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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - REZBUILD (REfurbishment decision making platform through advanced technologies for near Zero energy BUILDing renovation)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-10-01 bis 2022-01-31

The building sector is one of the most energy-intensive ones of our society as it accounts for the 40% of the EU energy consumption. However, one of the most challenging topics to address, it’s the very high consumption recorded in old and not efficient buildings. In this way, it could be possible to lower not only costs associated to energy, but also to produce societal benefits for citizens. Based on the EU policies and objectives, it is pivotal to act towards innovative solutions to decrease the environmental impact residential buildings have and to make feasible the transformation of high-carbon buildings into environmental-friendly units. This, also because innovative approaches toward NZB renovation can be seen as one the main enablers to promote business research and innovation in the EU framework. REZBUILD bases its mission on the need to operate toward the rehabilitation of the residential building stock through the transformation of inefficient residential buildings into NZEB. The project will act to reduce the energy consumption of buildings selected and will develop innovative technologies prototypes to implement on the Demos.
REZBUILD has been working for more than 4 years and all partners have been collaborating extensively to the implementation of the Action.

Outputs produced:

Definition of Refurbishment requirements
Specifications of Collaborative Refurbishment Ecosystem based on APM platform
OpenBIM environment embedded in APM platform & OpenBIM libraries of advanced technologies
Retrofitting Plans for the 3 Demos Site
Definition of Information sources for Profitability Analysis
Measured energy use before renovation
SAHP, BIPV, Super-thermal insulating, Advanced BEMS
Detailed plan of cost-effective refurbishment technology package for the 3 Demos
Preliminary Refurbishment Analysis per each advanced technology in Demos
Guideline of lessons learned
Refurbishment Ecosystems customized per each Rehabilitation Scenario
Training and Education Program
Complementary Front ends
The main objectives of WP1 were to define guidelines and methodology and set up procedures and workflows.
WP2 aims to develop a set of cost-effective, systematic, and low-intrusive and integrated retrofitting technologies and processes.
The purpose of WP3 was to create and improve a prototype of an Agile Project Management tool (user account, planning, tasks, files…) and to develop specific software bricks to implement 3D model and planning and implement them in the solution. Moreover, WP3 aims to evaluate project performances and appraise financial analysis.
The main goal of WP4 is to apply the REZBUILD methodology and decision-making tools to select the best optimized cost-effective refurbishment technology package and then perform, implement and validate those solutions on 3 full-scale scenarios.
According to plan REZBUILD demos allow the validation of breakthrough technologies in the renovation of existing buildings as defined by the GA. It is highlighted that the new retrofitting REZBUILD technologies developed in WP2 are deployed in one or more demos.
Pre-monitoring plan foreseen in WP5 is properly completed. Post-monitoring campaigns are shorter than 12 months but, in DS1 and DS2 data are meaningful considering that, in DS1, we obtain data for both summer and wintertime, allowing us to study the building performance in warm and cold climate conditions. In Oslo the main climate scenario to be analysed is wintertime and in this case is fully covered. Martellago Demo site post monitoring data are missing due to the late delivery of works caused by the pandemic situation and problems to allow raw materials.
Most of the activities of WP6 occurred during third reporting period, since 6 out of the 7 Deliverables were due within the last months of the project. A strong relation with partners has been developed in order to obtain the most accurate figures at the date, in this framework a Q&A process has been established with UNOTT, as well as the DS leaders, in order to confirm or revise the outputs of WP4 for each DS. All WP 6 activities have proceeded according to expectations and the main objectives are achieved
SINTEF carried out a big work in task 7.1 since M2 with a structured literature review, while in task 7.3 a mapping of current energy certification schemes in the countries of demo sites was made by CARTIF. Also Task 7.2 Observatory of potential replication areas and scaling up at district level and networking with other EEB projects are successfully completed.
In Dissemination and Communication activities (WP8), many activities aimed at general public were produced such as press releases and communication material. The project was represented at various events and trade fairs and 4 conference articles were published.
The main objective of WP9 was to establish an exploitation roadmap for all exploitable results that count on an attractive innovation and business potential in order to ensure their smooth market deployment after the end of the project. To that end, this WP determined a solid Exploitation Plan as the cornerstone of the future exploitation strategy. The exploitation activities started on Month 7 and finished at the end of the project (M52).
In WP10, all activities have been constantly monitored by the Coordinator and Project Secretary. Beside the formal Progress Meetings among partners, three review meetings took place during the whole project in: June 2019, November 2020 and March 2022.
During the 3rd Reporting Period, OVERDI has successfully closed the formal procedures concerning the second Project Review.
Other governing bodies meetings establish by the GA was held in the 3rd reporting period., in particular Final Project Meeting has been organized trough Microsoft Teams event in which all partners involve participated as well Project Officer.
The aim of our project was to develop one refurbishment ecosystem based on the integration of cost-effective technologies, business models and life cycle interaction for deep NZEB renovation to diverse residential renovation typologies and interconnecting both, building renovation stages and stakeholders.
This innovation established a multi-collaborative framework within a refurbishment methodology managed by an Agile Project Management tool capable to interconnect in real-time the key steps of a tailored retrofitting plan among all stakeholders involved within the building renovation value chain.
This ecosystem will ensure the fulfilment of three KPIs:
1)A deep renovation rate at least 60% of primary energy reduction as a result, the application of a decision tree strategy created from the combination of united principles of the novel sustainable architecture and NZEB design concepts;
2)A reduced installation time at least a 30% of time saving in comparison with a traditional refurbishment works, and;
3)A rapid payback period maximum 12 years of the best retrofitting technology package installed in the residential building.
The environment provided an ad-hoc amalgam of methodologies, cost-effective technologies and tools applicable within the main residential building typologies in EU, with the aim of achieving a large-scale penetration and deep impact within the rehabilitation of the current residential building stock after its optimization in 3 multi-scale demo buildings located in the most representative climates in EU.
Periodic Consortium Meeting in Rome (M19)
Visit to SG Placo facilities - Periodic Meeting in Madrid (M13)
Final Meeting on Teams Platform (M52)
Periodic Consortium Meeting in Oslo (M7)
Visit to demo in Martellago and meeting with tenants and municipality (M26)
Kick off Meeting in Rome (M1)
Presentation 2nd Year Meeting in Venice (M26)
Presentation 2nd Year Meeting in Venice (M26)