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Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability

Risultati finali

Plant Trait and Agronomic Data e-Infrastructure and Help Desk

The open data publication e-infrastructure will be developed following the interoperability framework (Task 5.1) and will be based on Agroknow’s AKSTEM service to support registration of plant trait and agronomic datasets. The data publication e-infrastructure will include a help-desk service to support any interested data provider for publishing its plant trait and agronomic data.

M3 model as a prototype tool for predicting performance of innovative plant teams.

A novel mechanistic model, the Minimalist Mixture Model (M3) will be developed as a process-based model to describe the biomass and yield of plant teams to serve as a prototype tool to evaluate the performance of innovative plant teams

Meta-analysis and visualisation tools

The datasets published by the Data Publication e-Infrastructure (Task 5.2) will be summarized by means of existing statistical tools, specifically meta-analysis and structural equation modelling. A web-based visual analytics system (developed using the Open Source GWT development toolkit) based on the JHI Germinate platform ( will be developed to make the results of the meta-analysis publically available.

Plant Trait and Agronomic Data Ingestion Workflow and API Gateway

A data ingestion, transformation, cleaning, enrichment and linking workflow will be developed to allow semi-automated and periodic data source processing in order to publish them in machine readable formats and expose them using standard programmable interfaces.

Speak Out training resources

An online training resource will be developed by LEAF and TAL to accompany training sessions at the consortium meetings for all key researchers to help embed the importance of good communication. The training will include videos, animations, information, tasks and tools that will be available on the DIVERSify video platform accessed via

Synthesis report on national stakeholder meetings

A report synthesising the findings from national stakeholder workshop consultations, identifying strategies and best practice for cropping plant teams to inform work in WP2, WP3 and WP4.

Standardised protocols in key languages

Specific protocols and defined terminology for data gathering will be created at the project outset for core partners and participatory farmers in liaison with all WPs. Standardised protocols, data capture and data licensing formats will be made available and disseminated in key languages.

Report on practical restrictions imposed by plant teams

A report on perceived or realised practical restrictions imposed by plant teams will be prepared from analysis of a short questionnaire prepared by WP4 for completion by practitioners involved in WP1 (Task 1.1).

EIP-Practice Abstracts 3

Practice Abstracts will be produced at several time points focussing on case studies of best practice (with regional translations), summarising the key messages and practical advice in language adapted to target groups using the EIP-AGRI common format.

Communication plan for liaising with CPs and PFs

WP4 Leaders will liaise with WP1 and WP6 to develop a communication plan for using the buddy system to work with project PFs, overseeing PF field trials, managing data delivery, and responding to/directing queries about project participation.

Handbook of protocols to assess traits in plant teams

To meet data quality standards, all experimental measurements of plant traits and agronomic performance will be synchronised across years and locations by means of shared experimental protocols. The protocols will be developed iteratively with WP4 and WP5 for purposes of data management and use (in WP5). A first version of the protocol to be applied in year 1 trials will be based on the collated experience of WP2 partners, following standard monitoring protocols for target traits and performance parameters. This protocol will be developed further each year, and a final assessment protocol will be published as a handbook for stakeholders and agricultural researchers.

‘Trouble Shooting Matrix’ of PAT practical solutions

A ‘Trouble-Shooting Matrix’ for plant teams will be produced to highlight where given elements of machinery manufacture and/or PAT could theoretically or practically overcome production issues faced by combined species cropping. The matrix will allow gaps to be identified where solutions to plant team production problems do not currently exist.

Summary report and scientific manuscript on mechanisms underpinning beneficial plant associations based on APSIM and Daisy model simulations.

Summary report and scientific manuscript on mechanisms underpinning beneficial plant associations based on APSIM and Daisy model simulations. To facilitate applications beyond the project, the information will be summarised in the form of resource use efficiencies, deconstructed into their key elements (crop, resource availability, resource uptake, yield production per resource uptake), based on the data collation in WP2 and the predictive simulation of Daisy and APSIM.

Report: socio-economic factors affecting plant team adoption

A report on the socio-economic factors affecting adoption of plant teams by farmers in Europe, Kenya and Palestine to inform regional policy priorities for future peer-reviewed publication.

Summary report of key mechanisms promoting performance of plant teams

A summary report will be prepared to report on the mechanisms underpinning synergistic plant-plant interactions, examined in small-scale experiments to validate the efficacy of the Ecological Approach.

Policy guide on plant teams

The key findings from science and stakeholder responses in the stakeholder consultation workshops (Task 1.1) will be summarised in a policy document for dissemination through partners’ organisational links with national policy-makers. It will conclude on the potential for optimal plant teams to enhance industry competitiveness and reduce environmental impacts, and include reference to barriers to uptake and activities/policies that could increase plant team implementation.

EIP-Practice Abstracts 2

Practice Abstracts will be produced at several time points focussing on case studies of best practice (with regional translations), summarising the key messages and practical advice in language adapted to target groups using the EIP-AGRI common format.

Summary report on performance of stakeholder-driven plant teams V2

Field trials established at research and stakeholder sites will be assessed for the range of plant trait and performance parameters (Task 2.1), in addition to regionally relevant pest species, nutrient use efficiency and total biomass-per-area (at relevant developmental stages). The data will be summarised as a final report on the performance of stakeholder plant teams.

Report on standards & protocols for plant trait and agronomic data

An agronomic review of methods used in existing datasets will be conducted to document interoperability requirements, namely data types, formats, sources/databases, knowledge organisation schemes and relevant standards, specifications and protocols for plant trait and agronomic data collection to ensure uniformity of data and reliability of the outcome in the decision aid. The outcomes of the reviews will be provided in a summary report.

EIP-Practice Abstracts 1

Practice Abstracts will be produced at several time points focussing on case studies of best practice (with regional translations), summarising the key messages and practical advice in language adapted to target groups using the EIP-AGRI common format.

Farmer guide on plant teams

A technique manual/user manual for advisors and farmers for decision making on plant teams adapted to local conditions will be developed alongside the PlanDS decision aid (in WP5).

Conference presentations on the Ecological Approach for crop improvement

Final results on optimized plant team performance will be synthesized (with WP3) and presented in stakeholder workshops and international scientific conferences, demonstrating and documenting the Ecological Approach to breeders, agronomists and seed companies.

Plant and trait database V3

A comprehensive database of crop traits in monocultures and plant teams will be created and assembled based on existing and newly collected data. Trait data will be collated for all cereal, legume, herb and grassland species that are currently utilised in plant teams across Europe, as well as species with identified potential for innovative plant teams. The database will be expanded using existing datasets of partners and experimental work during the project as the data become available.

Decision Aid: PlanDS

A web-based and mobile phone-friendly decision aid, ‘PlanDS: Plants Decision System’, will be co-designed, developed and tested with agricultural practitioners (agronomists, advisors) to interrogate the datasets produced and collated by the project.

Mini documentaries 2

A series of short ‘subject’ documentaries, which could highlight specific plant teams, programme themes or location profiles will be taken. These short films will be delivered at at several time points and ultimately combined into an eye-catching feature mini-documentary.

Mini documentaries 1

A series of short ‘subject’ documentaries, which could highlight specific plant teams, programme themes or location profiles will be taken. These short films will be delivered at at several time points and ultimately combined into an eye-catching feature mini-documentary.

Mini documentaries 3

A series of short ‘subject’ documentaries, which could highlight specific plant teams, programme themes or location profiles will be taken. These short films will be delivered at at several time points and ultimately combined into an eye-catching feature mini-documentary.


La consociazione orzo-pisello proteico per le filiere agro-zootecniche marchigiane

Autori: Stefano tavoletti
Pubblicato in: Mediterraneo, Numero 60, 2019, Pagina/e 50-53
Editore: Girolomoni Foundation

Enabling crop diversification to support transitions to sustainable agri-food systems: Joining forces to diversify European agriculture

Autori: Messéan, Antoine; Karley, Alison; Justes, Eric; Aubertot, Jean-Noël; Iannetta, Pietro; Muel, Frédéric; Zornoza, Raúl
Pubblicato in: 2021
Editore: Crop Diversification Cluster
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4804767

Minimalist Mixture Model - M3: Technical documentation of the model and its source code

Autori: Berghuijs HNC, Vico G
Pubblicato in: 2021
Editore: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4469832

Breaking barriers to plant team polycultures: A role for PAT, modern machinery and novel products?

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Tephrosia fallow enhances grain yield of maize-common bean intercrops: Results from a demonstration trial in Western Kenya

Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Grain yield stability of individual cereal-legume mixtures grown across Europe

Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of Applied Biologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4783293

Coordinating data collection in intercropping: A feasible example

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4792135

Barriers and enablers of intercropping and enhanced crop diversification in the UK

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4785316

Across time analysis of morphological and physiological traits in grassland plant mixtures versus monocultures

Autori: Pereira P, Alves ML, Leitão, Godhino B, Barradas A, Vaz Patto MC
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 325-330
Editore: Association of Applied Biologists

Assessing soil profiles helps understanding barley-pea mixed cropping efficiency

Autori: Stefano tavoletti, Stefania Cocco, Francesca Straccia, Ariele Merletti, Valeria Cardelli, Dominique Serrani, Giuseppe Corti
Pubblicato in: Book of abstracts of “9th ESSC International Congress, 2019, Pagina/e 61
Editore: Le Penseur Publisher

Multi-dimensional trait space in cereal-legume mixtures: an analysis across environments and plant teams

Autori: Ajal J, Kiær LP, Pakeman RJ, Scherber C, Weih M
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 429-432
Editore: Association of Applied Biology

Intercropping grain legumes with cereals: A promising approach to spread legume crops in central Italy

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

DIVERSIplotter - A tool for field data visualisation based on DIVERSify intercropping trials

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Yield and quality of four annual forage mixtures vs individual components

Autori: Barradas A, Godhino B, Vaz Patto MC
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 365-372
Editore: Association of Applied Biologists

Minimalist Mixture Model (M3): a tool to explore plant team performance under different pedoclimatic conditions.

Autori: Berghuijs H.N.C, Weih M., Van der Werf W, Vico G.
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 379-384
Editore: Association of Applied Biology

Crop species mixtures as part of integrated farm management.

Autori: Karley AJ, Mitchell C, Hawes C, Young MW, Brooker RW, Pakeman RJ, Iannetta PPM, Newton AC.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Crop Production in Northern Britain conference, 2020, Pagina/e 143-147
Editore: Crop Protection in Northern Britain

Diversify-ing for sustainability using cereal-legume 'plant teams'

Autori: A J Karley, A C Newton, R W Brooker, R J Pakeman, D Guy, C Mitchell, P P M Iannetta, M Weih, C Scherber, L Kiaer
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology 138: Advances in Legume Science and Practice, Numero 138, 2018, Pagina/e 57-62
Editore: Association of Applied Biologists

Knowledge Exchange in ‘Plant Team’ Cropping with On-Farm Participatory Research

Autori: Alison J. Karley, Jennifer A. Banfield-Zanin, Charlotte Bickler, Katie Bliss, Rob W Brooker, Pietro PM Iannetta, Alice Midmer, Carolyn Mitchell, Adrian C Newton, Robin J Pakeman, Bruce Pearce, Laura Tippin and David R. George
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts, 2019, Pagina/e 52-53
Editore: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3516329

Evaluation of the Land Equivalent Ratio index in barley-pea and bread wheat-faba bean intercropping.

Autori: Tavoletti Stefano; Straccia Francesca; Merletti Ariele; Iommarini Linda
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., Numero 1, 2019, Pagina/e 255
Editore: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3497525

Interactive effects of crop diversity and management on pollinators in a summer wheat-bean intercropping experiment

Autori: Jana Brandmeier, Hilke Hollens, Silvia Pappagallo, Christoph Scherber
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 123-124
Editore: Zenodo

Trait combinations for efficient nitrogen utilization in pea-barley and wheat-faba bean plant teams field-grown in Sweden

Autori: James Ajal, Ortrud Jäck, Giulia Vico, Martin Weih
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 155-156
Editore: Zenodo

The perceived or realised practical restrictions imposed by Plant Teams

Autori: Laura Tippin, Jennifer Banfield-Zanin, Alice Midmer, Charlotte Bickler, Andrew Manfield, Alison Karley,David George, Bruce Pearce,
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 284-285
Editore: Zenodo

Getting out of the commodity trap: enabling diversity through an alternative food network

Autori: K. Bliss, A. Vieweger, A. Villa, J. Meldrum, C. Zhang and C. Bickler
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 283
Editore: Zenodo

Weed species’ competition for different N sources along gradients in a pea-barley intercrop

Autori: Ortrud Jäck, James Ajal, Martin Weih
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 165-166
Editore: Zenodo

Influence of temporal diversification on aboveground arthropod

Autori: Michael Meyer, David Ott, Christoph Scherber
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 113-115
Editore: Zenodo

Breeding for crop mixtures: Opportunities and challenges

Autori: Lars Kiær, Christoph Scherber, Jana Brandmeier, Silvia Papagallo, Adrian C Newton, Alison Karley
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 362-363
Editore: Zenodo

Can the APSIM crop growth model simulate the growth of pure cultures and intercrops of wheat and faba bean in temperate zones in Europe?

Autori: Herman N.C. Berghuijs, Martin Weih, Wopke van der Werf, Giulia Vico
Pubblicato in: First European Conference on Crop Diversification: Book of Abstracts., 2019, Pagina/e 258-259
Editore: Zenodo

(Re)Introduce ‘the three sisters’ for machine harvest in Austria

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Trait plasticity and G× E challenges when breeding for mixture-ideotypes

Autori: Kiær LP, Boesen NR
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the EUCARPIA Symposium on breeding for diversification, 2018, Pagina/e 3-6, ISBN 978-3-7376-0462-5
Editore: Kassel University Press
DOI: 10.19211/kup9783737604635

Antagonistic responses to crop diversification at two levels of fertiliser and herbicide application

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4808649

Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Pea–Barley Intercrop Productivity Compared to Sole Crops in Denmark

Autori: Cowden, R.J.; Shah, A.N.; Lehmann, L.M.; Kiær, L.P.; Henriksen, C.B.; Ghaley, B.B.
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 5-16
Editore: Association of applied biology

Predicted mean soil depth of water uptake differs among crop species but does not change with increased crop diversity.

Autori: Schmutz A, Schöb C
Pubblicato in: Aspects of Applied Biology, Numero 146, 2021, Pagina/e 169-174
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Predicted mean soil depth of water uptake differs among crop species but does not change with increased crop diversity

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Simulation of pea-barley intercrop productivity using DAISY model

Pubblicato in: Aspects of applied biology, Numero 146, 2021
Editore: Association of applied biologists

Intercropping in high input agriculture supports arthropod diversity without risking significant yield losses

Autori: Jana Brandmeier, Hannah Reininghaus, Silvia Pappagallo, Alison J. Karley, Lars P. Kiær, Christoph Scherber
Pubblicato in: Basic and Applied Ecology, Numero 53, 2021, Pagina/e 26-38, ISSN 1439-1791
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.02.011

Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions

Autori: Nian-Feng Wan, Xiang-Rong Zheng, Li-Wan Fu, Lars Pødenphant Kiær, Zhijie Zhang, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Matteo Dainese, Jiaqi Tan, Shi-Yun Qiu, Yue-Qing Hu, Wei-Dong Tian, Ming Nie, Rui-Ting Ju, Jian-Yu Deng, Jie-Xian Jiang, You-Ming Cai & Bo Li
Pubblicato in: Nature Plants, Numero Vol 6, 2020, Pagina/e 503-510, ISSN 2055-026X
Editore: Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41477-020-0654-y

Identification of species traits enhancing yield in wheat-faba bean intercropping: development and sensitivity analysis of a minimalist mixture model

Autori: H. N. C. Berghuijs, Z. Wang, T. J. Stomph, M. Weih, W. Van der Werf, G. Vico
Pubblicato in: Plant and Soil, Numero 455/1-2, 2020, Pagina/e 203-226, ISSN 0032-079X
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04668-0

Towards a Trait-Based Approach to Potentiate Yield under Drought in Legume-Rich Annual Forage Mixtures

Autori: Susana T. Leitão, Mara Lisa Alves, Priscila Pereira, Aziza Zerrouk, Bruno Godinho, Ana Barradas, Maria Carlota Vaz Patto
Pubblicato in: Plants, Numero 10/9, 2021, Pagina/e 1763, ISSN 2223-7747
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/plants10091763

Functional traits of individual varieties as determinants of growth and nitrogen use patterns in mixed stands of willow (Salix spp.)

Autori: Martin Weih, Nils-Erik Nordh, Stefano Manzoni, Stefanie Hoeber
Pubblicato in: Forest Ecology and Management, Numero 479, 2021, Pagina/e 118605, ISSN 0378-1127
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118605

Facilitation and biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships in crop production systems and their role in sustainable farming

Autori: Rob W. Brooker, Tim S. George, Zohralyn Homulle, Alison J. Karley, Adrian C. Newton, Robin J. Pakeman, Christian Schöb
Pubblicato in: Journal of Ecology, 2021, ISSN 0022-0477
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13592

Species choice and spatial arrangement in soybean-based intercropping: Levers that drive yield and weed control

Autori: Timothée Cheriere, Mathieu Lorin and Guénaëlle Corre-Hellou
Pubblicato in: Field Crops Research, Numero Vol. 256, 2020, ISSN 0378-4290
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107923

Calibrating and testing APSIM for wheat-faba bean pure cultures and intercrops across Europe

Autori: Herman N.C. Berghuijs, Martin Weih, Wopke van der Werf, Alison J. Karley, Eveline Adam, Ángel M. Villegas-Fernández, Lars P. Kiær, Adrian C. Newton, Christoph Scherber, Stefano Tavoletti, Giulia Vico
Pubblicato in: Field Crops Research, Numero 264, 2021, Pagina/e 108088, ISSN 0378-4290
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108088

Grain Yield Stability of Cereal-Legume Intercrops Is Greater Than Sole Crops in More Productive Conditions

Autori: Weih, M.; Karley, A.J.; Newton, A.C.; Kiær, L.P.; Scherber, C.; Rubiales, D.; Adam, E.; Ajal, J.; Brandmeier, J.; Pappagallo, S.; Villegas-Fernández, A.; Reckling, M.; Tavoletti, S.
Pubblicato in: Agriculture, Numero Vol 11, 2021, Pagina/e 255, ISSN 2077-0472
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agriculture11030255

Crop Diversification to Control Powdery Mildew in Pea

Autori: Ángel M. Villegas-Fernández, Ahmed Amarna, Juan Moral, Diego Rubiales
Pubblicato in: Agronomy, Numero 11/4, 2021, Pagina/e 690, ISSN 2073-4395
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11040690

Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Pea–Barley Intercrop Productivity Compared to Sole Crops in Denmark

Autori: Reed John Cowden, Ambreen Naz Shah, Lisa Mølgaard Lehmann, Lars Pødenphant Kiær, Christian Bugge Henriksen, Bhim Bahadur Ghaley
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 12/22, 2020, Pagina/e 9335, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su12229335

Faba bean

Autori: Fouad Maalouf, Seid Ahmed, Zewdie Bishaw
Pubblicato in: The Beans and the Peas, 2021, Pagina/e 105-131, ISBN 9780128214503
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-821450-3.00008-1

Using field experiments to inform biodiversity monitoring in agricultural landscapes

Autori: Christoph Scherber, Jana Brandmeier, Georg Everwand, Alison J. Karley, Lars P. Kiær, Michael Meyer, David Ott, Hannah Reininghaus, Teja Tscharntke
Pubblicato in: Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes, 2020
Editore: Springer

‘Faba Bean’ Chapter 15 in: Crop Physiology: Case Histories for major Crops

Autori: Minguez M.I., Rubiales D
Pubblicato in: Crop Physiology: Case Histories for major Crops, 2020, ISBN 9780128191941
Editore: Academic Press

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