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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers


Publish SOPs

Publish and disseminate SOPs by month 24

Videos & Infographics

Develop a series of videos: this will be led by Innovation for Agriculture and create 10 videos (one for each topic guide from task 3a) to support the communication of best practice by showing how sensor generated data can be used on farm. These videos will be hosted on the network website and have subtitles to translate them into the main partner languages. The 10 core videos will be supported with additional videos submitted by industry and farmers to show how they have used sensors on farm. These additional videos will be validated and catalogued before addition to the website. Mobile device webinar videos and videos of farm demonstration events (tasks 2h) will be used to support the core videos on each selected topic.

SOP integration in a decision support tool

Integration of SOPs in a strategic decision support tool with 30 farmers by month 22

Launch 4D4F Website & CoP

Launch the Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers 4D4F Website and Community of Practice delivered in month 4 which will provide the structure for online dissemination and exploitation of the project The CoP will include researchers farmers advisory services industry and other stakeholders and provide an online discussion information and feedback forum on how to use dairy cow sensors effectively

Link to EIP Operational Groups

Link to a minimum of 8 EIP Operational Groups to help facilitate further work on sensor technology and data driven decision making in the dairy sector by month 24

Standard Operating Procedures

A minimum of 10 fully developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), in draft form by month 15 and final versions for publication by month 18 will be provided. Each SOP will be a guide to best practice for its specific topic and 4 pages in length

Dairy Sensor Best Practice Guides

Develop best practice guides for the use of sensors technology in the dairy industry: this will be led by USAMV with input from other WP partners. This task will create 10 online guides to best practice in the use of sensor generated data in the dairy industry. The guide will be structured to be easily navigable and include links to external sources of detailed information on innovation and research. Whilst it is hoped farmers will directly access the guides, it will also be designed for use by advisory services and dairy industry who work with many farmers, thus helping to promote the lessons within it much more widely. The selection of topics for the guides will be debated within the CoP (WP2) so that the guides produced are those which will be of most benefit to industry. This will be accomplished by allowing CoP members to propose new topic areas and then to vote on the proposed topics

Agriculture Media Event - Mth 30

Hold an event for the farming media in month 30 to disseminate the network outcomes.

Agriculture Media Event - Mth 12

Hold an event for the farming media, delivered in month 12, to promote the Network website and Community of Practice widely across the EU, to extend its reach and to engage new users.

Online Virtual Warehouse of Technologies

Develop an Online Virtual Warehouse of Technologies for Dairy Sensors: this will be led by ILVO who delivered a similar system in the Cow Sensor ( project, including both technical and economic evaluations for the new technologies. This task will establish the online virtual warehouse of technologies, add initial content to the site to allow its functionality to be tested and then invite industry members and the CoP to suggest additional content. The additional content suggested by industry will be categorised and validated by the network partners to ensure that only valid and relevant technologies are hosted on the site.

Develop Special Interest Groups

A protocol and establishment of special interest groups delivered in month 9. Based on several models of knowledge exchange a procedure will be generated to compose special interest groups and deliver innovation brokerage by implementing knowledge exchange processes in several regions. The selection of special interest groups will be based on feedback from farmers on how they use dairy sensors and data analysis technology and the areas in which they think they could develop their use further.

Events & Workshops - Year 2

Progress report delivered in Month 24 on the running of 20 events and 20 workshops to support the adoption of dairy sensor technology, delivered by month 36. These events will engage 450 unique participants (farmers, industry, advisors and researchers) in working together to support the adoption of dairy sensor data.

1st Annual report for Researchers

Collate and Publish a Series of Annual Research Prioritisation Reports: this will be led by the project co-ordinator, Innovation for Agriculture, with input from the other WP partners. This will lead to the publication of 3 reports in months 12, 24 and 36 based on feedback from the Community of Practice members on topics related to the use of dairy sensors which need further research. In particular this task will try to identify interdisciplinary areas of research and potentially disruptive technologies which are often not supported by traditional funding streams.

Public Videos of 4D4F - Mth 36

5.5 will deliver a public video in month 36 to explain the project and the role of dairy sensors and data interpretation in improving cow/goat productivity and welfare

Industry Innovations Report

Synopsis report on dairy sensor innovations from industry, delivered in month 6, will review and collate information on sensors developed by the dairy technology industry. This report will then be debated with members of the CoP to provide the initial input into the Online Virtual Warehouse of Dairy Sensor Technologies developed in WP3 (which will then update this information as the network progresses).

Year 2 Network Meetings

Two network meetings will take place in months 15 and 21 agreed by the partners to set the tasks and actions to be taken in the following 6 month period. A network meeting report will be delivered in month 21 summarising the outcomes of the two meetings.

Public Videos of 4D4F - Mth 6

5.5 will deliver a public video in month 6 to explain the project and the role of dairy sensors and data interpretation in improving cow/goat productivity and welfare

Dairy Sensor Research Report

Synopsis report on dairy sensor research, delivered in month 6, will collate initial evidence from existing EU and national research on the use of sensors in the dairy industry complimented with a literature review from across the World. This report will then be debated with the industry and external members of the CoP to refine it as the project develops.

Dissemination Plan

A dissemination strategy defining business objectives communication objectives public objectives value proposition speech communication communication and message routes and a media planA plan of action including the communication actions to be carried out during the project basic description target audiences and partner in charge of its implementation a content plan detailing the contentsmaterials to be created for dissemination a timeline indicators estimated budget and dissemination protocols A particular focus of this early task will be to collate a detailed list of all the routes by which the project findings on future innovation and research needs can be distributed including EU national and local level dairy cowgoat research funding bodies industry funders of dairy research livestock media livestock policy makers conferences and events

Consumer Feedback Report

Consumer feedback synopsis report on the use of dairy cow sensors delivered month 6 to outline how the use of dairy cow sensors is viewed by consumers in Europe and to identify good practice in the use of dairy cow sensors to retain public support for the dairy industry

Sustainability Plan for 4D4F website & CoP

Sustainability plan, delivered in month 30, will set out how the Community of Practice will be maintained after the project finishes. This will include a funding and operational plan to sustain the Community of Practice as a community led tool available to researchers, farmers, advisory services and other stakeholders across Europe as a debating forum to promote the use of data driven decisions and sensor technology in the dairy industry

Year 3 Network Meetings

Two network meetings will take place in months 27 and 33 agreed by the partners to set the tasks and actions to be taken in the following months. A network report will be delivered in month 33 summarising the outcome of the two meetings.

3rd Annual Report for Researchers

5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 will deliver a series of Annual Research Prioritisation Reports for future investment in research into the use of dairy sensors in months 12, 24 and 36. These reports will be published openly, sent specifically to funding agencies and key research sector stakeholders (in the public and private sector) and the project team will present the report findings at meetings and conferences.

Events & Workshops - Year 1

Progress report in Month 12 regarding the running of 20 events and 20 workshops to support the adoption of dairy sensor technology, delivered by month 36. These events will engage 450 unique participants (farmers, industry, advisors and researchers) in working together to support the adoption of dairy sensor data.

Year 1 Network Meetings

Two network meetings will take place in months 3 and 9 agreed by the partners to set the tasks and actions to be taken in the following 6 month period. A network report will be delivered in month 9, summarising the outcome of the two meetings.

2nd Annual Report for Researchers

5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 will deliver a series of Annual Research Prioritisation Reports for future investment in research into the use of dairy sensors in months 12, 24 and 36. These reports will be published openly, sent specifically to funding agencies and key research sector stakeholders (in the public and private sector) and the project team will present the report findings at meetings and conferences.

Kick-off Meeting Report

Kick off meeting will take place in month 1 and agreed by the partners to set the tasks and actions to be taken in the following 6 month period A kick off meeting report will be delivered in month 3

End User Material

"The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format (""practice abstracts""), including the characteristics of the project (e.g. contact details of partners, etc). A full package of practice abstracts is needed for the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes a main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. The guidance to be followed for these practice abstracts and some explanatory text is available on the EIP-AGRI web site ( • Short summary for practitioners (1000-1500 characters, word count – no spaces). This summary should at least contain the following information: • Main results/outcomes of the activity (expected or final) • The main practical recommendation(s): what would be the main added value/benefit/opportunities to the end-user if the generated knowledge is implemented? How can the practitioner make use of the results? This summary should be presented as interesting as possible for farmers/end-users, using a direct and easy understandable language and pointing out entrepreneurial elements which are particularly relevant and attractive for practitioners (e.g. related to cost, productivity etc). Research oriented aspects which do not help the understanding of the practice itself should be avoided. "

Events & Workshops - Year 3

Progress report in Month 35 on running 20 events and 20 workshops to support the adoption of dairy sensor technology, delivered by month 36. These events will engage 450 unique participants (farmers, industry, advisors and researchers) in working together to support the adoption of dairy sensor data.

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