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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science.

Descrizione del progetto

Science shop ingegnosi per l’innovazione partecipativa, la ricerca e l’equità nella scienza

Il progetto InSPIRES, finanziato dall’UE, riunirà professionisti ed esperti europei ed extraeuropei per co-progettare, pilotare e applicare modelli innovativi per i science shop. Il progetto integrerà nei suoi modelli la ricerca e l’innovazione responsabili, la scienza aperta e la valutazione d’impatto, consentendo la divulgazione sostenibile dei processi di ricerca alla società civile. InSPIRES, che è dedicato in particolare alla ricerca e all’innovazione nel settore sanitario con un’attenzione alla parità di genere e ai gruppi vulnerabili, organizzerà iniziative di terza missione di portata internazionale «glocale». I risultati aiuteranno i decisori a proporre cambiamenti nelle politiche locali, nazionali e internazionali, alimenteranno il dibattito sul rapporto fra società civile e scienza e sosterranno lo sviluppo di nuove strategie e linee guida sulla ricerca e l’innovazione responsabili e sulla scienza aperta.


InSPIRES brings together practitioners and experts from across and beyond Europe to co-design, jointly pilot, implement and roll out innovative models for Science Shops (SS). The InSPIRES models integrate Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science and Impact Evaluation as part of their DNA in order to open the research process up in a more strategic way to civil society and other stakeholders. The inputs from systematic impact evaluation studies will be continuously integrated in order to make InSPIRES SS 2.0 models more accurate and responsive to civil society needs and concerns. Concentrating most of its efforts on Research & Innovation in the health sector, with a strong focus on the environmental and social determinants, and giving special attention to gender parity and vulnerable groups (women, the elderly, adolescents, migrants and refugees), InSPIRES brings Science Cafés and other public engagement initiatives into its models together with a “glocal” international focus, for more inclusive, context relevant and culturally adapted community-based participatory research and innovation. Building on a comprehensive communication plan, with a strong effort dedicated to the development and implementation of a sustainability strategy, InSPIRES outcomes will: a) give evidence and support political bodies and decision-makers, in order to propose changes in local, regional, national and international policies; b) nurture the debate about the place and role of society in science, encouraging the systematic and ethical involvement of civil society actors and their societal concerns in the research and innovation processes, and c) support the development of new Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science (OSc) strategies and guidelines, in the context of safe spaces to involve and engage civil society in the whole science process.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 869 681,56
08036 Barcelona

Mostra sulla mappa

Este Cataluña Barcelona
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 920 180,00

Partecipanti (8)