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This deliverable is focused on providing recommendations on mobility services.
Catalogue of best practicesThis report is a set of well documented best practices on procurements in the field of the four cluster topics.
Overview of formed Common Buyers GroupsOverview of formed common buyer groups (PU): this deliverable will summarise the common buyer groups formed within the framework of SPICE and their activities.
Recommendations on Intelligent Transport Systems and ServicesThis deliverable is focused on providing recommendations on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.
Recommendations on Alternatively fuelled vehicles and infrastructureThis deliverable is focused on providing recommendations on alternatively fuelled vehicles and infrastructure.
Specification required inputThis deliverable is to define what kind of information will be needed for collecting best practices and will select them .
SPICE Stakeholder Group LaunchThis report will provide details of the launch event of the group and key outcomes of user need surveys and discussion.
Brochure on Best practices of public procurement in EuropeThis brochure aims to describe best examples of existing procurements.
SPICE Stakeholder Group design and Dissemination and Communication StrategyThis deliverable describes type of stakeholders, their roles and how to communicate project activities and outcomes with the stakeholder group and external parties who are interested in SPICE.
Best Practices in Common ProcurementsBest practices in common procurements (PU): this deliverable will specifically study all existing common procurements including examples, legal frameworks, outcomes and benefits; this deliverable will also give summarise on needs and potential opportunities of common buyer groups.
Definition of clusters and categoriesthis deliverable is to define cluster topics and categories needed for procurement case study
Interim Reportthis deliverable is to inform EC and all stakeholders on all activates carried out and the current project situation and further steps.
Recommendations on Others (to be defined)This deliverable is focused on providing recommendations on other types of services.
Evaluation reportThis report will describe impacts of SPICE activities on forming common buyer groups and raising awareness
Brochure on Capacity building and TrainingThis brochure will give information to all stakeholders on capacity building and training activities of this project to attract more stakeholders to join.
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