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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans'


Analysis of pros and cons of needs, opportunities, feasibility of actions promoted by MB
Report of missions in (non)MS Country
Report on 2nd set of interactions with international partners

Report on the interactions with international partners

New figures on progress and decision flow
Report of mission in (non)MS Country
Meeting reports of the CSA Oceans 2 Committee and Steering Board year

Report on the meetings of the CSA Oceans 2 committee and CSA Oceans 2 Steering Board

Review and update online communication tools
Report on operational models and procedures for evaluation of policy and structuring actions

Report on operational procedures for evaluation of policy and structuring actions

Report on the interactions with international partners

Report on the interactions with international partners outside EU

Report on recent European/regional marine and maritime RDI strategies and update on Member country developments
Proposal for a statement of the 'international role of JPI Oceans'
Conference report

Report of the 2nd JPI Oceans conference

Proposal for procedures involving joint calls with real mix of cash and in-kind contributions
Report on the new tools approaches for alignment of national programmes
Proposal for an information management system (to be approved by JPI Oceans Management Board)
Report of the workshops with RPO
Report on the engagement with private sector, technology platforms 1

Report on the engagement with private sector, technology platforms

Meeting reports of the CSA Oceans 2 Committee and Steering Board year 2
Overview of the strategies and roadmaps produced for JPI Oceans through thematic foresight exercises
Report on interactions with RFO and Ministries
Report on the next step in the implementation of agreed joint actions

Report on the next steps in the implementation of the agreed joint actions

Report on the preparation workshops of new joint actions
Updated leaflets and posters on JPI Oceans actions
New leaflets and posters on JPI Oceans and its actions
Writing and Style Guide for CSA Oceans 2 Deliverables flow

Writing and Style Guide for CSA Oceans 2 Deliverables

Meeting reports of the CSA Oceans 2 Committee and Steering Board year 3
Report on 2nd set of interaction with RFO and Ministries
Report on 2nd set of engagement with private sector, technology platforms

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