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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Homelessness as unfairness

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HOME_EU (Homelessness as unfairness)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-10-01 bis 2019-09-30

The HOME_EU generated evidence on the needs of those who experience(d) homelessness on housing and healthier conditions; European States need to generate responses beyond basic needs. Descriptions need to be refocused on actions to take people out of the streets or uncertain accommodation with pre-requisites of sobriety, treatment or deserving assessments, led by professional decisions. The HOME_EU focuses on renovated paths for decision-making and investment in public policies beyond generalistic affirmations of good governance, reporting on numbers of Homeless or the allocation of funds focused on ammeliorative services. The HOME_EU generated results on individualized, scattered and permanent housing solutions for the people who experience long-term homelessness; housing is the departing point for recovery and integration; is a paradigm shift for an integrated social intervention, a strategy to renew the social fabric of cities, and na opportunity to rethink the community life for revering inequalities.
The Housing First model advanced in partner countries and others impulsed by civic society. Integrates national documents, operates with Municipal supports. Other locations in EU countries are also adopting or upscaling Housing First Programs. The EU Citizens are favourable to solution focused strategies to reverse homelessness; 76% consider that governments should invest more on solutions and 49% consider that they would be wiiling to pay more taxes to promote Housing First. The citizens are aware that job loss (60.3% ), addiction are main causes of homelessness; France added indebtedness and rent arrears. In relation to the real-life homelessness experiences with inequalities, the comprised studies demonstrated that the voice of those with personal experience are essential for the understanding how to reverse it. The quantitative data favouring Housing First are expressive and statistically significant in terms of community integration, choice over housing and support services, and the satisfaction with the services, retaining their housing options (71.8% overall rate opposed to the 20.8% to the participants in staircase model services), and significant reduction in the psychiatric symptoms. Data were colected in 46 Housing First Programs in 27 EU Cities, and 59 stair case model programs in 31 EU Cities. The Personal narratives emphasize the meaning of having a home as a means towards enhance personal capacities, improving the social relations, increasing personal affordances and reducing constraints. For service providers, Housing First professionals housing is a basic human right, have a person-centred approach, support user’s autonomy and choice. For social policy stakeholders (62%) homeless is a moderate to major problema in their region; further support for the upscaling of reversing homelessness situations, and just 15,7% reported that Housing First was implemented in their region, also mentioned that funding is na absolute requirement to reverse concrete homelessness situations and that it is crucial de role of the civic society organizations in implementing and supporting the programs.
All partners contributed with national data for all the study sections. The scientific common phases were: 1) Measures translation with a common procedure; 2) Data gathering in different territories; exeption for Citizen's study perforrmed by telefone.3) data analysis performed by the research leading teams; 4) Outputs and Deliverables internally shared for feedback and further submission. The Citizens Study developed with two components (KAP+WTP) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices and Willingness to Pay. Results indicate that EU Citizens are favourable to more governmental investments to reverse Homelessness, 49% are willing to pay more taxes for HF. Service User’s Study homeless adults enrolled in either Housing First (HF) or Other Services (OS) in the eight Partner’s countries. Participants at T0+T1data demonstrated significant housing stability for HF, positive results on capabilities development (health, emotions, thoughts and relationships, and appreciation of life). Service Provider’s Study Analysed perspectives of service providers working with homeless people; results indicate common values HF and OS Teams, but different approaches for advocacy and reversing the concrete situation of homelessness; HF Teams favour autonomy of roles, recognition, and leadership. Social Policy Study, the qualitative comparative study of social policies major result is that HF is already integrated in most policies, that civic society was the major source of encouragement for policy development, and from the socio-political stakeholders the panorama is that there is a wide variation of the HF implemented programs in the Cities, and that the knowledge about these programs still needs to be strengthened. Comparative Analysis HF Programs implemented have a more positive attitude towards the focus on reversing homelessness, educational level is associated with favouring governmental investment and willingness to pay. Sociopolitical stakeholders consider financial governmental investment crucial, but the implementation of programs is better when implemented by civic society organizations. On dissemination, the consortium engaged in efforts in European and non-European countries; scientific events in psychology, public health, addictions, mental health, and political events (national strategies, Parliaments, meetings with Presidents and Prime-Ministers), and international organizations (UN 58 ComSocDev 2020). Consultation activities in Brazil, Norway, Poland, , Ireland, Italy. Ethical procedures were validated.
A common analysis on Homelessness is a societal Impact; the Housing First up-scaled in partner countries and emerging in Poland. The partners are engaged in national and transnational missions to advance Housing First. HOME_EU reaffirms that social justice requires concrete action anchored in evidence-based practices to advance Housing First as a privileged strategy to end Homelessness in Europe. The scientific impact of the HOME_EU Project is the peer-reviewed outputs Quartile 1 (6) and 2 (2) Journals in different scientific areas Public Health, Medicine, Psychology, other products are aimed for further dissemination with ISBN and DOI, but also integrated in peer-review systems for quality control. Further publications are forthcoming. On strengthening the Human Capital, researchers integrated other research and evaluation. The Masters and Doctoral Students of the Partner Universities are being hired to integrate new research positions or Housing First emerging teams.
Economic impact, information to support the emergence a specialized professional development of supporting people in the community on social integration, recovery and capabilities. University-Community Partnerships are relevant to promote those specializations. Overall socio-political dynamics we have demonstrable evidence to display a show-case that Housing First is a paradigm shift aimed at promoting social integration of one of the most disadvantaged social groups in Europe – The long-term Homeless people. We have the key element to advance the relevance of sustainable investments first to resolve long-term homelessness and further strengthening the community’s capacity to prevent new long-term homelessness situations in Europe.
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HOME_EU Group Photo