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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Actions demonstrate how Park4SUMP will lead to achieve sustainable transport in urban areas by strategically integrating innovative parking management solutions into SUMP policies.

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Analysis Report

Analysis report combines questionnaire results and addition information from the city interviews served as basis for the work in WP 3 partly also WP4 WP5 WP7

Monitor and Evaluation Report

This will present the final results of the projects ME activities in line with the objectives of this WP and the project as a whole It will thus demonstrate the projects final impacts Recommendations to cities and the European Commission will also be made

Periodic and final report

Periodic and final report Management reports requested by the EC

Monitor and Evaluation Plan

This will set out the methodology and resources that will be used to achieve WP7s objectives and will include guidance to partners on their role in this crucial activity since not all partners will be familiar with ME nor will they necessarily understand what they need to do to carry it out It will include the proposed monitoring and evaluation methodology to be employed in each city It will also contain guidance and the forms and templates required to comply with ethics requirements Delivered in Month 6 in draft and presented at second project meeting then finalised in Month 8

Exploitation Plan

This task will set out the objectives ambitions and methods to exploit PARK4SUMP results to their fullest potential As main target for takeup of results the focus will be on the use of ParkPAD Mainstreaming parking through the PARK4SUMP approach in the future SUMP guidelines will be key in this respect A first version of the Exploitation plan D64a will be developed midway of the project M28 aligning different activities in PARK4SUMP to enhance the future takeup of results The plan will linking closely with the capacity building work package and ao will include the strategic approach for the task 34 ParkPAD institutionalisation An updated version of the exploitation plan D64b with an outlook beyond the projects lifetime will be issued near the end of the project M48

Guidance on barriers

Guidance on barriers to rollout and means to overcome these barriers as result from the data gathering with cities in tasks 22 and 23

Report lessons learnt

Review of lessons learnt in evaluation from previous parking and wider CIVITAS projects where access control and parking measures have been implemented Desk research will be conducted to review and critically assess the evaluation of a number of parking management or other sustainable mobility measures carried out in projects where ENU was or currently is a partner such as PUSHPULL on parking and the H2020 projects SUNRISE and PROSPERITY Evaluation reports from the PUSHPULL project will be reviewed to study the methods and indicators employed in evaluating the impact and effectiveness of a number of parking measures implemented in 8 European cities each of different size and at different stage in economic development This activity will allow the team to compare and contrast the examples from cities learn about the measures they implemented the indicators used for evaluation and the difficulties encountered during the data collection and evaluation processSome of the organisations engaged in the aforementioned projects will be part of the proposed P4SUMP new Consortium which will also allow for the gathering of insider knowledge and not just secondary source informationThe review of relevant materials from previous projects will allow partners to avoid reinventing the wheel in evaluation in PARK4SUMP but at the same time act as a brainstorming process to stimulate the development of new innovative evaluation methods using potentially big data from mobile phone data or social media for example This task will be led by ENU It will produce report D71 setting out lessons learned from evaluation in previous projects which will be complete in month 4

ParkPAD action plans

ParkPAD action plans are final implementation plans based on WP 2 analysis outcomes and the WParkPAD audits in each Park4SUMP city The action plans also include roadmaps for SUMP integration

Dissemination and communication materials

A series of standard dissemination and communication materials to promote the project and its results will be developed At the beginning of the project the Visual Identity and Corporate Design of the CIVITAS initiative will be provided and used to maximise the impact of the dissemination and communication activities and to market the project successfully to the target groups The components of this Visual Identity will be present on all promotional products tools and services provided by Park4SUMPStandard print materials will include a rollup poster for presentations at stands and a project leaflet that describes the projects aims and objectives in a concise manner as well as the expected outcomes and gives an overview about the consortium and the website All will be available online and printed in the project languages AL BG DE EN EE ES FR HR IT NL NO PL PT and RO The project will be presented at several local national and international meetings and conferences Therefore a standard power point presentation containing information about the objectives key elements and main target groups of the project will be produced and translated into all project languages AL BG DE EN EE ES FR HR IT NL NO PL PT and RO and additionally into FI GR SE and SI to facilitate further dissemination These standard power point presentations will also be useful for the local dissemination activities within the whole projectThe city partners will prepare press releases and provide the press with input for articles in newspapers and magazines and if appropriate for RadioTV appearances

Dissemination and communication strategy

Report to summarise the efforts within the DEC plan to be developped The DC plan will build on two axis awareness raising and empowerment


Two websites an upgrade of the PushPull website and development of the Park4SUMP website will be taken care of The existing PUSH PULL website which was developed within the Steer project on parking management and the combination with mobility management will be continued improved and revamped within the framework of the CIVITAS corporate identity provided by the CIVITAS Satellite project and in line with the project communication strategy This site will not reinvent the wheel nor does it want to be a competitor to the ECs onestopshop service and information site for SUMP which is mobilityplanseu While the latter site focuses on resources like tools guidelines case studies news items etc with higher level European relevance the Park4SUMP site will give its citymembers room for providing specific information like national regional trainings events or exchange of experience options The site will have a public part for external visitors where the local national activities etc are described and downloads are provided There will also be a section for the announcement of national relevant events The website will present data and information that is interesting targeted to specific target groups as well as information appealing and interesting to the general publicThe internal part of the website will only be accessible to consortium partners and will contain sensitive documents templates log files minutes from meetings and dissemination and communication tools for download A special part of the public site will be the presentation of articles or interviews with and from parkingambassadors from different countries and cities These ambassadors will be politicians or city managers who could tell interesting stories findings and lessons learnt from their personal experience with parking policies with the aim to encourage others to also take up those Alongside the Park4SUMP project website there will be a separate website for the ParkPAD tool to support its institutionalisation

Innovation report

Report to summarise minutes of innovation meetings and of resulting action.

Training materials

Draft training materials will be developed by month 12, whereas final version is planned in Month 48.

ParkPAD audit and ceritification scheme

ParkPAD scheme that will be tested by partner cities in WP4 On the basis of this experience it will be refined and finalised as the final step in Task 34

Implementation measures

Detailed implementation reports of the selection of measures from 7 topic areas, putting Park4SUMP into practice and hereby supporting the achievement of the overall project objectives.

Data management plan

A data management plan for the project DMP will be produced This task will be led by WP Leader ENU but with support from other research focused partners FGM Issinova and DIFU The DMP will be a living document that will be regularly updated and also disseminated to partners both via regular phone conferences and at each project meeting to give them regular reminders about the importance of managing correctly the data that are gathered by the project both to ensure that data protection rules are respected but also to ensure that the data are accessible and organised for others working in the project The DMP will specify how Park4SUMP will Provide a summary of the nature quantity quality and sources of the data that are to be gathered in the project Explain how the projects data will be made discoverable and compliant with Open Access regulations Explain how data security and personal privacy will be ensured and how these aspects will be conveyed to those partners in the project who will be responsible for gathering primary data Resolve any ethical issues related to management of data in the project


Good reasons for parking space management Vol.2

Auteurs: Robert Pressl, Tom Rye, with contributions from Patrick Auwerx, Martina Hertel, Ivo Cré
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: Park4SUMP

Parking standards as a steering instrument in urban and mobility planning

Auteurs: Martina Hertel, Difu and others.
Publié dans: 2021
Éditeur: Park4SUMP

SUMP 2.0 Topic Guide on Parking & SUMP

Auteurs: Tom Rye, UIRS Susan Tully, Edinburgh Napier University Glenn Godin, Mobiel21 Niklas Schmalholz, POLIS Network Martina Hertel, German Institute for Urbanism
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: CIVITAS Park4SUMP

Enforcement. Key to a successful parking strategy

Auteurs: Ivo Cré, POLIS
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: CIVITAS Park4SUMP

Final Brochure

Auteurs: Niklas Schmalholz, Tom Rye, Susan Tully, Patrick Auwerx, Ivo Cré
Publié dans: 2022
Éditeur: CIVITAS Park4SUMP

Parking and Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning How to make parking policies more strategic, effective and sustainable (subtitle)

Auteurs: Patrick Auwerx (Mobiel 21) coordinator of Park4SUMP Robert Pressl (FGM), coordinator of the predecessor Push&Pull project Ivo Cré (Polis), Dissemination WP leader of Park4SUMP Nazan Kocak & Tom Rye, internal quality control for Push&Pull and Park4SUMP project
Publié dans: 2019, Page(s) 24
Éditeur: European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport Unit B.4 - Sustainable & Intelligent Transport Rue Jean-Andre de Mot 28 B-1049 Brussels

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