Resultado final
The data management plan will reflect the project’s reflections on data management. (IMEC – M6 + updates).
Piloting user scenariosThis deliverable will contain the output of task 4.1, with a description of the user scenarios that are to be developed for the pilot activities.
Pilot execution and evaluation planDefines an evaluation plan for the pilots, including a calendar of actions, a set of research methods and techniques, and the list of metrics and indicators to be tracked.
Standardisation plan and reportThe first version of this deliverable will capture the actions planned by the consortium to standardize, help finalize emerging standards, and contribute features that the project needs to relevant standardisation groups. Initial contributions to standards will be reported as well. The final version will report on contributions made to standards throughout the life of the project. It will update the action plan to list contributions that partners plan after the end of the project.
Initial User and system requirementsBased on the technical evaluation of the selected HRADIO user scenarios, this deliverable will document the 1st iteration of the HRADIO user and system requirements collected in task 2.4.
User evaluation reportThis deliverable will contain a report of the user evaluations of the HRADIO user scenarios. A result of Task 2.3. It will also document in detail the research in novel hybrid radio user scenarios (task 2.1)
Cross-platform client library for distributed communication and privacy platformThe initial version of components and interface definitions of the HRADIO distributed communication and privacy platform. This will be updated in M17, implementing new features as well as changes and new requirements from the 1st pilot phase. Finally a last update in M25 will include all the developments from pilot phase 2 and will be the system used in the last pilot phase.
Manual for project collaborationThe manual for project collaboration will serve as a guide for all project partners ensuring work in a coherent way. This includes risk management procedures, decision procedures, document handling, reporting, reviews, quality assurance plan etc. The manual will be updated regularly during the project. (IMEC – M1 + updates)
Final user and system requirementsWith feedback from the 1st pilot execution phase (M16) and lessons learned during the implementation phase in the 1st half of the project, D2.4 will be updated to this deliverable and will contain the final HRADIO user and system requirements.
Report on user interfaces and integrations for international pilot 2This deliverable will provide a report of the preparations for the second intermediate pilot activities, including user interface mock-ups, implemented user interface description and specifications, and a report on the integration between user interfaces and the technical components.
Dissemination and communication plan and reportThe first version of this deliverable in M2 will describe internal and external communication procedures, style guidelines and list events that project partners plan to attend during the first review period. This plan will be updated in M15 based on the then current status of the project and on feedback received. The M15 and M30 versions will also report on dissemination activities.
Report on final user interfaces and integrationsThis deliverable will provide a report of the preparations for the final pilot activities, including user interface mock-ups, implemented user interface description and specifications, and a report on the integration between user interfaces and the technical components.
report on user interfaces and integrations for intermediate pilot 1This deliverable will provide a report of the preparations for the first intermediate pilot activities, including user interface mock-ups, implemented user interface description and specifications, and a report on the integration between user interfaces and the technical components.
HRADIO overall System architectureThe 1st version of D3.1 includes a state of the art assessment of available technologies and standards in the hybrid radio field, as well as a first description of the overall system architecture, initial component and interface definitions. This deliverable will receive an update in M25 with the finalised version of the HRADIO system architecture.
HRADIO mobile and HTML client API implementationsThe initial version of this deliverable will be the 1st implementation of the HRADIO client APIs for hybrid radio services. This version will cover the basic hybrid use cases and will form the basis of further developments. This devilverable will receive it’s 1st update in M17 with the new features, requirements and changes from the 1st pilot phase. Finally a last update in M25 will include all the developments from pilot phase 2 and will be the system used in the last pilot phase.
HRADIO User ScienceThis deliverable will contain the developed user scenarios in task 2.2.
HRADIO Lab Radio playout system specificationDefinition of the HRADIO lab radio playout system. This deliverable will enable the partners to set up and operate a full featured radio playout system to conduct developments and test of HRADIO pilots under real life conditions.
Intermediate report on the pilot evaluationsThis deliverable will report on the intermediate pilot evaluations activities and will give feedback to WP4 to refine the different pilot scenarios for the upcoming piloting cycles.
The HRADIO project will organise a one day hackathon to show and educate interested parties the HRADIO developments and invite them to use the technology on own projects.
A dedicated project space will be created on the Myminds platform, including file storage and sharing, a wiki and discussion board, mailing lists and calendar. (IMEC- M1)
Reports on the planning, execution and outcomes of the pilots, including the interim evaluation results given to the development team in the iterative process of design of the platform, and the final conclusions of the piloting trajectory
Alexander Erk (IRT)
Fabian Sattler (IRT)
Publicado en:
Daniel Elsner, Stefan Langer, Fabian Ritz, Robert Mueller, Steffen Illium
Publicado en:
Interspeech 2019, 2019, Página(s) 2388-2392
Stefan Langer, Liza Obermeier, André Ebert, Markus Friedrich, Emma Munisamy, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Publicado en:
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2020
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Jacobus van der Bank, Ivana Kostovska & Simon Delaere
Publicado en:
NEM Summit 2020, 2020
Catho Van den Bosch, Sandy Claes, Chaja Libot, Joris Mattheijssens, Klaas Baert, Michelle Boonen, Wendy Van Den Broeck
Publicado en:
Natasja Van Buggenhout, Wendy Van den Broeck, & Iris Jennes
Publicado en:
Research and Innovation Conference Proceedings 2018, Edición 2018, 2018, Página(s) 496-521, ISBN 9789-082102789
ENoLL - European Network of Living Labs
Alexander Erk (IRT)
Markus Friedrich (LMU)
Publicado en:
FKT, 2019
Markus Friedrich, André Ebert, Carsten Hahn, Georg Schneider, Liza Obermeier, Alexander Erk, Iris Jennes
Publicado en:
Innovations for Community Services - 19th International Conference, I4CS 2019, Wolfsburg, Germany, June 24-26, 2019, Proceedings, Edición 1041, 2019, Página(s) 166-183, ISBN 978-3-030-22481-3
Springer International Publishing
Iris Jennes, Markus Friedrich, Jaco van der Bank, Wendy Van den Broeck, André Ebert, Michelle Boonen
Publicado en:
Telematics and Informatics, 2020, ISSN 0736-5853
Elsevier BV
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