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Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer


Hochspezifische Brustbildgebung mit multimodalem Ansatz

Brustkrebs-Screening-Programme, die auf der medizinischen Mammografie-Bildgebung basieren, haben die Erkennung, die klinischen Ergebnisse und die Überlebensrate verbessert. Bei der Mammografie kommt es jedoch häufig zu falsch positiven Ergebnissen, was zu unnötigen invasiven Eingriffen führen kann. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts SOLUS werden nun Fachleute aus Wissenschaft, dem klinischen Bereich und Industrie zusammenkommen, um ein innovatives Bildgebungssystem für die genaue Diagnose von Brustkrebs zu entwickeln. Das Konsortium wird fortgeschrittene Photonik-Konzepte und -Komponenten entwickeln, um ein kostengünstiges, nicht-invasives multimodales (Ultraschall- und Optik-) Bildgebungssystem von bisher unerreichter Genauigkeit zu erschaffen. Dieses moderne System wird die umfassende Charakterisierung von Brustgewebe ermöglichen und damit die Brustkrebsdiagnose verbessern, wovon Frauen in ganz Europa profitieren werden.


SOLUS is a trans-disciplinary 54-month project bringing together 9 partners: industries (4), academic and clinical institutions from 5 countries (engineers, physicists and radiologists) representing cutting-edge expertise in their fields, to develop an innovative non-invasive, point-of-care, low-cost, easy-to-operate, multi-modal imaging system (diffuse optics and ultrasounds/shear wave elastography) for high-specificity diagnosis of breast cancer, the most common female cancer in Europe. Mammographic screening is effective in reducing mortality, however the 10-year cumulative false-positive risk is 50-60%, leading to needless additional invasive procedures (e.g. biopsy). The project addresses the unmet clinical need for higher specificity in breast cancer imaging following screening by fully combining photonics with non-photonics techniques, developing and clinically validating innovative and previously unthinkable photonics concepts and components: time-domain small source-detector distance optical tomography, miniaturized picosecond pulsed laser sources, high-dynamic-range time-gated single-photons detectors to achieve unprecedented sensitivity and depth penetration. For the first time, this allows a comprehensive quantitative characterization of breast tissue including composition (water, lipids, collagen), functional blood parameters, morphologic information and mechanical parameters (stiffness). This innovative multi-parametric characterization will significantly improve the specificity of breast screening, with great impact on the quality of life of millions of European women every year, and huge savings for the healthcare systems. The strong involvement of leading industrial players at all levels in the value chain will push the European innovation process and make a significant contribution to ensuring Europe’s industrial leadership in the biophotonics healthcare market, while addressing one of the largest societal challenges in health and well-being.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet (EuroSciVoc)

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