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PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

D8.3: CIVITAS PORTIS local websites

The CIVITAS website - - will be used to be CIVITAS PORTIS’s window to the world. CIVITAS PORTIS will contribute to the CIVITAS website by providing input for measure descriptions, project related news and events, and further input on request by the CIVITAS CSA. Furthermore, up to five local CIVITAS PORTIS websites will be established, where key information on the project will be available in the respective national language

D8.4: CIVITAS PORTIS e-update

CIVITAS PORTIS bi-annual e-update (M6, M12, M18, M24, M30, M36, M42, M48)

D5.2 CIVITAS PORTIS electronic Innovation brochures series

Following delivery dates: 12, 24, 36, 48

D4.TRS1-2 Status Report on Seamless and more Efficient Freight Transport in Trieste

Status report on freight transport improvements in the City of Trieste, through enhanced coordination of freight movements and access regulation to the Port area. Measures of reference: 4TRS1 and 4TRS2

D9.2 Policy Notes

The group will be regularly informed about any upcoming EC policy or programme related to urban mobility and will draft policy papers in response (if considered of added value). 4 Policy Notes are planned to be delivered.

D3.ABZ1-2 Status Report on Efficient and Cleaner Mobility in Aberdeen

Status report on dynamic traffic management improvements in the City of Aberdeen and enhanced Strategic Transport Model. Measures of reference: 3ABZ1 and 3ABZ2

D7.5: CIVITAS PORTIS transferability and take-up experiences and guidance

CIVITAS PORTIS will also supply direct support to interested cities involving them in the project. Interested cities will be able to apply for a supported cooperation with CIVITAS PORTIS and will be selected. Together with the experts of the CIVITAS PORTIS cities, realistic and well-motivated operational take-up plans will be developed. These experiences will be reported in D7.5.

D3.KLA1-2 Status Report on Efficient and Cleaner Mobility in Klaipeda

Status report on traffic improvements trough prioritization of public transport and enhanced info signage. Measures of reference 3KLA1 and 3KLA2.

D1.TRS1-2-3 SUMP in Trieste - Executive Summary

Integrated SUMP (City and Port) in Trieste. The deliverable will describe activities carried out in measures 1TRS1, 1TRS2 and 1TRS3 and will provide for the executive summary of the newly edited SUMP in Trieste.

D6.3: Consolidated findings / key lessons

This Deliverable will formulate a set of common conclusions arising from cross-city assessment of the CIVITAS PORTIS activities.

D2.ABZ1-4 Status Report on New Mobility Lifestyles in Aberdeen

Status report on the development of enhanced travel plans for companies and offer of smart infomobility for citizens. Measures of reference: 2ABZ1, 2ABZ2, 2ABZ3 and 2ABZ4.

D7.6: Synthesis of the conclusions on the relevance of exchange the experiences between the EU-cities and Ningbo

The activities of task 7.4 (Extending PORTIS innovation to a world market) will be reported in a Synthesis Document with the conclusions on the relevance of exchange the experiences between the EU and Chinese cities

D4.ANT1 Status Report on Seamless and more Efficient Freight Transport in Antwerp

Status report on the creation of a new and innovative distribution platform in the north part of the City of Antwerp. Measure of reference: 4ANT1.

D5.3 Review of intelligence from the CIVITAS PORTIS mobility solutions

yearly updates

D1.ANT1-2 SUMP in Antwerp - Executive summary

Status report on the new or adapted SUMP in the City of Antwerp, including cooperation agreements with partners involved. The deliverable will present the activities carried out in measures 1ANT1 and 1ANT2 and will provide for the executive summary of the newly edited SUMP.

D2.TRS1-3 Status Report on New Mobility Lifestyles in Trieste

Status report on urban transport improvements through implementation of soft mobility measures in CIVITAS PORTIS including Guidebook and APP for cruise passengers. Measures of reference: 2TRS1, 2TRS2 and 2TRS3

D5.4 Review of CIVITAS PORTIS peer to peer activities

This ‘hands on’ capacity building will combine with the thematic working groups and innovation capacity training to create a very strong cross-site innovation dimension to CIVITAS PORTIS; the benefits from which will be fully disseminated to the wider mobility community across Europe.

D2.KLA1 Status Report on New Mobility Lifestyles in Klaipeda

Status report on the implementation of the new bike-sharing system in the City of Klaipeda. Measure 2KLA1

D1.CTA1-2 SUMP in Constanta - Executive Summary

Updated SUMP transport model in the City of Constanta. The deliverable will describe activities carried out in measures 1CTA1 and 1CTA2 and will provide for the executive summary of the newly edited SUMP.

D7.7: Synthesis of the conclusions on the relevance of exchange the experiences between the EU-cities and non-EU cities

The exchange activities within Task 7.4 (a digital workshop and the selection and processing of relevant mobility solutions of the non-EU city) will be synthesise in deliverable D7.7

D2.ANT1-4 Status Report on New Mobility Lifestyles in Antwerp

Status report on transport improvement in the city of Antwerp resulting from CIVITAS PORTIS measures fostering modal shift towards walking and cycling, and collective transport

D1.ABZ1 SUMP in Aberdeen - Executive Summary

Updated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in the City of Aberdeen, incorporating Harbour Board improvements. The deliverable will describe activities carried out in measure 1ABZ1 and will provide for the executive summary of the newly edited SUMP in Aberdeen.

D7.3: Transferability potentials of the CIVITAS PORTIS measures

An extensive report on the transferability potentials and relevant elements for other cities to decide on this will be made available on the CIVITAS PORTIS website and through the CIVITAS website.

D3.TRS1-3 Status Report on Efficient and Cleaner Mobility in Trieste

Status report on dynamic parking management and access controls improvements in the City of Trieste and e-mobility in the city. Measures of reference 3TRS1, 3TRS2 and 3TRS3.

D4.CTA1 Status Report on Seamless and more Efficient Freight Transport in Constanta

Status report on freight transport improvements in the City of Constanta, through the design of an innovative plan for cargo distribution. Measure of reference: 4CTA1

D1.KLA1-2 SUMP in Klapeda - Executive Summary

Status report on the SUMP development in the City of Klaipeda, including cooperation with port stakeholders. The deliverable will describe activitis carried out in measures 1KLA1 and 1KLA2 and will provide for the executie summary of the newly edited SUMP in Klaipeda.

D7.1 Innovation analysis of EU cities with port and strong traffic generators

The task 7.1 (Understanding the market and the context for CIVITAS PORTIS wider innovation and take-up) will result in a report in which the target EU cities are presented in relation with the CIVITAS PORTIS cities, as a basis for the future take-up work

D3.ANT1-3 Status Report on Efficient and Cleaner Mobility in Antwerp

Status report on the implementation of dynamic traffic management measures, including the dynamic parking guidance and e-mobility in Antwerp. Measures of reference: 3ANT1, 3ANT2 and 3ANT3

D2.CTA1-3 Status Report on New Mobility Lifestyles in Constanta

Status report on transport improvement in the city of Constanta resulting from CIVITAS PORTIS measures fostering modal shift towards walking and cycling, and collective transport. Measures of reference: 2CTA1, 2CTA2 and 2CTA3

D3.CTA1-4 Status Report on Efficient and Cleaner Mobility in Constanta

Report on the proposed actions for the development of seamless mobility through TEN network nodes to and from the Constanta port and road network, including the role of e-mobility. Measures of reference 3CTA1, 3CTA2, 3CTA3 and 3CTA4

D5.1 CIVITAS PORTIS guidance and training manual

The CIVITAS PORTIS Innovation Process: guidance and training manual for urban mobility stakeholders

D7.4: Take-up scenario of CIVITAS PORTIS measures

In the last year of the project take-up scenarios will also be built showing the impact of a successful take-up of the CIVITAS PORTIS measures in the EU Port cities and cities with comparable traffic generators

D4.ABZ1-3 Status Report on Seamless and more Efficient Freight Transport in Aberdeen

Status report on freight transport optimization, through improved gateway interconnectivity, traffic management measures and rationalization of distribution hubs. Measures of reference: 4ABZ1, 4ABZ2 and 4ABZ3

D8.5: CIVITAS PORTIS final conference

A final conference will be organised to highlight the achieved experiences, main results, recommendations and impacts.

D8.2 CIVITAS PORTIS promotional products

continuously delivered


The Antwerp Marketplace for Mobility: partnering with private mobility service providers as a strategy to keep the region accessible

Autores: a Katia Kishchenko, local dissemination manager Civitas Portis and Smart Ways to Antwerp, City of Antwerp, Francis Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium b Marijke De Roeck, programme manager Smart Ways to Antwerp, City of Antwerp, Francis Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium c Marjolein Salens, site coordinator Civitas Portis, City of Antwerp, Francis Wellesplein 1, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium d Chris Va
Publicado en: Transportation Research Procedia, Edición Volume 39, 12 July 2019, 2019, Página(s) Pages 191-200, ISSN 2352-1465
Editor: Elsevier B.V.

Developments in the Built Environment Built Heritage Modelling and Visualisation: the potential to engage with issues of heritage value and wider participation

Autores: Professor Richard Laing
Publicado en: Science Direct, 2020, ISSN 2666-1659
Editor: Science Direct

Urban Mobility Practices and Uneven Dispositions for Cycling as Normalised Everyday Transport

Autores: Richard Laing, Anne Jensen
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: 2019 Cycling & Society Annual Symposium

The Application at Major Road Infrastructure to Support and Drive Sustainable Urban Mobility

Autores: C. Hood, R. Laing, D. Gray, L. Napier, A.Simpson, E.Tait
Publicado en: 2018, ISBN 978-1-55058-620-6
Editor: University of Victoria

Sustainable Road Freight in Port Cities- Aberdeen and CIVITAS PORTIS

Autores: Caroline Hood, Professor Richard Laing, Professor David Gray, Neale Burrows, Rab Dickson, Amye Robinson
Publicado en: 2019
Editor: STAR Conference

Managing Demand in the North East

Autores: Caroline Hood, Richard Laing
Publicado en: 2020
Editor: Robert Gordon University & NESTRANS

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