, promising results were obtained related to automated detection of tail biting. The identification of intestinal disorders through video analyses of pig behaviour is still ongoing.

The effects of hatching environment on later behaviour of chicks were confirmed: on farm hatched chickens showed lower activity levels, which may be related with their lower level of fearfulness.

Strategy 4: Targeted use of antimicrobials & alternative solutions
Data collection for the first part of the WP has been completed and mathematical analysis and modelling are in progress.

The drinking water trials performed in Greece were completed and those in Cyprus are nearly finished.
Several trials with Traditional Chinese Medicines have been completed and analysed. The results look very promising.

Validation of potential solutions
Full data sets have been collected for 3 out of 4 countries concerning the residues of antimicrobials in meat, water and manure on pig and poultry farms.
The collection of technical and economic data as well as information about the costs of biosecurity measures have been completed.
The analysis of the attitudes towards innovation and the use of antimicrobials of 600 pig and 200 broiler farmers in the EU has been finalised and is now being written up.
A draft questionnaire for the consumer survey to be used for 2,100 Computer Aided Web Interviews has been prepared.

Dissemination and Exploitation
HealthyLivestock is very active in the social media: we have a Twitter account (with 516 followers), a LinkedIn page (793 connections), we are on Facebook and have a YouTube channel.
4 Newsletters were produced in Chinese and in English and published via website, social media and direct emails to specific target audiences. The mailing list contains over 1500 relevant contacts.
The second annual conference (our Third consortium meeting) was held on the 19th of March 2021 and presentations are available via the internet.
Strategy 1, Biosecurity: the project will develop novel biosecurity protocols on the basis of animal based biomarkers and recent elaboration of FAO zoning insights.

Strategy 2, Resilience: The project will develop marketable probiotic solutions that support a balanced intestinal microbiota in animals during critical transition periods. Moreover, the project will provide evidence that animals in welfare friendly systems or subjected to specific aspects of welfare friendly systems will be healthier and more resilient against diseases.

Strategy 3, Early detection: the HealthyLivestock project will utilise recently developed sensors (e.g. 3D cameras) to monitor animal behaviour and productivity in an automated way, to develop an early warning system for both generic and specific health & welfare problems.

Strategy 4, Novel Targeted, Precision medication: by reducing the number of healthy animals which receive antimicrobials, we will contribute to an overall reduction of residues found in the products.

Ambition on Business-to-Business standards: GLOBALG.A.P. has the ambition to double the 6,000 users who currently use this standard. ICCAW leads the development of welfare standards in China, and their ambition is that all producers who claim to apply welfare standards will do so through them.

Ambition on practical advice to the farming community: The health & welfare plans developed for teh first strategy will be used to further develop the Zoetis ‘SwineDialog’ application into an Advisory and Benchmarking App for pigs and broilers.