Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MEAQUAS (Automated and objective characterization of comminuted meat properties for valorization of highquality processed meat)
Période du rapport: 2017-03-01 au 2017-07-31
The overall project goal is thus to overcome barriers and challenges associated with the commercialization of tools for the objective classification of the quality of comminuted meat including change of legislation, which will improve i) the transparency to the consumer regarding the product value; ii) the competitiveness of EU companies (meat companies and meat processing equipment manufacturers); and iii) the fairness of transactions on the processed meat product markets (intra-Europe and overseas).
In addition, key contacts with policymakers and regulatory authorities were performed during the Phase 1 project implementation, which were complemented with the preparation of the maturation of the current reference method to a fully developed European standard.
On the long term, objective re-grading of high quality mechanically separated meat has the potential to unlock a direct yearly value pool in the region of 200M€ for meat processors EU-wide, while indirect economic impact could surpass €1bn to the EU meat industry.