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Involved partners: FUB, UIPP, OSW, UNISG, FMSH, ESTEP
Set of working papers on the nexus between interdependencies across issue areas in Ukraine, Moldova and BelarusD3.2a Ukraine (UIPP, OSW) D3.2b Moldova (FMSH, IDIS, OSW) D3.2c Belarus (UIPP, OSW)
Working paper analysing the impact of the programme for bilateral and multilateral scientific and educational cooperation on the countries part of the EaPInvolved partners: SYMPA, LU
Reports on policy briefings in the EaP countriesInvolved partners: UIPP, IDIS, SYMPA
Working Paper mapping varieties of LAO with respect to governing elites, their involvement with business (rent seeking), state capacity, rule of law, fusion of political institutions and businessInvolved partners: FUB, UL, UoB, UNISG, UIPP, FMSH, IDIS, SYMPA
Working paper on the role of LAO regime actors in structuring the design and implementation of research programmes in the EaPInvolved Partners: SYMPA, UIPP, IDIS, UL
A report summarizing the findings of a set of experimental studies assessing the effectiveness of the EU's communicative discourses and EU or country level actions with a subsequent deliberative discussionInvolved partners: UL, UIPP, SYMPA, IDIS
Working paper analyzing the susceptibility of domestic actors towards external actors’ strategies and approachesInvolved partners: VU, OSW, UNISG, IDIS
Paper on AA as a dynamic framework: Institutional set upInvolved partners: UoB, FMSH
Report on EU-STRAT kick-of conferenceInvolved partner: FUB
Report on EU-STRAT midterm conferenceInvolved Partners: VU
Development and approval of EU-STRAT's Ethics StandardsInvolved partners: UoB, SG, UL with input from all partners
Working paper identifying the normative principles and values of the EU aims to project and the EU's communication strategies based on existing documents and secondary sourcesInvolved partners: UL, UIPP, SYMPA, IDIS
EU-STRAT Working Paper SeriesInvolved partner: FUB [first Working Paper to be published in month 7]
Policy brief ‘Interdependencies in the EaP region; Implications for the EU’Involved partners: UoB, FUB, UIPP
‘Beyond the AAs’: Alternative and complementary strategiesD6.3a: Brain-storming event on ‘EU’s engagement with Belarus: Maximizing Impact and Preparing for Contingencies’, drawing on the results of WP7 (SYMPA, UL, VU) D6.3b: A report on complementary modes of engagement (civil society initiatives, Energy Union) (UL, IDIS, ESTEP, VU).
Working paper reviewing the institutional framework and the implementation of the programme for bilateral and multilateral scientific and educational cooperation between the EU and countries from the EaP, and between EaP countries themselvesInvolved partners: SYMPA, UL
Report from the workshop integrating the North et al typology with the concepts and findings of the state capture literature, to identify core concepts and playersInvolved partners: FUB, UL, UNISG, FMSH, UIPP, IDIS SYMPA, ESTEP
Working paper ‘Learning from Enlargement: comparing capacity building and monitoring under enlargement with the AA implementation framework’Involved partners: UL, FUB, ESTEP
EU-STRAT Policy Paper SeriesInvolved partner: OSW
A social network analysis of political and economic elites in one Eastern Partnership country, providing practical empirical insights into the relations and embeddedness of economic and political elitesInvolved partners: UL
Working paper analysing the ties, linkages and actors that potentially strengthen Russia’s influence on domestic discourses in the EaP countriesInvolved partners: UL, UIPP, SYMPA, IDIS
Report on Workshop 'Raising awareness of diverging lines in epistemic communities'Involved partners: UNISG
Policy brief evaluating the policy options for the further development of these programmes given the results of the impact assessmentInvolved partners: UL, SYMPA
Working paper introducing the analytical framework for comparing approaches and strategies of the selected external actorsInvolved partners: UNISG, VU, OSW, UoB, FMSH
Working paper analyzing the implications of the overlaps of different regimes and frameworks on the extent and nature of bilateral interdependenciesInvolved partners: UNISG, FMSH, IDIS, OSW, UoB, ESTEP
Working paper analyzing the way bilateral, regional and global regimes shape the nature of the identified interdependenciesInvolved Partners: UoB, OSW, FMSH, ESTEP, IDIS
Reports on EU-STRAT eventsInvolved partners: FUB with input from all partners
Two policy briefs: presenting WP6’s findings in a horizontal way to inform policy makingInvolved partners: UoB, ESTEP, FMSH, VU
Working paper analysing the elements of the Russian discourse and database of documentsInvolved partners: UL, UIPP, SYMPA, IDIS
Working paper developing scenarios of transition to OAOs through different pathways, such as economic, social and external shocks, building on the findings of other Work Packages, especially WP3, 4 and 6Involved partners: FUB, UL, ESTEP, VU, IDIS
Set of papers on ‘Making Association Agreements Work’: horizontal and sectoral assessment of implementation in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineD6.4a: Extent of regulatory approximation (sectoral analysis) (ESTEP, IDIS, FMSH, UIPP) D6.4b: State capacity, state capture and their the effects on the implementation of the AAs, drawing on the findings of WP2 (horizontal and sectoral analysis) (LU, UoB, ESTEP, FMSH) D6.4c: Economic sustainability and negative externalities: implications for non-state actors (sectoral analysis) (FUB, UIPP, IDIS) D6.4d: Assessment of the impact of political and economic interdependencies on the implementation of the AAs, by drawing on the findings of WP3 (horizontal and sectoral analysis) (UoB, FMSH, IDIS)
Report from a workshop discussing the analytical framework for comparing approaches and strategies of selected external actorsInvolved partners: VU, SU, OSW, FMSH, UoB, IDIS
EU-STRAT final publicationInvolved partners: FUB, UL with input from all partners
Working paper building on experimental results, establishing the success or failure in the reception of EU messages, discourses and the understanding of EU actions and messages to media and the publicInvolved partners: UL, SYMPA
Policy brief on how the EU should engage with external actors that countervail or complement the Eastern Partnership initiative in order to ensure, where possible, greater coherence and political weight for the policyInvolved partners: OSW, VU, UNISG
Newsletter SeriesInvolved partners: OSW, FUB with input from all partners
Set of working papers comparing the approaches and strategies of the EU to other external actors’ engagement in the EaP countries to be turned into a joint publication (special issue or edited volume)Involved partners: VU, OSW, UNISG, FMSH, IDIS, UoB
Report on EU-STRAT final conferenceInvolved partners: UL
Background paper taking stock of available data to prepare a database on the extent/scope/structural importance of interdependenciesInvolved partners: UIPP, UNISG
Policy brief summarizing the relevant implications of WP2’s findings for the EU’s engagement with LAO (“Do’s and Don’ts”)Involved partners: FUB, UL, FMSH, ESTEP
Research databaseInvolved partner: VU
Working paper exploring statehood in comparative perspective focusing on Ukraine and Belarus and developing theoretical propositions about the role of statehood and limited access institutions in the interaction with the EUInvolved partners: UL, FUB, ESTEP, UoB, SYMPA, UIPP
Working paper on ‘Assessing Legal and Political Compatibility between the EU engagement strategies and membership of the Eurasian Economic Union'Involved partners: UoB, VU, FMSH
Involved partners: UL, SYMPA
EU-STRAT Massive Open Online CourseInvolved partners: FUB, UL with input from all partners
Involved partners: UL (with input from all partners)
Honorata Mazepus, Antoaneta Dimitrova, Matthew Frear, Tatsiana Chulitskaya, Oleksandra Keudel, Nina Onopriychuk, Natallia Rabava
Veröffentlicht in:
East European Politics, Ausgabe 37/1, 2021, Seite(n) 43-64, ISSN 2159-9165
Taylor and Francis Inc.
Elyssa Shea, Marta Jaroszewicz
Veröffentlicht in:
East European Politics, Ausgabe 37/1, 2021, Seite(n) 159-181, ISSN 2159-9165
Taylor and Francis Inc.
Esther Ademmer, Julia Langbein, Tanja A. Börzel
Veröffentlicht in:
Governance, 2019, Seite(n) 1-18, ISSN 0952-1895
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Laure Delcour
Veröffentlicht in:
The International Spectator, Ausgabe 53/3, 2018, Seite(n) 55-69, ISSN 0393-2729
Laure Delcour, Katharina Hoffmann
Veröffentlicht in:
L'Europe en Formation, Ausgabe 385 (Summer 2018), 2018, Seite(n) 8-25, ISSN 0154-9928
Centre international de formation européenne
Honorata MAZEPUS, Dimiter TOSHKOV, Tatsiana CHULITSKAYA, Ina
Veröffentlicht in:
ECSA Moldova
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