Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Endoo (Endoscopic versatile robotic guidance, diagnosis and therapy of magnetic-driven soft-tethered endoluminal robots)
Période du rapport: 2017-06-01 au 2019-05-31
Colorectal cancer is one of the major causes of mortality (fourth of the cancers for incidence), but survival rate dramatically increases in case of early diagnosis.
Current screening colonoscopy is limited due to a variety of factors including invasiveness, patient discomfort, fear of pain, and the need for sedation; these factors consistently limit the pervasiveness of mass screening campaigns.
All the Consortium obtained valuable results within the Endoo Project during the project lifetime. The collaboration has been fruitful and the active work packages produced very good results. During the project lifetime some external industrial entities have been contacted and involved to provide, in collaboration with the Endoo partners, specific technical contributions. Medical, technical and market/industrial (also regarding Intellectual Properties Rights) background have been analysed in depth, and an advanced final version (hardware and software) of the Endoo platform was developed and presented during the final review meeting. Tests performed during several meetings generated fruitful discussion within the Consortium, which served to highlight/re-tune continuously several aspects of the platform for improvement until the final version released and presented during the final review meeting.
Further details are reported in the Endoo website:
The expected impact of Endoo project can be summarised as follows:
• to open a new market of robotics technologies for colonoscopic applications at European SMEs, actually represented, with standard flexible colonoscopes by STORZ, Olympus etc., and with capsule endoscopes by Given Imaging Ltd. (Covidien - Medtronic);
• to establish a scientific and market-oriented collaboration between research institutions and industrial SMEs: this will create real benefits for both, with the possibility to exchange personnel in both directions, but also in order to maximise the outcome of allocated resources;
• to reduce / overcome the distrust of robotic technologies of both the medical community and patients;
• to improve the TRL of robotic soft-tethered capsule colonoscopes towards certification of new robotic system and clinical use for mass screening campaign;
• to explore and develop other applications of the Endoo platform towards increasing market potential and improving patient treatment beyond colonoscopic procedures (such as systems for pipe inspection).