Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ER4STEM (Educational Robotics for STEM)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-01-01 al 2018-09-30
The concept is founded on three important pillars of constructionism: 1. engaging with powerful ideas, 2. Building on personal interests, and 3. learning through making (or presenting ideas with tangible artefacts). The ER4STEM framework coherently offers students aged 7 to 18 as well as their educators’ different perspectives and approaches to find their interests and strengths in robotics to pursue STEM careers through robotics and semi-autonomous smart devices. At the same time students learn about technology (e.g. circuits), about a domain (e.g. math) and acquire skills (e.g. collaborating, coding).
The research examined the outcomes of the robotics experiences for students, as well as looking at the activities in action, which informed the development of the ER4STEM Framework. The ER4STEM Framework sets out connections between 21st century skills, robotics, STEM and pedagogy, with practical guidelines (and tools) on how to design educational robotics activities both in and outside school for use by others (e.g. teachers). Through design-based research, workshops and conferences were iteratively developed, informed by an in-depth understanding of what works and what is needed for successful educational robotics experiences.
The project generated pedagogical tools informed by theory, practice & research for the teaching of STEM subjects through robotics activities. A generic curriculum was developed, linking subject domains, technologies, use cases and powerful ideas. And last but not least, we created an educational robotics repository where all of this and more could be found, used and improved on by teachers, academics, researchers and practitioners in the field of educational robotics.
Several scientific publications were written for disseminating ER4STEM in the academic world, as well as conference presentations and keynote presentations. The project results have also been presented at numerous events to non-academic audiences (such as teacher events)l and was further disseminated through a number of social media networks. A sustainable partnership with SCIENTIX was established throughout the project including international events and with national SCIENTIX ambassadors.
The ER4STEM evaluation is the first large scale collection and analysis of qualitative data on educational robotics activities in action. Prior to this, the majority of research has focused on quantitative measures of attitudes and learning outcomes, without examining the processes which learners engage in with the robots and with each other. By observing workshops and conferences in action, it has been possible to draw out design principles for successful workshop design and uncover the most effective aspects of workshops in developing young people’s interest in STEM and essential 21st Century Skills such as teamwork and creativity. This has been disseminated through scientific and non-scientific events and publications are in progress.
Bringing these activity plans together is the ER4STEM curriculum, which provides multiple routes through which to engage in educational robotics activities in STEM. It provides both structure and flexibility. It spans multiple ages, multiple technologies and we believe it to be the first of its kind. Providing multiple ways for young people to engage with robotics was a key aim of the ER4STEM project. The ER4STEM curriculum and repository illustrate various ways to inspire young people in STEM through robotics, importantly providing multiple examples of the use of creative arts. Finally, ER4STEM was one of six finalists for the European Digital Skills in Education Award (2018) from 102 applications. This clearly shows the importance of the achievements of this project.
Two new robotics tools were created during the project for use by young people. The first tool, Hedgehog, an educational robotics controller, facilitates the control of robots for students of different age levels through both textual and visual programming support. For advanced students, Hedgehog’s open source ecosystem allows delving into subjects such as microcontroller programming or cooperative robots as well. Hedgehog has been used in numerous workshops and also in robotics competitions with great success. The second tool, SLurtle world, a 3D virtual world environment which is run on a school’s network (ensuring security). In the virtual world, students are represented as avatars, through which they can act and interact with each other, programme SLurtles to construct objects and programme those objects to be interactive.
The project repository, will stay active and open for educators, teachers, parents and robotics enthusiasts to access all the great results of the projects. This legacy of the project will be a more nuanced and research informed approach to the design of educational robotics activities. Teachers will be able to use the project outcomes to design their own activities and continue to inspire young people within STEM through robotics.