Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LD_Biogenesis (Identification and characterization of sites of lipid droplet biogenesis in the ER)
Reporting period: 2018-03-01 to 2020-02-29
In addition, the overall objective of this research project was to impart training to the recruited researcher, by facilitating transfer of knowledge between the host institution and the recruited researcher, and aiding in his career development.
Findings from this study has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of Cell Biology with me as first and lead corresponding author (Choudhary et al., 2020, forthcoming, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201910177.).
During the tenure of this fellowship, the recruited researcher presented findings from this study as an oral presentation in a scientific conference and as a poster in a scientific workshop. The researcher also participated in an outreach activity within the scope of this fellowship.
This study open up new avenues for undertaking research about deciphering the pathophysiology of lipodystrophy diseases. One of the key factor that determines sites of LD formation in the ER is seipin, a protein implicated in lipodystrophy. Therefore, pursuing further research would shed light about the mechanisms of how lipid droplet biogenesis at wrong places in the ER results in diseases. Hence this study will pave the way forward for exploring potential therapeutic interventions of controlling excessive accumulation of LDs. Knowing about LD biogenesis also has potential implications in designing strategies for overproduction of Biofuels.