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Report on operation of turbines prior to T4 deployment, based on analysis of data collected in T6.2 and T6.5.
T4 Lessons Learned ReportReport detailing lessons learned in the design and build of T4 of the array. Relates to T5.9.
Decommissioning ReportDecommissioning report including lessons learned for wider industry dissemination Relates to T77
DTOcean: ConclusionsContains information from T106 The final stage of the work package including the general overview of the rest of deliverables Moreover the recommended changes in design for both DTOcean design tools and future arrays will be given in this deliverable
Best Practice Report on intra-array layout and controlBest practice report Report on best practice intraarray layout and control for electrical infrastructure and turbines Relates to T98
Year 1 environmental monitoring public reportReport summarising the outcomes from environmental monitoring in year 1 of the project. Relates to T8.2.
Series phase lessons learned reportReport detailing lessons learned in the series production of T57 of the array Relates to T59
Final Project and European ESEAsUpdate to D89 to include full projects results Relates to T85
Final Decommissioning PlanFinal decommissioning plan incorporating experience gained on site and feedback from stakeholders Relates to T75
Conference presentations and papers: summary reportSummary report on presentations and technical papers arising from the EnFAIT project. This deliverable relates to T2.6.
Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) models for turbines and infrastructureReport setting out the Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) models to be used for turbines and infrastructure. Relates to T9.3.
DTOcean: Comparative with designContains information from T10.4. Information about lessons learned from the application of DTOcean tools to the design of a real-world array will be produced in this deliverable.
DTOcean: Comparative with initial predictionsContains information from T105 Predictions taken form deliverable D103 will be analysed in a more advanced stage of the project and lessons learned for the DTOcean design tools from the operation of a realworld tidal array will be reported
Public summary of consenting requirements and processReport summarising the consent requirements and processes for the project, from a developer’s perspective. Relates to T8.1.
AIM: T1-4 operational reportContains information from T10.9. Report on the results and emerging findings for the AIM study from the first four turbines in the array.
T1-4 Operations ReportReport on operation of turbines prior to T5 T6 deployment based on analysis of data collected in T67
Definition Document of Agreed KPIsReport setting out the KPIs for array build, test and construction. Relates to T5.1.
T1-3 Upgrade reportReport summarising EnFAIT-driven upgrades required to turbines T1-3. Relates to T6.3.
Initial Decommissioning PlanInitial decommissioning plan developed following consultation with stakeholders and review of best practice. Relates to T7.2 and T7.3.
WP9 report: conclusions and future recommendationsConclusions and future recommendations following from the outputs of WP9 Relates to T98
AIM: design reportContains information from T10.7 and T10.8. Report on the design of the instrumentation, and results from initial array modelling work.
Local community engagement strategyStrategy for engaging the local community in this and future tidal energy projects. Relates to T8.6.
Certification & Warranty FrameworkFramework for the certification of tidal arrays, including roadmaps to type and site certification. Relates to T3.8.
T1-6 Initial Operations ReportReport on initial operation of full array based on analysis of data collected in T68
Decommissioning Lessons Learned ReportReport capturing best practice for decommissioning tidal turbines, to inform the decommissioning plan. Relates to T7.1.
T1-6 Interim Operations ReportReport on operation of full array after changes to operating strategy based on analysis of data collected in T610
Business Plan TemplateBusiness plan template for potential project developers entering the ocean energy market. Relates to T3.3.
Year 5 environmental monitoring public reportReport summarising the outcomes from environmental monitoring in years 35 of the project Relates to T82
Maintenance Strategy Review (MSR) specificationReport describing the MSR specification & design of the maintenance and condition monitoring programme. Relates to T9.4.
Year 3 environmental monitoring public reportReport summarising the outcomes from environmental monitoring in years 2-3 of the project. Relates to T8.2.
Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis for tidal array ReportReport setting out the Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis for tidal array. Relates to T9.2.
AIM: full array operational reportContains information from T1010 Report on the results and emerging findings for the AIM study from operation of the full six turbine array including the results from reconfiguring the array layout
Final Local community engagement strategyUpdate to D83 to include full project results Relates to T86
Verification FrameworkFramework for the verification of designs and outputs relevant to a tidal energy project. Relates to T3.5.
Data requirements definition and collection planContains output from T10.1. Shows summary information about the modelling tools to be used in the work package and their inputs. Show summary information about the currently existing data sets for the site and array. Outlines a plan for closing the gap between these two lists.
AIM final reportContains information from T1011 Synthesis and analysis of data and findings from the AIM study and recommendations for further work
Array Commercialisation StrategyReport setting out the benefits of tidal energy and providing advice on how to build the market. Relates to T3.4.
Test planTest plan for the project, including agreed key performance indicators and reporting frequency. Relates to T6.1.
Training materialsLaunch of materials for use in training workshops. This deliverable relates to T2.9.
Multi-media products launchLaunch of initial multi-media products for the EnFAIT project. This deliverable relates to task T2.5.
T1-6 Final ReportFinal report covering full lifetime of turbine operations Relates to all tasks in WP6
Initial Project and European ESEAsReport setting out the initial results of environmental and socio-economic appraisal, at a project and European level, including a summary of lessons learned for the wider marine energy industry. Relates to T8.4.
Plan for delivery of the Project and European ESEAsReport setting out the plan for environmental and socio-economic appraisal in the EnFAIT project. Relates to T8.3.
Launch the external website for the EnFAIT project. This deliverable relates to T2.4.
External project website: mid-term update reportUpdate report on the project website, including a refresh of materials and analysis of activity. This deliverable relates to T2.4.
Contains information from T10.3. Shows information about first stage performance metrics for future comparisons, as well as all scenario information: array layout, electrical system, moorings and foundation, logistics, system control and operation tools.
LCOE & Financial ModelsModel for the lifetime cost of energy for tidal arrays, supported by a detailed tidal array project financial model. Relates to T3.7.
Bloise Thomaz, Tianna; van Velzen, Leonore; Jeffrey, Henry; Medina Lopez, Encarni; Wills, Tom
Veröffentlicht in:
EWTEC Proceedings, Ausgabe 2019, 2019
Alasdair Macleod, Andrew Watson, David Quantrell, Sam Porteous and Tom Wills
Veröffentlicht in:
EWTEC Proceedings, Ausgabe 2019, 2019
Macleod, Alasdair
Veröffentlicht in:
EWTEC Proceedings, 2019
Tianna Bloise Thomaz, David Crooks, Encarni Medina-Lopez, Leonore van Velzen, Henry Jeffrey, Joseba Lopez Mendia, Raul Rodriguez Arias, Pablo Ruiz Minguela
Veröffentlicht in:
Energies, Ausgabe 12/13, 2019, Seite(n) 2475, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Ellen Jump, Alasdair Macleod, Tom Wills
Veröffentlicht in:
International Marine Energy Journal, Ausgabe 3/2, 2020, Seite(n) 91-100, ISSN 2631-5548
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
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