Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DIRECtA (Targeting the Endocannabinoid System within Islets of Langerhans to Protect against Immune Destruction.)
Período documentado: 2018-01-03 hasta 2020-01-02
In this scenario, it is clear that new therapeutic approaches for T1D are needed, especially those focused in finding a cure for this disease. The American/European Association for the Study of Diabetes agree that new drugs or a combination of drugs capable of stopping insulitis and/or promoting regeneration of lost beta cells need to be explored.
Based on our preliminary result, we proposed to investigate in mice a novel approach to prevent the immune attack, such that beta cells death is avoided. This new approach lies on a signalling system within our body named the endocannabinoid system. This system was originally described to be involved in the psychotropic effects of cannabis; however, it is now well established that it plays an important role in regulating metabolism and immune action. Three key components of this signalling system are the receptors CB1R, CB2R and GPR55, which mediate metabolic and immune effects. Interestingly, drugs targeting these receptors have previously been found to improve autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Of note, CB1R and GPR55 are present on beta cells, where they regulate beta cell function and proliferation, while CB2R is mainly in immune cells, regulating their activation. We hypothesized that the use of drugs targeting the CB1R, CB2R and GPR55 could be a powerful treatment to prevent insulitis, thus preserving living beta cells and stopping progression toward loss of endogenous insulin production. The overall objective of DIRECtA was to study the impact of targeting these receptors on insulitis and the onset of T1D.
We obtained interesting results confirming our hypothesis in mice, and we concluded that drugs targeting these receptors may be useful in counteracting the immune attack during early stages of T1D. These achievements are an important step forward into validating this kind of drugs for T1D. Full assessment of these findings in human as well as further development of clinical trials investigating the efficacy and security of drugs targeting these receptors in people with T1D should be the next steps in the way to transfer these findings into clinical practice
Overall, we have found that pharmacological and/or genetic modulation of CB1R, CB2R and GPR55 provided benefits in beta cells during the immune attack that precedes T1D onset in mice, thus protecting from T1D development.
Accomplishment of this project has led to one peer-reviewed Open Access article recently published in Frontiers in Endocrinology (doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.00103) and three other manuscripts that are under preparation.
Regarding to the exploitation of the results, we have also collaborated with a pharmaceutical company experienced in developing cannabinoid-based drugs that is highly interested in the results of DIRECtA.
Dissemination to citizenship of project’s progress has also been addressed through public talks, videos on local TVs, meetings with neighborhood associations and through social media such as Twitter and our institutional web page. Once the results are published we will also issue press releases, tweets and plain information in our web page in order to let the citizens know about the results of DIRECtA.
At the same time a continuous dissemination of DIRECtA has been performed, in the form of lectures, conferences, scientific manuscripts and videos.
By means of DIRECtA we brought a unique mouse strain -genetically modified-, developed at governmental facilities within the United States of America (USA), to the European research context, thus increasing European competitiveness and excellence in research. The use of the mentioned strain can be applied not only for DIRECtA, but also for future projects developed in the European Union.
Moreover, our impacting results are already being awarded with further funding, that will allow to expand our knowledge on the regulation of insulitis by cannabinoid receptors onto humans. Also, DIRECtA has been disseminated at various socio-economical levels, impacting society in different ways.
Importantly, through this MSCA, the program H2020 directly impacted on the Spanish research scene by reinstating a European researcher from a state-of-the-art research institute (the National Institute of Health) within a country outside the European Union, the USA. The fellow was proficiency trained in the state-of-the-art techniques for the study of diabetes at the National Institute of Health, techniques that she has implemented in the hosting laboratory in Spain, transferring advanced knowledge onto the European community.