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Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


TPS reports with description of the method, materials and software used, as well as the data analysis - Round 2

TPS reports with description of the method materials and software used as well as the data analysis Round 2

Information materials (project fact-sheet, flyers, poster)
Final report
Dissemination and Training plan
List of the criteria the reference materials have to meet for use in validation studies
Survey on the needs of users of the EPPO Database and exploitation of the data
Guidelines for the revision of the EPPO Standards PM 7/098 and PM 7/122 for validation studies (including TPS)

Guidelines for the revision of the EPPO Standards PM 7098 and PM 7122 for validation studies including TPS

Report on education and training session during the project
Periodic report
Results exploitation plan
"""Best practice"" guidelines for validation and routine use of non-targeted techniques in diagnostic setting which could serve as a basis for a new EPPO Standard"

Best practice guidelines for validation and routine use of nontargeted techniques in diagnostic setting which could serve as a basis for a new EPPO Standard

Scientific publication of the results of the validation of approach applied on 5 existing datasets
Definition of the EU Plant Health Diagnostics Charter for Industry
Development draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) available for the production of the reference materials identified in Task 3.1
TPS reports with description of the method, materials and software used, as well as the data analysis - Round 1

TPS reports with description of the method materials and software used as well as the data analysis Round 1

Report on the organisation of training activities (webinars, video tutorial, practical training sessions)

Report on the organisation of training activities webinars video tutorial practical training sessions

Analysis of the needs of the laboratories and applicability of the horizontal proficiency testing approach based on the questionnaire answers
Report on improved version of the validation section of the EPPO Database on diagnostic expertise, including new data provided by laboratories
Guidelines on an approach to undertake horizontal proficiency testing
List of tests for validation - Round 2
Inventory of validation data available
Report on economic impact of priority tests
List of tests for validation - Round 1

Lead beneficiaries of this deliverable are both NIB and NVWA. List of tests for validation - Round 1

Report on stakeholder priorities for tests and general prioritization framework
Report detailing the minimum performance parameters to select tests for validation and selection of laboratories for TPS

Lead beneficiaries of this deliverable are both NIB and NVWA. Report detailing the minimum performance parameters to select tests for validation and selection of laboratories for TPS

Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) finalised for the production of the reference materials
Final Plan for the Dissemination and Exploitation of project Results (PDER)

Final Plan for the Dissemination and Exploitation of project Results PDER


VALITEST: Validation of diagnostic tests to support plant health

Auteurs: C. Trontin, B. Agstner, D. Altenbach, G. Anthoine, H. Bagińska, I. Brittain, A. Chabirand, A. M. Chappé, P. Dahlin, T. Dreo, C. Freye-Minks, C. Gianinazzi, C. Harrison, G. Jones, M. Luigi, S. Massart, N. Mehle, M. Mezzalama, H. Mouaziz, F. Petter, M. Ravnikar, T. M. Raaymakers, J. P. Renvoisé, M. Rolland, M. Santos Paiva, S. Seddas, R. van der Vlugt, A. Vučurović
Publié dans: EPPO Bulletin, 2021, ISSN 0250-8052
Éditeur: European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation
DOI: 10.1111/epp.12740

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