Periodic Reporting for period 4 - Newcotiana (Developing Multipurpose Nicotiana Crops for Molecular Farming using New Plant Breeding Techniques)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-01-01 al 2022-12-31
In contrast to its high appreciation as biofactory, traditional tobacco cultivation is in continuous decline in Europe due, among other reasons, to the bad reputation of a crop that is mainly used for manufacturing cigarettes and other smoking products. NEWCOTIANA aims to offer an alternative to tobacco farmers by breeding competitive Nicotiana biofactory varieties for high value non-smoking products. However, to become fully competitive and scalable biofactories, Nicotiana plants need to incorporate unconventional traits such as protein stability or metabolite fortification, which are not accessible to traditional breeding. Recently, NBTs have emerged that bring unprecedented opportunities for Plant Biotechnology. The driving hypothesis in NEWCOTIANA is that breeding tobacco biofactory varieties for high value non-smoking products is possible with the use of NPBTs. Furthermore, NEWCOTIANA goals include improving public awareness and understanding of NBTs by creating a two-way dialogue between science on the one hand and stakeholders, policymakers and the general public on the other.
NEWCOTIANA results demonstrate the great potential of NBT in developing new crops, specifically industrial crops, in response to current societal and agricultural challenges. New added-value plant varieties with improved composition were generated in the project. Field trials were conducted to assess the agronomic performance of new varieties. All possible areas of concern raised in the risk assessment analysis were addressed and no other safety issues arose from the trials. The objectives of the project were perceived very positively by stakeholders and well received by the public. Positive public opinion was the result of the perceived social benefits derived from the project and was facilitated by the non-food status of the crop. In light of these results, the NEWCOTIANA consortium considers that a lift of current technology-based restrictions in NBT, and its substitution by a new case-by-case regulation that focuses on products, is strongly needed to respond to producers’ needs while aligning with current public perception.
There have been constant interactions with stakeholders, including policy makers, farmers' associations and industry, and the general public. More than 200 dissemination/communication activities have been undertaken, including conferences, workshops, 38 scientific publications ( exhibitions, and videos ( Reports on stakeholder opinions and public perception on NBTs have been generated.
Scientific: the project has developed new resources for NBTs. It has deepened in the understanding of gene function in Nicotiana species and the interactions between the metabolome and agronomic behavior.
Technical: new prototype lines have been generated using NBTs and validated at pilot scale leading to the selection of elite plant varieties as biofactories. These elite lines show improved production of recombinant proteins (higher quality and/or yield) or added-value metabolites. Biorefinery cascades have been established for the full use of tobacco biofactories, meeting the requirements of the circular economy.
Social: In the EU circa 60.000 tobacco farmers and as many indirect jobs are threatened by the decline in the tobacco demand. NEWCOTIANA will bring the opportunity to maintain those jobs and generate new ones, revitalizing rural areas where tobacco is a traditional crop as well as new ones that will incorporate NEWCOTIANA. The scalability of the NEWCOTIANA biofactory will improve accessibility to biopharmaceuticals (vaccines, antibodies and others) whose availability is at risk due to high manufacturing costs and/or long production cycles. Furthermore, NEWCOTIANA aims to provide industry, policy-makers and consumers with experimental evidence that will facilitate the decision-making process for the adoption of NBTs.