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Risk Based Technology for Blade Structural Assessment

Descrizione del progetto

Soluzione innovativa per il monitoraggio e la gestione delle pale

L’energia eolica sta vivendo una crescita costante ed è diventata uno dei mercati in più rapida espansione nel settore energetico. Tuttavia, il settore deve affrontare problemi di guasti alle pale e di incidenti dovuti a una manutenzione inadeguata delle stesse. È necessario disporre di metodi efficaci per garantire l’integrità delle pale delle turbine eoliche. Purtroppo, i sistemi di monitoraggio esistenti non sono sufficienti a soddisfare questi bisogni. In questo contesto, il progetto BladeSave, finanziato dall’UE, mira a commercializzare una soluzione innovativa in grado di offrire in modo completo il monitoraggio, la riparazione e la gestione delle pale. Questa soluzione combina un sistema strutturale di monitoraggio della salute a fibre ottiche, che fornisce funzionalità avanzate di rilevamento con sensori multipli, con un software di gestione che incorpora l’analisi dei dati fondata su ispezioni basate sul rischio. Il prodotto sviluppa le tecnologie esistenti e si rivolge alle turbine eoliche più vecchie, in particolare a quelle installate prima del 2011.


Wind energy is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world's energy markets. According to the EWEA, the European wind market it is expected to grow consistently at a compound annual growth rate of 9.8%. As annual blade failures are estimated at around 3,800 with poor maintenance the most common cause of accidents, ensuring the integrity of blades is a key issue with respect to the business, safety and the environment. The overall problem envisaged is the lack of effective condition monitoring systems for the blades, representing a business opportunity for the project’s partners Hence, the Project aims to commercialize a novel solution, BladeSave, marketed as a fusion between a Fibre Optic Structural Health Monitoring System providing multi-sensing capability and a management software incorporating risk based inspection data analysis and offering a comprehensive solution for blade monitoring, repair and management. Based on existing technologies developed by the partners at TRL6, BladeSave will assist WFOs in satisfying newly imposed regulations by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (amendments to EN 50308) and benefit European ISPs in the CM services market, giving them a competitive edge over global rivals. Our product market target consists predominantly of the WTFs installed before 2011 (currently around 71,620 in Europe) as old wind turbines have an average annual maintenance cost larger than newer models, are not covered by warranties and offer a bigger risk of catastrophic failures. The project brings together five experienced companies with a unique set of skills and expertise in the wind industry. BladeSave will have an impact on both European and foreign markets, and over the five year sales projection, we forecast a total cumulative gross profits of at least €48 million, a return of EU investment of 23:1 and the creation of about 380 jobs within consortium and associated companies which are part of the supply chain.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 453 250,00
Regno Unito

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

South East (England) Hampshire and Isle of Wight Central Hampshire
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 647 500,00

Partecipanti (4)