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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report presenting the results of the assessment of the impact indicators at the end of the baseline period of the pilot implementation.
Report on dissemination activities of EnerGaware Project (Second year)This deliverable will report dissemination activities already performed and those planned for the following period, including targeted audiences, methods, timings, indicators and impact measurements.
Monitoring and evaluation methodology reportReport describing the impact indicators necessary to assess the impact of the EnerGAware serious game implementation, together with the calculation methods and interpretation guidelines.
Building RequirementsReport presenting the building requirements of the EnerGAware serious game and energy monitoring system, and the categorisation of the social housing building stock, obtained from the analysis of the building characteristics, the energy end-uses, existence of renewable energy generation and aspects of the energy metering and data communication infrastructure, gathered by means of the Tenant Survey.
Pilot implementation methodology (Preliminary)Preliminary version of the Report including the pilot implementation plan, results from the energy audit, design of the tailored energy data collection and communication infrastructure, description of the information and communication methods used with the social tenants participating in the pilot, and risk assessments.
Game RequirementsReport presenting the game requirements of the EnerGAware serious game obtained from the games preferences and expectations gathered from the Tenant Survey and the Gameplay scenarios focus groups.
User RequirementsReport presenting the user requirements of the EnerGAware serious game and the categorisation of the social housing community obtained from the analysis of the socio-economic characteristics, energy habits, learning methods, and energy efficiency and IT awareness collected by means of the Tenant Survey.
Game design and Software specifications and architectureReport presenting the results from T3.1 and T3.2 related to: the game design, e.g. gameplay features, and rules; and software architecture, e.g. block diagrams and flows of the game elements and data, and development specifications.
Pilot implementation methodologyFinal version of the Report including the pilot implementation plan, results from the energy audit, design of the tailored energy data collection and communication infrastructure, description of the information and communication methods used with the social tenants participating in the pilot, and risk assessments.
Report on dissemination activities of EnerGaware Project (First year)This deliverable will report dissemination activities already performed and those planned for the following period, including targeted audiences, methods, timings, indicators and impact measurements.
Energy data management, communication and processingReport describing the energy data collection and communication middleware platform (T3.5). It also describes the data processing rules defined in T3.6.
Development of a website for the project. This project web portal will be regularly updated containing main project information, deliverables and dissemination events.
Final Project Web siteGame web portal integrating the project web site previously developed and the EnerGAware serious game, including web 2.0 and media tools.
Report presenting the results of T3.4.
First publicly publishable version of the serious game that can be deployed as a pilot in real conditions.
Serious Game Early PrototypeFirst (and temporary) playable version of the game, aimed at validating the basic elements of the game and prevent potential risks in the beta version development.
Christine Boomsma, Rebecca Hafner, Sabine Pahl, Rory Jones, Alba Fuertes
Publié dans:
Sustainability, Numéro 10/6, 2018, Page(s) 1729, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Adorkor Bruce-Konuah, Rory V. Jones, Alba Fuertes, Leonardo Messi, Alberto Giretti
Publié dans:
Energy and Buildings, Numéro 173, 2018, Page(s) 206-220, ISSN 0378-7788
Elsevier BV
Christine Boomsma, Sabine Pahl, Rory V. Jones, Alba Fuertes
Publié dans:
Energy Policy, Numéro 106, 2017, Page(s) 382-393, ISSN 0301-4215
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Rory V. Jones, Alba Fuertes, Christine Boomsma, Sabine Pahl
Publié dans:
Energy and Buildings, Numéro 127, 2016, Page(s) 382-398, ISSN 0378-7788
Elsevier BV
Casals M., Gangolells M., Macarulla M., Fuertes A., Jones R., Pahl S., M. Ruiz
Publié dans:
11th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, Numéro 11th, 2016, Page(s) 573-577, ISBN 978-1-138-03280-4
CRC Press
Boomsma, C., Jones, R.V., Pahl, S., Fuertes, A.
Publié dans:
BEHAVE 2016 - 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 08.09.2016-09.09.2016, Coimbra, Portugal, Numéro 4th, 2016
Pahl, S., Boomsma, C., Jones, R.V., Fuertes, A.
Publié dans:
24th International Association People-Environment Studies conference, Numéro 24th, 2016
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