Second software release related to the activities described in the work packages. Relates to work packages 1 through 5.
Next gen Bright cluster Manager HPC 8.1Third software release related to the activities described in the work packages. Relates to work packages 1 through 5.
Nex gen Bright Cluster Manager HPC 7.3-8.1: WP1Bright Cluster Manager with complete Hadoop management capabilities
Next gen Bright cluster Manager HPC 7.3First software release related to the activities described in the work packages. Relates to work packages 1 through 4.
Nex gen Bright Cluster Manager HPC 7.3-8.1: WP2Sub-package A: Bright Cluster Manager with cloud bursting capabilities Sub-package B: Bright Cluster Manager with plug-in capabilities for SDN solutions Sub-package C: Bright Cluster Manager with OpenStack complete OpenStack management interface
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