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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON


Report on the dissemination of the HG/SFIC guidelines

This deliverable will report on the dissemination and follow up of the joint HG/SFIC guidelines developed to support to European science diplomacy by fostering the integration of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in international cooperation in STI.

Report on the best-practice exchange event of EU funded projects

This deliverable will report on the outcomes of the best practice exchange and networking event for the representatives of projects to support institutional change funded by the European Commission.

Report on best practice exchange and mutual learning workshops

This deliverable will report on the common information archive for national representatives developed through best practice exchange policy briefs and toolkits case studies interviews with experienced national representatives material from European Commission initiatives etc and on the mutual learning activities aiming to close the gap between experienced and less experienced member states including twining and coaching activities and also experience sharing among representatives of experienced member states

Report on “Mapping promising practices and policy advice on gender mainstreaming in European Funds for research and innovation” (including mid-term H2020, FP9 ERDF and ESF)

This deliverable will report on the practices for gender mainstreaming in European Funds for research and innovation including midterm review of H2020 FP9 ERDF and ESF

Report on national roadmaps and mechanisms in ERA priority 4

This deliverable will provide an overview of national roadmaps in ERA priority 4, focusing on stakeholders involved, goals, actions and indicators defined in the MS roadmaps.

Kick-off meeting report

This deliverable will report on the kick-off meeting and record the establishment of management and communication protocols to ensure the smooth running of the project.

Communication and dissemination strategy

This deliverable is the communication strategy which will ensure clear, coherent messages tailored to the project target groups, reflecting the diversity of these actors as well as the EU policy cycle. It will include an overview of communication channels (such as the project website, flyer, social media etc.).

Comparative analysis and recommendations on gender in international cooperation in STI

This deliverable will provide a comparative analysis of gender and science structures at national and regional level globally by identifying the gaps barriers strengths and opportunities with a view to proposing strategic actions to strengthen gender mainstreaming in STI systems

Report on final assessment of ERA priority 4 implementation

This deliverable will provide a final assessment on the progress towards implementation of ERA priority 4 strategies and activities among member states after nearly 4 years of project activities to encourage their uptake

Report on mid-term assessment of ERA priority 4 implementation

This deliverable will report on progress towards implementation of ERA priority 4 strategies and activities among member states after approximately 2 years of project activities to encourage their uptake.

Methodological framework to assess gender in international cooperation in STI

This deliverable will report on the methodology developed to assess gender equality in STI international cooperation, current practices among partner countries and recommendations delivered to partner countries and globally.

Annual reports to the Helsinki Group

This deliverable will report on outcomes of the biannual meetings between the consortium and Helsinki Group and the actions of the project that may be utilized by the HG in its advisory roles on Priority 4

Project impact assessment report

This deliverable will report on the impact of the project outcomes particularly in relation to policy development for gender equality in research and innovation policy at national level in the project partner countries at EU level and globally

Report on “Strategic advice for enhancing the gender dimension of Open Science and Innovation policy”

This deliverable will report on the strategic advice provided to the Helsinki Group, MS and EU stakeholders concerning the gender dimension of the Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World policy.

Final dissemination and communication report

This deliverable will report on all communication and dissemination activities throughout all WPs during the lifetime of the project Special attention will be paid to the two major project communication events midterm event and final conferenceThe midterm event will take the form of a best practice exchange seminar discussing project outcomes and progress to date with key stakeholders at national and European level in the field of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in RI and academics in the field The final conference intended for approximately 80 key stakeholders at national and European level in the field of gender equality and gender mainstreaming in RI and academics in the field will reflect on project outcomes to assess progress made in implementing gender equality in research in Europe

Guidance on GEP implementation for national authorities in MS

Building on the SWG GRI survey on GEP implementation at MS and AC level the guidance for MS regarding the implementation of GEPs including the presentation of good practices will be developed Recommendations will be addressed to different types of national authorities such as Ministries RFOs etc The guidance shall also seek synergies with the guidance that the Pilot GEP Knowledge and Support Facility will be preparing

Report on training seminars provided for national representatives and stakeholders and NCPs

This deliverable will report on and share material and outcomes from the interactive training seminars designed for national representatives and stakeholders and Horizon 2020 National Contact Points The themes of trainings for stakeholders will be determined based on the results of the ERA priority 4 benchmarking activities Training seminars for NCPs will focus on how to advise proposers to introduce a gender dimension to proposals and project management and how to effectively communicate gender issues to Horizon 2020 stakeholders


Dashboard presenting various statistics on the subject of the GENDERACTION project regarding women in science and policies towards gender equality The exact statistics will be chosen after data auditing which will allow assessing its suitability for task purposes The dashboard will be open to the public accessed via the project website It will offer not only visualizations but also insights into statistics and its meaning Users will be able to interact with the content of the dashboards and may use its components data or graphs in their own report in particular they will be able to download data in a CSV or excel format or graphs PNG form presented on the dashboard

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