Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ENLIGHT-TEN (European Network linking informatics and genomics of helper T cells)
Période du rapport: 2017-10-01 au 2019-09-30
One of the challenges created by the rapid implementation of next-generation sequencing technologies is the gulf between laboratories having expertise in T cell biology and those being equipped to handle big data. Thus, ENLIGHT-TEN trained a cohort of early-stage researchers (ESRs) to be comfortable in both areas: to have an in-depth understanding of T cell biology alongside the capacity to generate and process large data sets. ENLIGHT-TEN has developed a cross-disciplinary, high-quality educational programme to provide all its ESRs with specialist high-level research training, a broad scientific skill set and experience in both academic and industrial working environments.
A highlight of the project was the International Symposium “ENLIGHT-TENed by big data: advancing T cell immunology”, which took place on 2nd September 2018 as a satellite meeting of ECI2018, the biggest immunology conference in Europe. As part of the training programme, the ESRs were responsible for the organisation of this event. They successfully attracted high-profile speakers and more than 200 registrants. The International Symposium was flanked by an art exhibition “Art Enlightening Immunology” to communicate complex scientific results of ENLIGHT-TEN to the general public. The exhibition was hosted in the heart of Amsterdam by the Waag Society. Three renowned artists, Marta de Menezes, Herwig Turk and Andrew Carnie, transformed immunological concepts into art works and stimulated lively discussions, attracting over 450 visitors. A report on the symposium and the art exhibition appeared in the “European Journal of Immunology” (