CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Chapter identifying and operationalizing the set of conditions to be included in the Research Area Truth Table with Policy Coding Sheets and Research Area Coding Sheets as attachments
Two Policy Briefs related to the development impacts of migrationPolicy briefs highlighting selected findings from the analyses of development impacts of migration (including direct and indirect effects, the effects of involuntary immobility, the mediating role of policy, etc.). The theme of each brief will be developed in light of the project results and current policy processes, based on an analysis of where there is the greatest potential for impact.
Project Handbook chapter: Qualitative data collectionChapter describing the procedures for the qualitative data collection serving as terms of reference The chapter will include the final focus group interview guide A draft version will have been used as the basis for data collection in the first three countries the chapter reflects revisions based on experiences from these countries
Background paper: Comparative experiences of third-country cooperationBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 93 and 94 with policyoriented summary
Policy Brief: Migration legislation and new policy toolsPolicy brief examining the efficacy of new policy tools and their relationship with migration legislation.
Project Report: New insights on the causes of migrationHigh-quality illustrated report on the complex causation of migration towards Europe, presented in a comprehensive but non-technical way. (For technical details, readers are referred to D6.1D6.5).
Background paper: Comparative experiences of transit migration managementBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 81 82 and 83
Compilation of ten background papers on migration-relevant policiesPapers describing migration management regulations and practices and identifying opportunities for improved approaches in each of the ten countries of origin and transit The papers will draw upon the policy data collected and outline policy approaches and outcomes
Project Handbook chapter: Research Area Truth TableChapter describing the Research Area Truth Table and documenting the generation of data within it This will include measures created on the basis of the survey data
Background paper: The measurement of migration intentionsBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 2.3, with policy-oriented summary.
Project Handbook chapter: Documentation of survey dataChapter documenting the data collection process including original procedures and experiences in the field that should inform interpretation of the data codebook for the dataset weighting instructions survey metadata response rates interview duration etc
Project Handbook chapter: Key concepts and definitionsChapter establishing a common understanding of key concepts to be used in the various parts of the project. The paper will be written as a concise and user-friendly tool for project staff.
Background paper: Migration legislation and new policy toolsBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 84 85 and 86
Background paper: Development impacts of migration as reflected in focus groupsBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 7.4
Policy Brief: Managing transit migration in the European neighbourhoodPolicy brief examining approaches to the management of transit migration near the external borders of Europe with special emphasis on Turkey and Tunisia identifying opportunities for improved approaches
Background paper: The multi-level determination of migration processesBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 6.2
Project Handbook chapter: Survey data collectionChapter describing the detailed procedures for the survey data collection serving as terms of reference The chapter will include the final questionnaire and interviewer guidelines
Background paper: QCA analysis for migration and development researchBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 2.2
Background paper: QCA of the development impacts of migrationBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 7.5
Background paper: Direct effects of migration on developmentBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 7.2
Compilation of 25 Case Study Briefs25 short illustrated publications that document migration dynamics in each research area on the basis of survey data interviews and fieldwork This deliverable is placed in WP10 because it draws upon primary data from across the data collection WPs precedes the advanced analyses and require heavy involvement of communication expertise
Background paper: QCA of the determination of migration processesBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 6.5
Policy Brief: Managing transit migration along migration trajectoriesPolicy brief examining approaches to the management of transit migration along migration trajectories that originate far from Europe with special emphasis on routes from Afghanistan and Somalia identifying opportunities for improved approaches
Background paper: Tackling the root causes of migrationBackground paper connecting results of analyses in Task 6.2, 6.3, 6.2, and 6.5
Background paper: The determination of migration as reflected in focus groupsBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 6.4
Project Handbook chapter: Project management and quality assuranceChapter describing the project management structure, reporting routines, communication procedures, financial procedures, quality assurance mechanisms, ethical guidelines, and authorship guidelines.
Project Handbook chapter: Research ethicsChapter describing the procedures for ensuring that research carried out within the project confirms to the applicable standards of research ethics
Background paper: In-depth review of selected migration corridorsBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 9.5.
Project Handbook chapter: Impact and dissemination maximization and monitoringChapter outlining the project's strategy for achieving and monitoring impact and dissemination
Two Policy Briefs related to the causes of migrationPolicy briefs highlighting selected findings from the analyses of causes of migration (including the role of root causes and configurations of policy and non-policy factors). The theme of each brief will be developed in light of the project results and current policy processes, based on an analysis of where there is the greatest potential for impact
Background paper: Empirical assessments of the development impacts of migrationBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 2.4, with policy-oriented summary
Project Report: Towards migration policy coherenceHigh-quality illustrated report on the extent of coherence in migration-relevant European policies. (For technical details, readers are referred to background papers D9.1D9.4).
Background paper: Migration and alternative responses to dissatisfactionBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 6.3
Project Handbook chapter: Country-level policy reviewChapter describing the procedures for the policy review serving as terms of reference The chapter will include the final guidelines for interviews A draft version will have been used as the basis for data collection in the first three countries the chapter reflects revisions based on experiences from these countries
Project Handbook chapter: Documentation of qualitative data collectionChapter documenting the qualitative data collection process including original procedures and experiences in the field that should inform interpretation of the data presenting metadata on the qualitative data number and characteristics of key informants and focus group participants number of focus group interviews etc and describing the Focus Group Dataset
Background paper: Effects of involuntary immobility on developmentBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 7.3
Background paper: Links between migration, development and integrationBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 91 with policyoriented summary
Project Handbook chapter: Documentation of policy reviewChapter documenting the policy review process including original procedures and experiences in the field that should inform interpretation of the individual reviews
Background paper: Incoherence in European migration-relevant policiesBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 92
Project Report: New insights on development impacts of migrationHigh-quality illustrated report on the multi-faceted effects of migration on development in countries of origin and transit, presented in a comprehensive but non-technical way. (For technical details, readers are referred to background papers 7.17.5).
Project Handbook chapter: Impact and exploitation of resultsChapter describing how the project has achieved impact, based on the methodologies of impact narratives and analyses of impact indicators, and laying out routes for exploitation of results after the end of the project. (This chapter includes the revised exploitation plan.)
Compilation of 3 Policy Briefs related to coherence of migration-relevant policiesPolicy briefs highlighting selected findings from the analyses of institutional and policy coherence (including the foundations of incoherence, different dimensions of coherence, comparative experiences, etc.). The theme of each brief will be developed in light of the project results and current policy processes, based on an analysis of where there is the greatest potential for impact.
Background paper: Indirect effects of migration on developmentBackground paper with results of analyses in Task 7.3
Short videos or animations (typically 2 minutes each) that present carefully selected insights of potential interest to a broad non-specialist audience. The theme of each video will be developed in light of the project results and current policy processes and news cycles, based on an analysis of where there is the greatest potential for impact. The number of videos is flexible because costs vary greatly by mode of production; the WP team will make an informed decision about how the allocated resources can best be distributed to maximize impact.
Chapter describing how the project data will be documented managed and made available for secondary use The chapter will fulfill the Commissions requirement for a data management plan to be developed by M6 The plan may be revised at later stages of the project as needed
Jessica Hagen-Zanker
Publié dans:
Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 2024, Page(s) 104-114
Edward Elgar Publishing
Marta Bivand Erdal
Publié dans:
Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 2024, Page(s) 213-226
Edward Elgar Publishing
Jørgen Carling; Nicolás Caso
Publié dans:
Migration Policy Practice, Numéro 13 (1), 2024, Page(s) 3-11, ISSN 2223-5248
Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Marcela G Rubio, Marta Bivand Erdal
Publié dans:
Journal of Refugee Studies, Numéro 37, 2024, Page(s) 416-437, ISSN 0951-6328
Oxford University Press
Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Jørgen Carling, Nicolás Caso, Marcela G. Rubio
Publié dans:
World Development, Numéro 185, 2024, Page(s) 106774, ISSN 0305-750X
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Mathias Czaika;
Marie Godin;
Publié dans:
Migration and Development, 2021, ISSN 2163-2324
Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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