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Doing It Together science (DITOs)

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Initial Policy Briefs

First series including two briefs: good practices and standards on Biodesign regulations and adaptation potentials, and cross-border research and cooperation for Environmental Sustainability.

Final plan for dissemination and exploitation

Final plan for communication and dissemination activities, and the Use of Knowledge and the related IPR Management Strategy for citizen science.

Final evaluation report

Reflect on the entirety of the DITOs project, reviewing all key qualitative and quantitative data and analysing the results and impact of the activities with particular reflection on the project’s impact, capacity building, influence on policy and legacy. The report will also reflect on and address wider questions of evaluating citizen science activities.

Good practices in participatory Environmental Sustainability

A report on good practices and validated methods for outreach activities for citizen science and DIY science in the area of environmental sustainability, drawing together results from events in Phases 2 and 3.

Data management plan

Follow the guidelines for data management in Horizon 2020 document. Special attention will be paid to data generate in citizen science and DIY science activities

Good practices in participatory Biodesign

A report on good practices and validated methods for outreach activities for citizen science and DIY science in the area of biotechnology, drawing together results from events in Phases 2 and 3.

Outreach plan for Environmental Sustainability

A compilation of initial guidance for the implementation of public engagement activities in the area of Environmental Sustainability including good practices, methods and approaches deployed by partners.

Plan for communications, dissemination and exploitation - update

Update of the initial plan for communication and dissemination activities, and the Use of Knowledge and the related IPR Management Strategy for citizen science.

Sustainable support for citizen and DIY science

Report on network expansion and long-term sustainability plans developed by ECSA, with provision for the continued self-sustaining support of DITOs Web.

Environmental Sustainability engagement and support

Report summarising the activities organised and supported in Phases 1 & 2 up to month 15, using evaluation templates developed in WP5. This report will also include pointers to the resulting online resources (videos, data sets, blog posts, guidelines, forum discussions, etc.) that will be made accessible through the DITOs online portal.

Final data management plan

Final data management plan, including curation and maintenance beyond the lifetime of the project.

Initial plan for communications, dissemination and exploitation

Plan for communication and dissemination activities, and the Use of Knowledge and the related IPR Management Strategy for citizen science.

Innovation management plan

Report on the way that the consortium identified, developed and nurtured ideas that emerge from project activities. It will note on the potential of Innovation management within the context of distributed network of citizen science and DIY science activities.

Outreach plan for Biodesign

A compilation of initial plan for the implementation of public engagement activities in the area of biodesign including good practices, methods and approaches deployed by partners.

Evaluation terms of reference and templates

Contains the overall terms of reference and key performance indicators identified for DITOs, with templates and guidelines for recording and documenting activities and gathering public feedback.

Policy Briefs 2

Second series of policy briefs, including key overarching RRI standards in DITOs projects: gender equality and inclusion of disadvantaged groups, and open access, open data, and open science.

Phases 1 and 2 project evaluation

Interim evaluation report reflecting the key success and learning of the project at Phase 1 and the early stages of Phase 2.

Biodesign engagement and support

Report summarising the activities organised and supported in Phases 1 & 2 up to month 15, using evaluation templates developed in WP5. This report will also cover the online and physical resources elaborated during the different outreach activities, with pointers to the resulting online resources (videos, data sets, blog posts, guidelines, forum discussions, etc.) that will be made accessible through the DITOs online portal.

DITOs Innovation Hubs

Report on the setting up of project partner innovation hubs, facilities, multiplier arrangements with third parties such as science museums and centres, and future development plans.

Policy Briefs 3

Third series of policy briefs, updating and extending the initial briefs and providing two additional briefs on involvement of SMEs and industry, and open access, open data, and open science.

Discovery Trips - Final report

Summary report on the Discovery Trips including lessons learned and future applications

Pan-European Policy Forum

Delivered as high-level conference event in Brussels showcasing the results and highlights of the project including audio-visual and text documentation of the event.


Interactive project website, knowledge-sharing platform, and access portal for data and document repositories. The portal, web content and repositories will be continuously maintained, enhanced and extended throughout the project.


Practice-based ontological design for multiplying realities

Autoren: Christian Nold
Veröffentlicht in: Strategic Design Research Journal, Ausgabe 11/2, 2018, Seite(n) 58-64, ISSN 1984-2988
Herausgeber: Unisinos
DOI: 10.4013/sdrj.2018.112.02

Understanding Interaction Design Challenges in Mobile Extreme Citizen Science

Autoren: Veljko Pejovic, Artemis Skarlatidou
Veröffentlicht in: International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2019, Seite(n) 1-20, ISSN 1044-7318
Herausgeber: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2019.1630934

Defining principles for mobile apps and platforms development in citizen science

Autoren: Ulrike Sturm, Sven Schade, Luigi Ceccaroni, Margaret Gold, Christopher Kyba, Bernat Claramunt, Muki Haklay, Dick Kasperowski, Alexandra Albert, Jaume Piera, Jonathan Brier, Christopher Kullenberg, Soledad Luna
Veröffentlicht in: Research Ideas and Outcomes, Ausgabe 3, 2017, Seite(n) e21283, ISSN 2367-7163
Herausgeber: RIO Journal
DOI: 10.3897/rio.3.e21283

The changing face of expertise and the need for knowledge transfer

Autoren: Aleks Berditchevskaia, Cindy Regalado and Stephan van Duin
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Science Communication, Ausgabe 2017, 2017, ISSN 1824-2049
Herausgeber: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)

Data Platforms and Cities

Autoren: Blok A, Courmant A, Hong R, Marquet C, Minor K, Nold C, Young M
Veröffentlicht in: Tecnoscienza, Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, Ausgabe 8(2), 2017, Seite(n) 175-219, ISSN 2038-3460
Herausgeber: Tecnoscienza

BioBlitz: Promoting cross border Research and collaborative Practices for Biodiversity Conservation

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOS Policy Briefs 1, Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Copyrights, Copywrongs, and the Creative Commons

Autoren: Hsing, Pen-Yuan
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.495474

‘Do It Yourself Biotechnology’ (DIYBio) for open, inclusive, responsible Biotechnology

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Briefs 2, Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

European Clean Air Day - citizen science for clean air

Autoren: DITOs consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Brief 8, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Citizen Science & Open Science: Synergies & Future Areas of Work

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Brief 3, Ausgabe 2, 2018
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Unleashing the Potential of Citizen Science as an Educational Tool towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality Education for an empowered society

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Brief 9, Ausgabe 2, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Citizen Science in UK Environmental Policy

Autoren: DITOs consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Brief 7, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs consortium

Citizen Science & Art/Science Synergies and Future Potential

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Brief 10, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Research insight on RRI indicators that reflect the practice of public engagement organisations

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOS Policy Brief 4, Ausgabe 1, 2018
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Making Citizen Science Work – Innovation Management for Citizen Science

Autoren: DITOS Consortium, WeObserve
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Briefs 5, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

A Tale of Two Science Buses: Diversity of Knowledge and Inclusion Practices

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOS Policy Briefs 11, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Towards a Shared National Strategy: Guidelines for the Development of Citizen Science in Italy ). Doing It Together Science (DITOs): London, UK.

Autoren: DITOs Consortium,
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs Policy Briefs 6, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

Verso una strategia nazionale condivisa: Linee guida per lo sviluppo della Citizen Science in Italia

Autoren: DITOs Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: DITOs policy briefs 6, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: DITOs Consortium

European Stakeholder Round Table on Citizen and DIY Science and Responsible Research and Innovation.

Autoren: Göbel, C., Agnello, G., Baïz, I., Berditchevskaia, A., Evers, L., García, D., Pritchard, H., Luna, S., Ramanauskaite, E.M., Serrano, F. and Boheemen, P.
Veröffentlicht in: 2017
Herausgeber: DITOs consortium

Verso una strategia condivisa per la citizen science in Italia

Autoren: Agnello, G.; Sforzi, A.; Berditchevskaia, A.
Veröffentlicht in: DITOS Consortium: London, UK., Ausgabe 7, 2019
Herausgeber: UCL

Citizen Science. Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy

Autoren: Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes Vogel, and Aletta Bonn
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2018
Herausgeber: UCL Press

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