CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Pilot 2 started, including manual for operation and fully completed commissioning (Month 31)
Pilot 1 shippedPilot 1 shipped, including n.28 parabolic solar collectors for a total collecting surface of 2’285 m2 and a fully containerized BOP made of pumps, oil-to-steam heat exchanger, vessel, system control panel, re-usable foundations, re-usable solar field piping (Month 23)
Pilot 1 startedPilot 1 started, including manual for operation and fully completed commissioning (Month 27)
Pilot 2 shippedPilot 2 shipped, including n.12 linear Fresnel collectors for a total collecting surface of 2’670 m2 and a fully containerized BOP made of pumps, oil-to-steam heat exchanger, vessel, system control panel, re-usable foundations, re-usable solar field piping (Month 27)
Dissemination & Communication (D&C) Report, including – for each of the activities included in the D&C Plan - an explicit assessment of the KPIs vs. the planned targets, a description of the lessons learnt during the project and the potential follow-up activities to be implemented after project end (Month 24)
Dissemination & Communication PlanDissemination & Communication (D&C) Plan, including the definition of the specific D&C activities dedicated to each of the target groups (industrial users and EPC partners, financial partners, research institutes, institutional decision makers and the wider audience); Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) targets will be defined for each activity (Month 3)
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