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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
A deployment plan based on: a) the building requirements, b) the DEDMF requirements, c) the deployment strategy, and d) the required procurement and installation activities. Associated Task: T4.4
DRIMPAC replication roadmapAnalysis of the replication feasibility for the new business models for utilities assessment of their viability and definition of best practices to be communicated towards relevant target groups Associated Task T54
Pilot activity preparation checklistThis report will include include requirements (e.g. permissions, RFP regulations) and estimated timelines for the prerequisites satisfaction so as to facilitate timely preparation of the pilot sites that may operate under different regulatory, legal, cultural and market frameworks. Associated Task: T4.1
Report on activities for the definition and promotion of DRIMPAC standardization punch-list v.1This document will define the standardization punch-lists, the concrete proposal for standards extensions that would be required in order to enable the benefits of the DRIMPAC system and overall approach. A preliminary version will be prepared on M18. Associated Task: T5.1
Demand Response stakeholder requirements for the DRIMPAC solutionThis report will capture the business cases and requirements of all DR stakeholders holistically so as to accurately set the context for the creation of the DRIMPAC solution. Associated Task: T1.3
Consolidated report on the innovative business models for energy retailersMarket analysis and further elaboration and validation of the new business models for utilities Associated Task T54
DRIMPAC cost-benefit analysis and impact assessmentA report on a holistic costbenefit analysis and impact assessment of the replication and wide adoption of the DRIMPAC solution in the EU Associated Task T52
Policy/market reform recommendations report v.2Recommendations regarding policyregulation as well as market structures in order to create a friendlier environment for the adoption of DRIMPAC results to enhance active participation of energy consumers in markets and the proliferation of interoperable building automation technologies Final version Associated Task T53
Report on establishment and recruitment activities for the User Group and Stakeholder EcosystemThis document will report the actions taken by the consortium and their results on the establishing the “User Group” and “Stakeholder Ecosystem” communities. Associated Task: T1.1
Policy/market reform recommendations report v.1Recommendations regarding policy/regulation as well as market structures in order to create a friendlier environment for the adoption of DRIMPAC results to enhance active participation of energy consumers in markets and the proliferation of interoperable building automation technologies. First version. Associated Task: T5.3
DRIMPAC technical specifications and system architectureThis deliverable will contain the concrete technical specifications for the DRIMPAC IT system and its detailed system and software architecture. Plans for integration, testing and pre-validation deployment will be specified. Associated Task: T1.4
Performance Measurement & Verification methodology reportThis deliverable will include a comprehensive Performance Measurement Verification methodology that will guide all pilot demonstration and validation activities of WP4 Associated Task T15
Analysis of standards and protocols in the building automation and demand response domainsThis document will provide an analysis on existing standards and protocols with the aim to identify their suitability or potential limitations to support the deployment and operation DRIMPAC business models Associated Task T21
Report on activities for the definition and promotion of DRIMPAC standardization punch-list v.2This document will define the standardization punchlists the concrete proposal for standards extensions that would be required in order to enable the benefits of the DRIMPAC system and overall approach This is the final version Associated Task T51
Ex-ante analysis and baseline estimation for pilot premisesA report on the preevaluation deployment and data gathering activities aiming to establish the proper onsite operation of the system and estimate the baseline at the pilot sites Associated Task T46
Report on dissemination & communication activitiesA document that will report the dissemination and communication activities towards informing the society and public at large about the outcomes of the project Associated Task T61
Innovative energy retailer business model proposal and market analysisThis deliverable will comprise an investigation of the existing offerings and business models of energy retailers and competitive entities, such as aggregators, and propose innovative business models including feedback from the Stakeholder Ecosystem. Associated Task: T1.2
DRIMPAC solution holistic evaluationA consolidated evaluation for providing individual aggregated and comparative assessments of pilot results considering a the technical performance of the DRIMPAC solution b its effectiveness in reducing building energy costs facilitating selfconsumption and increased participation of consumers in the market c its efficiency in discovering and delivering the expected demand flexibility d the interactions between the system and human users e the overall satisfaction and acceptance of the pilot users Associated Task T46
Report on activities for engaging and training pilot participants and related materialThis document will report the actions undertaken for the recruitment and preparation of the citizens who will participate in the pilot validation activities. Associated Task T4.2
Report on the operation and use of the DRIMPAC solution during pilot testingThis document will report the results of the DRIMPAC solution operation at the pilot sites entailing the evaluation of its impact and performance under reallife conditions Associated Task T45
This report is the second update of the Dissemination and Communication Plan DCP describing the projects strategy activities and implementation instruments including training activities Associated Task T61
DRIMPAC branding, website and social media channelsProject branding as the forerunner to ensure a distinctive, attractive identity in all communication tools to be produced including: project logo, website graphic design templates, banners, leaflets, etc. Project website and social media channels establishment. Associated Task: T6.1
DRIMPAC dissemination and communication plan and associated material v.2This report is the first update of the Dissemination and Communication Plan (DCP) describing the project’s strategy, activities and implementation instruments including training activities. Associated Task: T6.1
DRIMPAC dissemination and communication plan and associated material v.1D6.2 DRIMPAC dissemination and communication plan and associated material
This deliverable will report the ontology based common information model developed in the project and its mapping to DR relevant standards like OpenADR and OneM2M Associated Task T22
A. Mystakidis et al.
Publié dans:
7th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2022, 2022
G. Damousis ; E. Bazouki ; D. Agtzidis ; D. Tzovaras ; P. Barrachina ; R. Perez de Zabalza
”, T,
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The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER 2020), 2021, Page(s) p. 276 – 282
IET digital Library
Breukers, S.; Schibline, A.; Pressmair, G.; Barnes, J.; Perrio, M.F.; Calatayud, E.P.; Rakocevic, L. A
Publié dans:
Key Lessons Learned from H2020 EU Projects, Numéro Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 11, 19, 2021
I. Poursanidis, G. Rancilio, E. Kotsakis, G. Fulli, M. Masera, M. Merlo
Publié dans:
11th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering proceedings, 2019
Dimitrios Tzovaras, Ioannis Damousis, Antonis Papanikolaou, Giorgos Pitsiladis, Giulia Barbagelata
Publié dans:
Sustainable Places 2019, Numéro Proceedings 2019, 20, 15, 2019
D. Tzovaras, A. Papanikolaou, G. Pitsiladis, I. G. Damousis, G. Georghiou
Publié dans:
2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED), 2019, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-3087-3
María Victoria Cambronero Vázquez; Jack Corscadden; Antonio Garrido Marijuan; Giulia Barbagelata; Georg Hamann; Matthieu Grosjean; Nora Mendoza
Publié dans:
instname:Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Numéro 1, 2020
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