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Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Integrated sustainability assessment framework

This deliverable is the output of Task 5.1, which will develop an integrated sustainability model framework that considers environmental, economical, social, policy and ethical aspects of the proposed CHPM technology. As a first step we shall have a review of present technologies, their performance and output, position on the energy market (conventional geothermal, non-conventional geothermal plants, drilling and mining technologies). Then, in the next stage a new sustainability framework shall be developed to assess the performance of the new technology in terms of environment, socio-economics, policy and ethical aspects. The framework will incorporate outputs of Tasks 5.2-5.6, with the ability to highlight the complex interconnections of the issues at stake.

Conceptual framework for orebody-EGS

This deliverable will synthesise the outcomes of Task 1.1-1.3 in order to develop the initial methodological framework for building an EGS centred on ultra-deep orebodies. This methodological framework will be used as a guide for the implementation of WP2 that will carry out a series of laboratory experiments and simulations validating the methodological framework. The framework will define both the overall concept for converting different types of orebodies into an EGS reservoir and the series of experiments and measurements that will need to be conducted in order to validate the concepts to TRL4 in a laboratory environment.

Report on performance, energy balances and design criteria for salt gradient power reverse electrodialysis

This deliverable is the output of Task 3.3 where the key points of investigation are: Knowledge about the potential of electricity generation with geothermal fluids (in a SGP-RE semi-pilot unit): • Performance of the technology with mixed metal model matrices • Performance of the technology with raw geothermal fluids (technological fluids circulating in a closed system) • Performance of the technology with pre-treated geothermal fluids (by the technologies described in Tasks 3.1 and 3.2) • Effect of influent temperature Generation of design criteria to improve process performance and control: • Framework of conditions of applicability of the technology to the removal and recovery of the metal content of geothermal fluids (based on results with model matrices, raw fluids, pre-treated fluids) • Establishment/improvement of reactor design criteria for further scalability • Process simulations based on experimental data (multiphysics calculations based on electrochemical engineering concepts) to optimize process parameters • Mass and energy balances (model compositions and actual raw fluids

EGS-relevant review of metallogenesis

This deliverable is related to Task 1.1, which will result in a synthesis of our understanding of the types of metallic mineral occurrences that exists at depths below existing levels of conventional mining. We are aiming to investigate mineral potential in depth and temperature zones that are currently the target of EGS (depth of 4 km or more and ambient rock temperature in excess of 180 °C). The geometry, extent, structure and textural characteristics of mineralisation are primarily influenced by the host rocks, magmatic/hydrothermal processes and fluid-rock interaction. Understanding the origin, genesis and scale of fracture systems (mineralisation frequently develops in fractures) is also vital. All EGS projects as well as hydrothermal systems all over the world show that natural fractures play an important role in controlling deep fluid circulation and heat extraction from deep ground layers. Understanding the genesis of natural fracture pattern hence is also vital for the effective development of geothermal projects in general and EGS in particular. The focus of the review will concern deposit genesis, composition, (sub)types, etc. International analogues will also be reviewed (e.g. South African gold deposits, Canadian Cu-Ni volcanogenic massive sulphides, Australian porphyry copper-gold deposits). Previous work using deep penetration high resolution geophysical methods on ultra-deep ore deposits will be re-evaluated to determine key geophysical exploration criteria for deep seated ore mineralization.

Report on metal content mobilisation with nanoparticles

This deliverable is related to Task 2.3, in which the concept of target-specific metal mobilisation will be demonstrated using functionalized carbon nano-particles. For this a set of commercially available non-toxic activated carbon particle formulations (as per their MSDS datasheets) will be obtained and engineered to operate under the expected conditions in high-temperature, high-pressure metal bearing formations. The metals to be studied will be based on those contained in sediment-hosted base metal deposits, porhyry sulphide deposits and volcanic hosted massive sulphide deposits with specific interest for precious and strategic metals such as Cu, Ag, Zn, Fe, Au, Pt, In, Mo, and Ni, in the presence of variable concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Mg, NaCl and silica. Laboratory investigations with simulated and actual core and rock samples will be employed to assess the mobilization of the carbon nano-particles.

Report on policy implications

Since CHPM aims to deploy a cross cutting technology option, covering both geothermal energy generation and metal extraction, there are policy and legislative considerations which will need to be investigated for a timely identification of barriers – but also opportunities. Task 5.4.2 will review key EU regulations and policies and may suggest/recommend new policy measures and the deliverable will be the output of this review.

Report on Emerging and Converging Technologies

this deliverable is linked to Task 6.1. Work in this Task will utilise the EU2050 Energy Roadmap, the Geothermal Technology Roadmap of ETP RHC and the Global Europe 2025/2050 scenarios as baseline, also utilising outcomes of previous foresight studies relevant for geothermal energy and minerals. The vision and audacious goals will be analysed as to the key domains where change is required to achieve this vision. A particular focus will be put on research and innovation requirements in different realms (e.g. drilling, extraction, energy conversion, industrial symbiosis, additional energy scavenging methods, etc) but also other aspects such as requirements in product design, societal attitudes and mindsets, standardisation, regulation and international agreements may well come up. The outcome of the visioning process will be the definition of a wide array of convergent technologies that can support the implementation of more advanced and technologically challenging CHPM schemes by 2030/2050. Task 6.1 will be implemented with the help of a Visioning Workshop (20 participants) and a web-based Delphi survey that will connect Task 6.1 with Task 6.3.

Project report 2

This deliverable is linked to Task 8.3. The main objective of the task is to prepare and finalise project management and financial reports based on the contributions of each of the partners in the consortium, and also reflecting a continuous discussion with the financial project officer. In detail the task includes: •Preparation of internal project report templates, advise partners on reporting requirements, monitoring of deadlines; •Supporting project partners while preparing financial and management reports and audit certificates, collecting and verifying partners’ documents; •Verifying partners’ financial reports, controlling and, where necessary, correcting the yearly reports, and finishing the financial and management reports to the European Commission. Project report 2 will comprise the developments in the first 29 months of the project.

Report on CHPM Process optimisation

The deliverable is related to Task 4.2. where investigations for process optimisation and simulations will be implemented. This report will summarise the outcome of the work containing a matrix of initial concepts, expected conditions and user needs to be used for detailed design under Task 4.3.

Report on data availability

Under Task 1.2. a report wil be produced on the availability of data related to ultra-deep metallic mineral deposits. The report will be compiled from five reports produced under sub-Tasks 1.2.1-1.2.5, (South West England, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Romania, Sweden, Europe integrated).

Project image and stylebook

The project image will include a logo, project-specific design elements and various templates that will be used for creating a uniform appearance in the project. the stylebook will contain all design elements which can be used during the project-related communication.

Report on Pilots – compiled from 5 reports

This deliverable is connected to Task 6.2. The aim of this Task is to support the development of technology and economic feasibility plans for pilot implementation of such system, to be used for starting up discussions on the financing of such investments. This work will be carried out with the help of the geological surveys, taking into account the outcomes of the technology development WPs and also the economic tools developed in WP5.

Roadmap for 2030 and 2050

this deliverable is the output of Task 6.3, in which two roadmaps will be created, a practical and goal-oriented one (2030), and a technology vision oriented one (2050). The roadmapping process will be similar, where the main difference is that the 2030 roadmap is aimed at providing a timeline and direct support to the implementation of the first CHPM pilots (building on the outcomes of Task 6.2), whilst the 2050 roadmap is aiming at supporting breakthrough research for the further development of the CHPM technology line (building on the outcomes of Task 6.1). Both roadmaps will contain major “signposts” that should be observed and considered in regular time intervals for safeguarding the implementation of the roadmap (2030) and for providing revisions and updates in response to unforeseen, emerging phenomena (2050). Task 6.3 will be implemented with the help of a Roadmapping workshop (20 participants), that will also utilise results of the Delphi survey launched under Task 6.1. Since the development of a common vision is foreseen for both timelines, the roadmapping process will include a Back-casting exercise (i.e. building up a “desired” future technology scenario, in which the proposed alliance between geothermal and mining technologies contribute to Europe’s self sufficiency in both energy and minerals) identifying the concrete needs in the present to arrive to this desired future will be examined.

Brochure Update 2

Project brochures (hardcopy) will be printed in the 6th month of the project and updated 2 times (in M18 and M32). The first version will be designed to provide a general overview of the project objectives; the second version will be designed to introduce interim project results. The Brocure Update 2, the third version will introduce results of the implementation/demonstration activities.

Report on overall systems dynamics

This deliverable is related to Task 2.4, in which data will be collected throughout the WP for the subsequent assessment of the environmental impacts of the system in WP5. In this subtask we will also define the parameters that will need to be measured and collected in order to execute WP5. An additional objective is also to look for and record any emerging phenomena that can have relevance from an environmental footprint point of view, or that could affect systems optimisation and performance (WP4). Of particular interest is the fate of leaching fluids, by-products of chemical reactions, level of self-containment, etc.

Economic feasibility assessment methodology

this deliverable is linked to Task 5.2, in which an integrated analysis of statistics, related economic studies and publications will be carried out to enable a synthesis of the energy markets trends and prices, and evaluate the potential of CHPM technology compared to conventional, non-renewable energy sources, other renewable energy options, conventional hydrothermal plants and already operating EGS plants. The constraints of the present solutions shall be defined in order to understand the challenges that the CHPM research and innovation efforts shall tackle and also the market opportunities for the new technologies shall be identified. The European supply of raw materials will be integrated in the assessment in order to allow the determination of present gross value of potentially extracted materials and the possible future effect of CHPM operation on supply and demand, and the price of critical materials. This analysis will have to include the present supply of materials and prices, the cost of mining operations, and on the other hand, potentially extracted quantities of minerals, the cost of new technologies compared to traditional mining technologies and the estimated evolution of the demand for critical raw materials.

Report on Metal content mobilisation using mild leaching

This deliverable is related to Task 2.1 in which various metal mobilisation methods will be investigated. The use of mild leaching fluids (such as a combination of O2 and CO2) for the mobilisation of metals in sulphide deposits will be investigated, not just because this solution is expected to offer an efficient and yet environmentally acceptable method for metals mobilisation, but also because its deep synergy with the primary aim of this proposal (energy generation). The oxidation of sulphides is an intensely exothermic reaction, and heating is likely to increase mineral dissolution rates. At the investigated high temperature and pressure conditions, we expect that the oxidation of sulphides will substantially raise the temperatures of the host rock and the fluids. In terms of initial estimates the following experiences are relevant: i) coal mining/processing industry, where oxidation of pyrite can cause enough heating to initiate spontaneous combustion of the coal, and ii) sulphide mineral mining industry where oxidation of waste tips (or underground) can give rise to high temperatures and environmental (or safety) issues.

Data Management Plan

Innovation management will develop overall strategy for innovation in CHPM2030 to maximise service-based innovation for the project, allowing Consortium partners to cooperate with a common understanding of goals and processes during product development and the definition of subsequent use-case scenarios. Innovation goals/targets/benefits will be specified drawing inspiration from energy market and policy requirements also capitalising on the organizational pillars of innovation, especially with regards current practices, business culture and technology environment for the uptake of energy efficient solutions in mining. We will also undertake a ‘market acceptance’ analysis along the value chain, enabling potential users to respond to the opportunities offered by CHPM2030 for the creation of new ideas, processes or products. Outcomes of the project are designed from the very beginning to be suitable for long-term deployment, supporting a long-term vision. The overall concepts and all key technology deliverables will become public domain (PU), however there are some background IPR related to individual technology components that will remain protected. This will require a very careful management of Intellectual Property Rights.

Report on performance, mass and energy balances and design criteria for gas-diffusion electroprecipitation and electrocrystalization

This deliverable is linked to Task 3.2 under which The key points of investigation are: Concepts for selective, highly efficient and negligible-electricity-consuming process: • Calculations of thermodynamic equilibria in aqueous solutions for mixed metal matrices in ambient pressure processing conditions • Characteristics of the porous cathodes and anode materials to be employed • Physicochemical conditions of the electrolyte (simulated or real geothermal fluid) such as applied potential, pH, T, mixed metal composition, presence of other elements (especially silica), oxidant gas composition, flow conditions of the electrolyte and oxidant gas) • Characterization of mechanistic and kinetic features (electrochemical response, characterization of metal removal and recovery, characteristics of the solid precipitates and crystals formed) • Effect of the presence of metal-containing flowing carbon particles (see WP 2) and their regeneration through GDEx Generation of design criteria to improve process performance and control • Framework of conditions of applicability of the technology to the removal and recovery of the metal content of geothermal fluids (expected i.e. hundreds to thousands of m3 per day, inlet pH between 2 and 3, high salinity in the range of 30–300 g L-1 NaCl equivalents, highly diluted metal content in ppm range) • Establishment of reactor design criteria for further scalability • Process simulations based on experimental data (multiphysics calculations based on electrochemical engineering concepts) to increase the knowledge of the process • Mass and energy balances (model compositions and real geothermal fluids)

Project report 1

This deliverable is linked to Task 8.3. The main objective of the task is to prepare and finalise project management and financial reports based on the contributions of each of the partners in the consortium, and also reflecting a continuous discussion with the financial project officer. In detail the task includes: •Preparation of internal project report templates, advise partners on reporting requirements, monitoring of deadlines; •Supporting project partners while preparing financial and management reports and audit certificates, collecting and verifying partners’ documents; •Verifying partners’ financial reports, controlling and, where necessary, correcting the yearly reports, and finishing the financial and management reports to the European Commission. Project report 1 will comprise the developments in the first one and half year of the project.

Recommendations for Integrated Reservoir Management

This deliverable is related to Task 2.1, which provides an overall framework for the implementation of the Work Package. The foreseen tasks are similar to implementing research investigations for a petrothermal EGS but with the additional challenge of metal mobilisation and transport. The concepts developed for orebody manipulation will be tested and implemented in a modelling environment, using simulations that will be built up using a combination of samples from the case study regions (WP1), literature, and auxiliary data that is available from previous studies and missions. Recent experience gained with the geo-engineering of shale oil and gas reservoirs, as well as CO2 storage will be considered and evaluated at this stage.

Environmental Impact Assessment Framework

This deliverable is the output of Task 5.5. The objective of this task is two-fold. On the one hand it will be necessary to develop an EIA methodology framework, in which the environmental impacts of the proposed CHPM technology line can be evaluated in an objective manner. This means that the environmental impact assessment must consider thy hybrid nature of the technology, in which the environmental performance of the two main components (mining and energy generation) should be evaluated in comparison to the conventional ways of producing equal quantities of raw materials and energy, and the environmental footprint should be evaluated cumulatively. The second aim of this Task is to i.) monitor and evaluate the actual environmental impacts as they arise during the implementation of WP1-WP4 and ii) to develop a methodology framework with recommendations as to how an EIA should be carried out for a CHPM facility.

Fact-sheets on the CHPM technology

It is important to stress that each work package will produce concrete outputs, results and deliverables that will be disseminated in an integrated way. To ensure a wide audience of the largest possible number of stakeholders the issuing of technical factsheets media will be translated to press releases for distribution to key sectorial publications and web sites, using accessible language. These documents will consolidate information on key outputs, whilst signposting users to sources of more detailed information in the deliverables and wider technical literature.

Report on performance, mass and energy balances and design criteria for high-tempreture, high-pressure electrolysis

This deliverable is related toTask 3.1, under which the recovery of the metal content by high-tempreture, high-pressure geothermal fluid electrolysis will be studied. The output of investigations will be a report on technical feasbility of metal recovery from geothermal fluids at high-tempreture and high-pressure conditions.

Project report 3

This deliverable is linked to Task 8.3. The main objective of the task is to prepare and finalise project management and financial reports based on the contributions of each of the partners in the consortium, and also reflecting a continuous discussion with the financial project officer. In detail the task includes: •Preparation of internal project report templates, advise partners on reporting requirements, monitoring of deadlines; •Supporting project partners while preparing financial and management reports and audit certificates, collecting and verifying partners’ documents; •Verifying partners’ financial reports, controlling and, where necessary, correcting the yearly reports, and finishing the financial and management reports to the European Commission. Project report 3 will be the final report of the project.

Ethics Assessment Report

The Ethics Assessment will consider global phenomena such as resources’ colonialism that outsources raw materials production to developing countries with little environmental control but without having in return positive socioeconomic impacts in those communities. CHPM approach would enable to production of strategic mineral commodities right here in Europe, where additional impacts (environmental, social) may occur (subject to review), albeit these impacts are expected to be substantially lower than the impacts of mining in developing countries affecting the environment and the populations on a large scale, unnoticed by the European public. The Ethical Assessment in CHPM2030 is meant to be “Discursive” aiming to raise awareness for associated ethics but also to scrutinise the assumptions and perspectives of the actors involved in the technology processes (including the public), analysing the scenarios under which the development of the CHPM technology line is desirable.

Brochure First edition

Project brochures (hardcopy) will be printed in the 6th month of the project and updated 2 times (in M18 and M32). The first version will be designed to provide a general overview of the project objectives. Additional posters and leaflets will be produced as required (for example when attending conferences or exhibitions). These brochures and posters will always be produced by the design team of EFG with the digital/electronic versions made available for project partners for translation into their own languages and for local printing and distribution.

Basic project website

The web site will be built using open source software and the content management will be made by EFG, based on contributions from all partners. EFG will facilitate the management process, and make sure that it is understood and accessible to all partners. This approach ensures a collaborative effort of all partners, instead of having one webmaster providing all the content. The basic website will contain the main project data.

Conceptual Framework for CHPM power plant

This deliverable is connected to Task 4.1, which will convert outputs of WP1-WP3 into an overall architecture design of the envisioned CHPM facility by creating a model framework based on component level models which enables linking downstream and upstream geothermal engineering subsystems. Work will start with integrating downstream and upstream components into CHPM prototype concepts that will be evaluated for efficiency and resiliency. The development of the conceptual framework will build on existing component level models for binary or flash geothermal power plants, but will highly dependent on the outcomes of WP2 and WP3 to add metal recovery to the overall process flow. As such a definitive design concept cannot be produced at this stage. There is considerable interest in adapting a binary cycle when drafting the conceptual framework as this would keep the geothermal fluids with extreme concentrations of metals separated from the secondary cycle that drives the turbines. The advantages of starting for existing binary cycles include flexible adaptability to a range of temperature conditions and flow rates, with the main advantage being that it allows the conceptualisation of the CHPM plant as an entirely closed system with controllable environmental impact on the surface.

Brochure Update 1

Project brochures (hardcopy) will be printed in the 6th month of the project and updated 2 times (in M18 and M32). The first version will be designed to provide a general overview of the project objectives. Brochure Update 1, the second version will be designed to introduce interim project results.

Newsletter 2

To help raise awareness to industry stakeholders, both within the partner countries and even in other EU Member States, the consortium will generate a minimum of 4 newsletters during the duration of the project. These newsletters (in digital format) will include besides information on the project events, also information on best practices and case-studies promoting geothermal energy. Newsletter 2 will provide information on the outcomes of WP1 and the work developed under WP2.

Newsletter 3

To help raise awareness to industry stakeholders, both within the partner countries and even in other EU Member States, the consortium will generate a minimum of 4 newsletters during the duration of the project. These newsletters (in digital format) will include besides information on the project events, also information on best practices and case-studies promoting geothermal energy. Newsletter 3 will provide information on the outcomes of WP2 and the work developed under WP3.

International Conference

Final Project meeting, Brussels, Belgium, hosted and organised by EFG. International Conference, technology brokerage, investors’ forum. Presenting project results. All Partners, Advisory Board, around 80 participants (conference) are expected.

Newsletter 4

To help raise awareness to industry stakeholders, both within the partner countries and even in other EU Member States, the consortium will generate a minimum of 4 newsletters during the duration of the project. These newsletters (in digital format) will include besides information on the project events, also information on best practices and case-studies promoting geothermal energy. Newsletter Newsletter 4 will provide information on the final outcomes of the project.

Press-releases and media kits related with CHPM2030 initiatives and outcomes

The management of the communications activities will encompass provision of a news feed for the social media network, the web site and blog creation and management, preparation of press-releases, production of media kits, copy for national journals that the third parties can use (and translate from) and the publication and dissemination of key central documents (e.g. deliverables from the previous WPs, factsheets etc). These documents will be available for download in PDF from the project web site. In addition, hard copies concerning the project aims and outcomes will be printed for distribution in conferences and at other external events. This task will also provide templates, guidelines and a logo for the project partners and third parties to use in communication activities.

Final project website

The web site will be built using open source software and the content management will be made by EFG, based on contributions from all partners. The final website will be continuously updated according to the project results.

Newsletter 1

To help raise awareness to industry stakeholders, both within the partner countries and even in other EU Member States, the consortium will generate a minimum of 4 newsletters during the duration of the project. These newsletters (in digital format) will include besides information on the project events, also information on best practices and case-studies promoting geothermal energy. Newsletter 1 will provide information on the project data and the outcomes of the kick-off meeting.

Self Assessment Tool

This deliverable is related to Task 5.3. in which presently used economic models will be analysed, e.g. LEAP (Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System; Geothermal Electric Technology Model (GETEM; ), CREST (; SAM (System Advisor Model) and develop a new approach, that will not only allow the definition of levelized cost of energy (LCOE), investment and operation costs of EGS plants, but also provide estimates on metal production and the definition of the Net Present Value of a CHPM investment. The economic feasibility model developed for CHPM shall allow the economic analysis of different types of ultra-deep deposits, but shall also be flexible to enable the analysis of different extraction scenarios, in particular should also consider the advantages of having control over the electricity/heat/metal output ratio of the system. The “Self Assessment Tool” (SAT) will allow investors, companies, authorities and communities to analyse their own data, avoiding any potential confidentiality issue, which could often be the case in the mining and geothermal energy sectors. Work under this task will thus include the professional analysis of the adaptability of present models, the economic modelling work, IT programming of the model, testing and application of the model, analysis of the data produced by the model, and deploying the SAT.

CHPM schematics and blueprints

This deliverable is related to Task 4.3 which will produce finalized technical specifications for the CHPM Plant on the basis of simulations done in WP4.2. Final design process of the entire system will be carried out and manufacturing blueprints and other technical documentation are produced. Top class CAD/CAE-software will be utilized throughout the design process. Simulation models established will be updated with final design parameters to keep them valid for later use. Results will be presented to the Advisory Group, Stakeholders and media representatives at Month 42. Design specifications will be provided for the following key CHPM systems components: • Downhole systems (sensors, monitoring equipment; pumps – only for medium enthalpy environments) • Brine supply system • Heat exchangers (working fluid, pre-heater, evaporator/super-heater) • Turbine-generator and controls • Distributed control and monitoring system • Working fluid condenser, accumulator and storage system • Working fluid feed pump system • Salt gradient power reverse electrodialysis • Metal recovery systems • Back-up and emergency systems • Geothermal fluid storage and reinjection system In addition, energy recovery will not be limited to the generation of electricity but will also investigate the opportunities for direct heat applications with the “waste” geothermal brine as the source of heat. This will further improve the overall economics and also be a source of energy for new industries. Cascading utilisation scenarios will be reviewed and incorporated into the final recommendations.

EGS relevant review of ore-body structures

Three types of target orebodies have been identified earlier in this proposal and described in Chapter 1. It is conceivable that Tasks 1.1 and 1.2 will lead to the identification of additional target types that could be relevant for a CHPM. Task1.3 will investigate the characteristics of deep ore bodies relevant to heat and metal extraction, including ore mineralogy, texture, geochemical conditions, thermal properties, fluid and heat flow properties. Rock stresses and their impact on fracture formation will be investigated with the help of pressure dependent petrophysical models. EGS-relevant properties, such as fracture system, chemical composition, solubility of metallic minerals of the different types of orebodies and their suitability to geo-engineering techniques will be reviewed. In situations where representative samples are not available these will be obtained with the help of the partner geological surveys, or careful extrapolations will be made. The unique minerals collection of the University of Miskolc (dating back to 1735) and other project partners will also be utilised in this respect.


Combined extraction of energy and metals from ultra-deep ore bodies: The potential of Cornwall, UK

Autores: P.A.J. Lusty, C.A. Rochelle, R.A. Shaw, A. Kilpatrick and the CHPM2030 Project Team
Publicado en: Goldschmidt Abstracts 2017 2486., 2017
Editor: European Association of Geochemistry

Combined extraction of heat, power and metal: An introduction to the CHPM2030 project

Autores: C. A. Rochelle, P.A.J. Lusty, R.A. Shaw, A. Kilpatrick and the CHPM2030 Project Team
Publicado en: UK Geothermal Workshop Abstracts, 2017
Editor: Geological Society of London

Batch and flow-through leaching of different metallic rocks under geothermal reservoir circumstances

Autores: M. Osvald, A. D. Kilpatrick, C. A. Rochelle, J. Szanyi, T. Medgyes, and B. Kóbor
Publicado en: European Geothermal Congress 2019 Proceedings, Edición Science – Induced seismicity (S-IS), article 306, 2019
Editor: European Geothermal Congress 2019

3D Structural Model in Beius, Basin and its adjacent areas, Romania; a study to propose a potential location for the installaltion of a CHPM system

Autores: C. Simion and S. Marincea
Publicado en: Applications of Data, Methods and Models in Geosciences, Edición GI2.1/CL5.16/SM7.4, 2019
Editor: EGU General Assembly 2019

Batch and flow-through leaching of different metallic rocks under geothermal reservoir circumstances

Autores: M. Osvald, A.D. Kilpatrick, C.A. Rochelle, J. Szanyi, T. Medgyes and B. Kóbor
Publicado en: Interacting Geofluid Systems – Research and Innovation, Edición ITS2.7/HS11.71/BG1.37/ERE6.8/GMPV3.6, 2019
Editor: EGU General Assembly 2019

CHPM2030 - novel concept of combined heat, power and metal extraction from geothermal brines

Autores: T. Madarász , É. Hartai, & the CHPM2030 Team
Publicado en: European Geothermal Congress 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Editor: European Geothermal Congress 2019

The CHPM H2020 Project: Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies

Autores: Tamas Miklovicz, Balazs Bodo, Adrienn Cseko, Eva Hartai, Tamas Madarasz, Christopher A. Rochelle, Xochitl Dominguez, Vigdís Harðardóttir, Janos Szanyi, and Isabel Fernandez
Publicado en: Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2017, Edición Vol. 19, EGU2017-347-2, 2017, 2017
Editor: EGU

Metal recovery by microbial electro-metallurgy

Autores: Xochitl Dominguez-Benetton, Jeet Chandrakant Varia, Guillermo Pozo, Oskar Modin, Annemiek Ter Heijne, Jan Fransaer, Korneel Rabaey
Publicado en: Progress in Materials Science, Edición 94, 2018, Página(s) 435-461, ISSN 0079-6425
Editor: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2018.01.007

Combined study of mineral deposits and deep geothermal for energy production or urban heating – Comparison between the Portuguese (Neves-Corvo) and the Hungarian (Recsk) case studies

Autores: József Sas, Máté Osvald, Elsa Ramalho, João Xavier Matos
Publicado en: Central European Geology, Edición 61/2, 2018, Página(s) 118-135, ISSN 1788-2281
Editor: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1556/24.61.2018.07

Towards reliable quantification of hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton reaction using chemical probes

Autores: Burgos Castillo Rutely C., Fontmorin Jean-M., Tang Walter Z., Dominguez-Benetton Xochitl, Sillanpää Mika
Publicado en: RSC Advances, Edición 8/10, 2018, Página(s) 5321-5330, ISSN 2046-2069
Editor: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra13209c

Laboratory Leaching Tests to Investigate Mobilisation and Recovery of Metals from Geothermal Reservoirs

Autores: Máté Osvald, Andrew D. Kilpatrick, Christopher A. Rochelle, János Szanyi, Tamás Medgyes, Balázs Kóbor
Publicado en: Geofluids, Edición 2018, 2018, Página(s) 1-24, ISSN 1468-8115
Editor: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1155/2018/6509420

Laboratory leaching tests to investigate mobilisation of metals within engineered geothermal reservoirs

Autores: Christopher Rochelle, Andrew Kilpatrick, Máté Osvald, János Szanyi, Tamás Medgyes, Balázs Kóbor
Publicado en: E3S Web of Conferences, Edición 98, 2019, Página(s) 08018, ISSN 2267-1242
Editor: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20199808018

Co-production of clean energy and metals – the CHPM concept

Autores: É. Hartai, T. Madarász & the CHPM2030 Team
Publicado en: European Geologist, Edición 47, 2019, Página(s) 10-15, ISSN 1028-267X
Editor: European Federation of Geologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2673784

Combining energy production and mineral extraction – The CHPM2030 project

Autores: Hartai, Eva, Bodo, Balazs, & CHPM2030 team
Publicado en: European Geologist, Edición Volume 43, 2017, Página(s) 6-9, ISSN 1028-267X
Editor: European Federation of Geologists
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.580883

Derechos de propiedad intelectual

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: MX2017009005A 2017009005A
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: JP2018508659A 2018508659A
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: DK3242963T3 3242963T3
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: CN107532309A 107532309A
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: WO2016110597A1 2016110597A1
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: US2018023201A1 2018023201A1
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: ES2702082T3 2702082T3
Fecha: 2015-01-09

An electrochemical process for preparing a compound comprising a metal or metalloid and a peroxide, ionic or radical species

Número de solicitud/publicación: CA2973289A1 2973289A1
Fecha: 2015-01-09

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