CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
publication on delivery of OL with students and teachers
Review of ways of achieving societalReviewing how OL and societal change can be used
Gender indicators and action planIndicators report
National reports on the consultation protocolLooking at national implementation
Digital report on output/lessons learnt from Science & sailors cafés & intergenerational eventsLessons learnt report and disseminated
Final impact assessment reportimpact assessment
report on WP3 activitiesreport on the successes and issues of WP3 activities
Second report on networking for legacyLegacy report (second)
Policy briefs on ocean health – human health delivered relevant networks and WP7Ocean Policy brief
Revised Ocean Literacy co-creation principlesOL principles
First report on networking for legacyLegacy report (first)
A Set of Sea Change OL Guiding PrinciplesSea Change Principles
Review of marine formal educationUsing review to report on marine edcuation
Report on science-policy interfaces in international and European marine policyReport on activities
Roadmap for effective science- policy interface in the field of ocean governanceSuggested ongoing activity in policy interface
A Sea Change OL Guiding Principles Collaborative Learning WorkshopLearning workshop
Meta-analysis of the consultation protocolsreport of consultation
Review of OL in GovernanceReview of Ocean Literacy presence in governance
Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (including Stakeholder Database)Plan
Review of ways to engage citizens inReview of public engagement related to Ocean Literacy
Key outputs brochure and Legacy strategic planClosing report, borchure and legacy plan
Review of existing impact assessment frameworkreview
Campaign for Ocean Literacy
Platform with information/testimonies on dangers/goods of the sea (part of portal)Web platform to deliver informaiton and testimonies
App/database for results Citizen Science projectsCitizen science information and data collection
Project Branding Resources: Project Factsheet, Project Logo, Project branding guidelines, PPT template, other suitable promotional material, etc.guidelines
Key achievements PublicationPublication of the Sea Change achievements
Ocean Literacy Animation & bookletOcean Literacy animation and booklet produced as result of the review process.
Online directory for marine best practicesBest examples of ocean literacy engagement
Ocean and Human Health Animation & factsheetUsing the review process to produce factsheets and animation on Ocean and Human Health
e Booksusing e books for dissemination
Louise Montgomery, Jan Seys, Jan Mees
Pubblicato in:
Marine Drugs, Numero 14/7, 2016, Pagina/e 127, ISSN 1660-3397
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Sterken, M.; Van Medegael, L.; Copejans, E.; Seys, J.
Pubblicato in:
Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, Numero 75, 2016, Pagina/e 105, ISSN 1377-0950
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
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