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Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies

Resultado final

European Workshop ‘Transferability and Replicability of Governance Arrangements’

Workshop for all consortium partners and a group of representatives from localregional authorities to critically discuss to what extent and under which conditions effective governance arrangements can be transferred and replicated This will explored for places as well as for themes

"Stakeholder Dialogue Breakfast #1"

Stakeholder dialogue breakfasts (using the popular and long-running “Breakfast at Sustainability’s” forum) in Brussels, Belgium, to facilitate direct dialogues between project actors and a range of stakeholders.

Synthesised Policy Recommendations

Synthesis of emerging recommendations relevant to ruralurban interaction and interdependencies in the form of a series of recommendations Particular attention will be paid to how ruralurban synergy governance can contribute to EUs smart sustainable and inclusive policymaking and vice versa and how they fit within the broader policy context for example the EU Territorial Agenda Cohesion Policy and EU budget planning post 2020

Scenario Workshops on ‘Enhancing Synergies in Spatial Development’

Eleven regional multistakeholder workshops to discuss the effectiveness and placespecificity of different governance models for fostering crosssectoral interactions and ruralurban synergies By applying fuzzy cognitive inspired foresight methods which will make use of bestpractice examples from other case study regions future ruralurban synergy prospects and images will be actively explored in a multistakeholder setting These workshops will be attended by approximately 25 stakeholders businesses interest groups civil society organisations and representatives of the localregional authorities

Thematic Workshops ‘Cross-sectoral interactions and synergies’

Five thematic workshops to share and exchange the findings and experience with cross-sectoral cooperation in the different case study regions. Special attention will be given to the nature of cross-sectoral cooperation (e.g. the actors / organisations / businesses involved, cooperation strategies and arrangements, linkages between rural and urban activities), the impact on socio-economic development (e.g. creation of value added and job growth) and the factors enabling or hindering cross-sectoral cooperation and synergies.

Regional Workshops on ‘Rural-Urban Synergy Webs’

Regional multi-stakeholder workshops to discuss the nature and characteristics of cross sectoral interaction between the different thematic fields and to explore the place-specific potentials and bottlenecks for fostering rural-urban synergies. Sharing lessons from other territorial settings will be an important means for exploring these potentials and bottlenecks. Methodologically these workshops will be largely (though not exclusively) inspired by rural-urban web and socioeconomic network analyses, exploring and analysing both spatial and non-spatial relations. These workshops will be attended by approximately 25 stakeholders (businesses, interest groups, civil society organisations) and representatives of the local/regional authorities.

ROBUST European Conference

A 15day conference with a wider stakeholder audience of practitioners policymakers and civil society to share and discuss the project outcomes scientific results and policy implications

"Stakeholder Dialogue Breakfast #2"

Stakeholder dialogue breakfasts using the popular and longrunning Breakfast at Sustainabilitys forum in Brussels Belgium to facilitate direct dialogues between project actors and a range of stakeholders

Thematic Workshops ‘Effective governance’

Five thematic workshops to share and exchange the findings and experience with governance arrangements in the different case study regions Special attention will be given to the nature of governance arrangements eg the actors organisations businesses involved procedures and agreements linkages between rural and urban activities the degree to which these arrangement are wellfunctioning or disfunctioning and which similarities and differences between governance arrangements can be observed in order to identify governance models ie general patterns across governance arrangements

Expert workshop ’Smart regional growth experiences and rural-urban relations’

Analysis of literature on smart regional growth and on approaches to effective regional governance and integrated policy-making will provide input for an expert workshop on Smart Regional Growth Experiences and Rural-Urban Relations for which 10 experts on these topics will be invited. Based on the literature review and the outcomes of the expert workshop, AU will elaborate an analytical framework for the ROBUST research incorporating inputs from relational spatial theory, smart regional growth theory and literature on effective regional governance and policy-making.

Interrogative Synthesis Report

Final WP3 report synthesizing the results of the placebased as well as the thematic case studies based on the regional and thematic case study reports resulting from tasks 32 and 33 as well as reflecting on the iterative and participatory jointlearning processes that have been followed within each of the case studies

Manifesto for Future Policy Making on linkages and dependencies between urban and rural activities

Manifesto type document which will both distil and serve as a rallying point around which others can evidence their support for and commitment to the work that needs to be done both during and postROBUST in maximising the benefits of ruralurban cooperation in helping achieve key goals around smart economic growth at local national and European levels

"Practice-based abstract #2"

Eleven practice-based abstracts (one per case study area) in native language summarising the project and case study findings following the EIP-AGRI Common format for interactive innovation projects

In-depth analysis of the connections between rural, peri-urban and urban areas, and the creation of value added and job growth

In-depth exploration of socio-economic variables at micro-spatial scale (neighbourhood) to monitor the evolution of functional linkages around the private sector and employment in the German case study region. Connections between share of commercial estate, level of purchasing power, demographic structure, unemployment rate and other variables can be made visible with the microm database. This will result in a simplified method for the analysis of rural-urban links in the area ‘New businesses and labour markets’ to be applied in WP3 in the case study areas where this theme is prioritised.

Synthesis report on ‘Effective governance arrangements’

Synthesis report on effective governance arrangements as drivers of ruralurban synergies The report will provide an overview of effective governance arrangements for different themes and territorial settings discuss the nature of their interrelations with socioeconomic development and reflect on the replicability and transferability of effective governance arrangements

Minutes of first General Assembly

Minutes of the first consortium meeting.

Synthesis report ‘Interactions and dependencies between rural, peri-urban and urban areas and contemporary governance approaches’

Synthesizing the international level results of WP2 and the workshop in a discussion paper.

Working paper ’Conceptualisation of rural-urban relations and synergies’

Working paper based on: a) a literature review of the conceptualisation of rural-urban relations in different theoretical perspectives, utilising the linguistic resources of the consortium to engage with relevant literatures in major European languages. b) a review of the deployment of concepts of rural-urban relations in policy and spatial planning practice, through document analysis and selected key informant interviews where appropriate. c) a literature review of relational perspectives on space and place will be carried out with a specific focus on its application to rural-urban relations.

"Practice-based abstract #3"

Eleven practicebased abstracts one per case study area in native language summarising the project and case study findings following the EIPAGRI Common format for interactive innovation projects

Guide on application of the conceptual framework for practitioners

Based on interviews and/or focus groups with the practitioners from the practice partners a guideline will be developed on how to apply the conceptual framework by and for practitioners

Five summary reports with the results of the analysis of functional relations

Summary report for each thematic Community of Practice summarizing the activities and lessons learned

WP2 discussion paper

Discussion paper on the use of night satellite images and novel data processing methods for capturing relevant spatial developments and dependencies

Outreach, Communication & Training Plan

A comprehensive Outreach, Communication, and Dissemination Plan to link all dissemination, exploitation and training tasks and their related products. It defines the phases and key contents of the project’s communication, the target groups addressed, the channels used and the roles each partner plays. It will be reviewed annually and modified as necessary.

Synthesis report ‘cross-sectoral interactions as drivers of rural-urban synergies’

Overall synthesis report on the key drivers of crosssectoral ruralurban interactions and cooperation including an evaluation of enabling andor hindering factors in the light of regional development strategies The report will highlight the thematic and placespecific findings and experiences and will thoroughly analyse and discuss the challenges and hindrances for socioeconomic development in terms of job growth creation of value added and other relevant parameters

Thematic Topic Papers (TTPs) on key aspects of Rural-Urban co-operation

Five Policy and Governance Thematic Topic Papers TTPs on RuralUrban Cooperation that reflect the five thematic functional linkage domains addressed within the project

"Practice-based abstract #1"

Eleven practice-based abstracts (one per case study area) in native language summarising the project and case study findings following the EIP-AGRI Common format for interactive innovation projects

Working paper ‘Conceptual framework for ROBUST’

Based on literature reviews and the outcomes of the expert workshop, AU will elaborate an analytical framework for the ROBUST research incorporating inputs from relational spatial theory, smart regional growth theory and literature on effective regional governance and policy-making

Action and Policy-oriented Conceptual and Methodological Framework

Final result of WP1

Place-based policy in the context of rural-urban linkages and dependencies

Overall project findings will be contextualised and distilled into a policy briefing on current prospects challenges and obstacles regarding placebased synergy governance

Self-Paced Online Training Modules

A webbased video training series of five selfpaced trainings to disseminate a toolkit that comprises a set of instruments to stimulate multilevel and multiactor joint learning around how to better manage and govern the relationships and interactions between rural periurban and urban areas Oriented to a broad European and international audience of practitioners policymakers and the business community

"ROBUST Newsletter #3"

Annual enewsletter with ROBUST highlights in English and all national languages

"ROBUST Newsletter #2"

Annual e-newsletter with ROBUST highlights in English and all national languages.

"ROBUST Newsletter #1"

Annual e-newsletter with ROBUST highlights in English and all national languages.


Multimodale Verkehrslösungen als Chance für nachhaltige städtisch-ländliche Beziehungen

Autores: Lisa Bauchinger, Anna Reichenberger, Theresia Oedl-Wieser, Thomas Dax
Publicado en: Proceedings of REAL CORP 2020, 25th International Conference on Urban Development, 2020, Página(s) 599-608, ISSN 2521-3938
Editor: Regional Planning and Information Society

Zukunftsweisende Mobilitätssysteme des Steirischen Zentralraums – Erkenntnisse aus städtisch-ländlicher kommunaler Zusammenarbeit

Autores: Lisa Bauchinger, Theresia Oedl-Wieser, Thomas Dax, Anna Reichenberger & Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger
Publicado en: Standort, Edición 45, 2021, Página(s) 89-95, ISSN 0174-3635
Editor: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00548-021-00712-y

Developing Sustainable and Flexible Rural–Urban Connectivity through Complementary Mobility Services

Autores: Lisa Bauchinger, Anna Reichenberger, Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Jurij Kobal, Mojca Hrabar, Theresia Oedl-Wieser
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13031280

Formal and Informal Governance Arrangements to Boost Sustainable and Inclusive Rural-Urban Synergies: An Analysis of the Metropolitan Area of Styria

Autores: Theresia Oedl-Wieser, Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger, Thomas Dax, Lisa Bauchinger
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su122410637

Spatial dependence in the rank-size distribution of cities – weak but not negligible

Autores: Rolf Bergs
Publicado en: PLoS ONE, 2021, ISSN 1932-6203
Editor: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246796

Internet Access in Rural Areas: Brake or Stimulus as Post-Covid-19 Opportunity?

Autores: Irune Ruiz-Martínez; Javier Esparcia
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2020, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12229619

Transitioning towards a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy—Implications for Rural–Urban Relations

Autores: Karlheinz Knickel, Alexandra Almeida, Francesca Galli, Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger, Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Mojca Hrabar, Daniel Keech, Marina Knickel, Olli Lehtonen, Damian Maye, Irune Ruiz-Martinez, Sandra Šūmane, Hans Vulto, Johannes S.C. Wiskerke
Publicado en: Land, 2021, ISSN 2073-445X
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/land10050512

Network Governance Arrangements and Rural-Urban Synergy

Autores: Ulla Ovaska, Hilkka Vihinen, Henk Oostindie, Joaquin Farinós, Mojca Hrabar, Emils Kilis, Jurij Kobal, Talis Tisenkopfs, Hans Vulto
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13052952

Towards a Reflexive Framework for Fostering Co—Learning and Improvement of Transdisciplinary Collaboration

Autores: Marina Knickel, Karlheinz Knickel, Francesca Galli, Damian Maye, Johannes S. C. Wiskerke
Publicado en: Sustainability, Edición 11/23, 2019, Página(s) 6602, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su11236602

Multi-Local Living – An Opportunity for Rural Health Services in Finland?

Autores: Olli Lehtonen, Toivo Muilu, Hilkka Vihinen
Publicado en: European Countryside, Edición 11/2, 2019, Página(s) 257-280, ISSN 1803-8417
Editor: Sciendo
DOI: 10.2478/euco-2019-0013

Towards More Balanced Territorial Relations—The Role (and Limitations) of Spatial Planning as a Governance Approach

Autores: Karlheinz Knickel, Alexandra Almeida, Lisa Bauchinger, Maria Pia Casini, Bernd Gassler, Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger, Jesse Heley, Reinhard Henke, Marina Knickel, Henk Oostindie, Ulla Ovaska, Carlos Pina, Massimo Rovai, Hans Vulto, Johannes S.C. Wiskerke
Publicado en: Sustainability, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
Editor: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13095308

Food policy integration in small cities: The case of intermunicipal governance in Lucca, Italy

Autores: Sabrina Arcuri, Bianca Minotti, Francesca Galli
Publicado en: Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, ISSN 0743-0167
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.12.005

Nutzung von städtisch-ländlichen Synergien als Treiber für eine nachhaltige regionale Entwicklungim Steirischen Zentralraum

Autores: Lisa Bauchinger, Theresia Oedl-Wieser, Thomas Dax, Kerstin Hausegger-Nestelberger
Publicado en: Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies, 2020, ISSN 1815-8129
Editor: Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics

Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Area of Tension between the Economy and Climate Change: A Case Study at Rural and City District Level in Southern Germany

Autores: Abdelmoneim Issa, Rolf Bergs
Publicado en: SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020, ISSN 1556-5068
Editor: SSRN
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3622221

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