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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Knowledge-Based Information Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Project presentation, communication kit, website, communication and dissemination plan

D9.1 will set the major goals of dissemination objectives, will define common guidelines to be used by all partners and will provide the planned dissemination actions including specific SUG actions. It will also include the setup of the project website.

Final system report

D8.9 will on the one side contain: (i) the assessment of the functionality of the final system, compared with the targeted functionality specified for MS5; (ii) the summary of the evaluation of the performance of the individual techniques in accordance with the corresponding performance indicators; (iii) assessment of the overall user satisfaction and the capability of the user to interact with the integrated platform. On the other side, it will also report on the work of the Ethical Board during the third year of the project.

Empirical study of the vocal aspects of the user interventions in dialogues

D3.1 contributes to the achievement of the MSs 2 – 5. It will summarize the analysis of the vocal interventions of users in sample dialogues (collected in WP8) in all languages covered in KRISTINA, from both the verbal and paralinguistic angle, and outline the requirements that result from this analysis towards the technologies for processing of the vocal contributions of the user in KRISTINA.

Requirements for Dialogue Management in adaptive Human-Machine-Communication

D2.1 contributes primarily to the achievement of MS1, but also serves as basis for decisions taken for the achievement of the MSs 2 – 5. It will, on the one side, summarize the analysis of sample dialogues of all scenarios of the PUCs collected in WP8 in terms of the systematicity of turns and turn markers, affection, culture-specific phenomena that influence dialogue, etc. for the languages and cultural settings covered in KRISTINA. On the other side, it will contain the requirements for the DM that result from this analysis.

Empirical study on web resources and social media

D5.1 reports the outcome of the empirical study of Task 5.1.

Public final activity report

D1.5 contributes to Milestone MS5. The deliverable will contain: (i) the presentation of the Consortium, (ii) the presentation of the objectives of PESCaDO; (iii) a summary of the results of the Project; (iv) the impact achieved by the Project.

Empirical study of the non-verbal vocal aspects of the user interventions in dialogues

D4.1 contributes to the achievement of the MSs 2 – 5. It will present the results of the analysis of the facial and gestural contributions of users in sample dialogues (collected in WP8), from both the content and social and emotional angle, and outline the requirements that result from this analysis towards the technologies for processing of the facial and gestural contributions of the user in KRISTINA.

Empirical study of the communication of experts with users

D6.1 will contain the results of the empirical study and the requirements to the communication of the KRISTINA agent with users.

Advanced version of the vocal analysis techniques in KRISTINA

D3.3 contributes to the achievement of MS4 and MS5. It will present the advanced functionality of the vocal analysis techniques in KRISTINA. Two versions of the deliverable will be submitted. The first version will describe the functionality of the second prototype of the KRISTINA agent with respect to vocal analysis and will be due M26. The second version will describe the functionality of the final vocal analysis techniques and will be due M32.

Integration of the OwlSpeak Platform into the KRISTINA architecture

D2.2 contributes to MS2. It will outline the original architecture and functionality of OwlSpeak, discuss them in the light of the requirements of KRISTINA and specify the extensions of OwlSpeak and the interfaces via which OwlSpeak is integrated into KRISTINA. In the demonstration part of D2.2, this integration and the envisaged functionality is shown.

Advanced version of the mimics and gesture analysis techniques

D4.3 contributes to the achievement of MS4 and MS5. It will present the advanced functionality of the non-verbal analysis techniques in KRISTINA. Two versions of the deliverable will be submitted. The first version will describe the functionality of the second prototype of the KRISTINA agent with respect to non-verbal analysis and will be due M26. The second version will describe the functionality of the final non-verbal analysis techniques and will be due M34.

Advanced version of the ontologies and reasoning techniques

D5.4 will describe and show the advanced version of the reasoning techniques as developed in the second half of the project.

Advanced version of the KRISTINA generic adaptive dialogue manager

D2.5 contributes to MS5. It will present the final version of the KRISTINA DM., outlining in detail the language and cultural aspects of the dialogue planning developed in KRISTINA for all languages and cultural contexts tackled in the project. It will also elaborate on the functionality of the final modality merge module.

Advanced version of the avatar communication

D6.3 will describe and show the functionality of the advanced version of the integrated multimodality communication of the KRISTINA avatar. The discourse and speech generation will handle all languages covered in KRISTINA. The developed avatar will realize a holistic animation engine that will cover not only the facial animation, but the whole body animation.

Advanced version of query formulation, search and content extraction

D5.5 will describe and show the final semantic framework (T5.2) and the advanced version of the query formulation, search and content extraction as developed in the second half of the project.

Final System

D7.5 will cover topics specified as objectives of MS5. It will consist of a demonstration and a report part.


Attentional Parallel RNNs for Generating Punctuation in Transcribed Speech

Autori: Alp Öktem, Mireia Farrús, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Statistical Language and Speech Processing. SLSP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10583, 2017, Pagina/e 131-142, ISBN 978-3-319-68456-7
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68456-7_11

Unsupervised Keyword Extraction Using the GoW Model and Centrality Scores

Autori: Elissavet Batziou, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Antoniou, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Internet Science. INSCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10673, 2017, Pagina/e 344-351, ISBN 978-3-319-70284-1
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70284-1_26

KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent

Autori: Leo Wanner, Elisabeth André, Josep Blat, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mireia Farrùs, Thiago Fraga, Eleni Kamateri, Florian Lingenfelser, Gerard Llorach, Oriol Martínez, Georgios Meditskos, Simon Mille, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Dominik Schiller, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Federico Sukno, Bianca Vieru, Stefanos Vrochidis
Pubblicato in: Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10349, 2017, Pagina/e 284-295, ISBN 978-3-319-59930-4
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_23

A Topic Detection and Visualisation System on Social Media Posts

Autori: Stelios Andreadis, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: INSCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10673, 2017, Pagina/e 421-427, ISBN 978-3-319-70284-1
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70284-1_33

Description Logics and Rules for Multimodal Situational Awareness in Healthcare

Autori: Georgios Meditskos, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2017, 2017, Pagina/e 714-725, ISBN 978-3-319-51811-4
Editore: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51811-4_58

Recurrent Neural Network Interaction Quality Estimation

Autori: Louisa Pragst, Stefan Ultes, Wolfgang Minker
Pubblicato in: Dialogues with Social Robots. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 427, 2017, Pagina/e 381-393, ISBN 978-981-10-2585-3
Editore: Springer Singapore
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2585-3_31

VERGE in VBS 2018

Autori: Moumtzidou, S. Andreadis, F. Markatopoulou, D. Galanopoulos, I. Gialampoukidis, S. Vrochidis, V. Mezaris, I. Kompatsiaris, I. Patras
Pubblicato in: MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10705, 2018
Editore: Springer


Autori: Moumtzidou, A., T. Mironidis, F. Markatopoulou, S. Andreadis, I. Gialampoukidis, D. Galanopoulos, A. Ioannidou, S. Vrochidis, V. Mezaris, I. Kompatsiaris, I. Patras
Pubblicato in: MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10133, 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-51814-5
Editore: Springer

Towards Estimating the Upper Bound of Visual-Speech Recognition: The Visual Lip-Reading Feasibility Database

Autori: Adriana Fernandez-Lopez, Oriol Martinez, Federico M. Sukno
Pubblicato in: 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), 2017, Pagina/e 208-215, ISBN 978-1-5090-4023-0
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/FG.2017.34

Automatic Viseme Vocabulary Construction to Enhance Continuous Lip-reading

Autori: Adriana Fernandez-Lopez, Federico M. Sukno
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 2017, Pagina/e 52-63, ISBN 978-989-758-225-7
Editore: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
DOI: 10.5220/0006102100520063

Automatic extraction of parallel speech corpora from dubbed movies

Autori: Öktem, Alp; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC), 2017
Editore: Association for Computational Linguisticss

A Thematicity-based prosody enrichment tool for CTS

Autori: Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017
Editore: ISCA

UPF at EPE 2017: transduction-based deep analysis

Autori: Mille, Simon; Latorre, Iván; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation (EPE 2017, 2017
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Prosograph: a tool for prosody visualisation of large speech corpora

Autori: Öktem, Alp; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: INTERSPEECH 2017, 2017
Editore: ISCA

Fusion of Valence and Arousal Annotations through Dynamic Subjective Ordinal Modelling

Autori: Adria Ruiz, Oriol Martinez, Xavier Binefa, Federico M. Sukno
Pubblicato in: 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017), 2017, Pagina/e 331-338, ISBN 978-1-5090-4023-0
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/FG.2017.48

Using Prosody to Classify Discourse Relations

Autori: Janine Kleinhans, Mireia Farrús, Agustín Gravano, Juan Manuel Pérez, Catherine Lai, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Interspeech 2017, 2017, Pagina/e 3201-3205
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-710

A Social companion and conversation partner for elderly

Autori: Miehle, Juliana; Bagci, Ilker; Minker, Wolfgang; Ultes, Stefan
Pubblicato in: 8th International Workshop On Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS), 2017
Editore: ISCA

Towards reasoned modality selection in an embodied conversation agent

Autori: Ten-Ventura, Carla; Carlini, Roberto; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia; LLorach Tó, Gerard; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Intelligent Virtual Agents. IVA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10498, 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-67401-8
Editore: Springer

A Hybrid approach for biomedical relation extraction using finite state automata and random forest-weighted fusion

Autori: Mavropoulos, Thanassis; Liparas, Dimitris; Symeonidis, Spyridon; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis
Pubblicato in: 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing 2017), 2017
Editore: Springer, LNCS

Interaction quality estimation using long short-term memories

Autori: Rach, Niklas; Minker, Wolfgang; Ultes, Stefan
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2017 Conference, 2017, Pagina/e 164-169
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Topic detection using the DBSCAN-Martingale and the time operator

Autori: Gialampoukidis, Ilias; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis; Antoniou, Ioannis
Pubblicato in: The 17th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA), 2017
Editore: ASMDA

Exploring the applicability of elaborateness and indirectness in dialogue management

Autori: Pragst, Louisa; Minker, Wolfgang; Ultes, Stefan
Pubblicato in: 8th International Workshop On Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS), 2017
Editore: ISCA

Revising the METU-Sabancı Turkish treebank: an exercise in surface-syntactic annotation of agglutinative languages

Autori: Burga Díaz, Alicia; Öktem, Alp; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017), 2017
Editore: Linköping University Electronic Press

A Demo of FORGe: the Pompeu Fabra open rule-based generator

Autori: Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of The 10th International Natural Language Generation conference, 2017
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Web-Based Live Speech-Driven Lip-Sync

Autori: Gerard Llorach, Alun Evans, Josep Blat, Giso Grimm, Volker Hohmann
Pubblicato in: 2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), 2016, Pagina/e 1-4, ISBN 978-1-5090-2722-4
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/vs-games.2016.7590381

FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers

Autori: Mille, Simon; Carlini, Roberto; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: SemEval 2017, 2017
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition

Autori: Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Sandeep Subramanian, Kazuya Kawakami, Chris Dyer
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2016, Pagina/e 260-270
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/n16-1030

A hybrid graph-based and non-linear late fusion approach for multimedia retrieval

Autori: Ilias Gialampoukidis, Anastasia Moumtzidou, Dimitris Liparas, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2016, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-4673-8695-1
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CBMI.2016.7500252

Automatic Modification of Communication Style in Dialogue Management

Autori: Louisa Pragst, Juliana Miehle, Stefan Ultes, Wolfgang Minker
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation, 2016, Pagina/e 36-40
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/w16-5506

Combining acoustic and linguistic features in phrase-oriented prosody prediction

Autori: Mónica Dominguez, Mireia Farrús, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Speech Prosody 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 796-800
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.21437/speechprosody.2016-163

Paragraph-based prosodic cues for speech synthesis applications

Autori: Mireia Farrús, Catherine Lai, Johanna D. Moore
Pubblicato in: Speech Prosody 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 1143-1147
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.21437/speechprosody.2016-235

Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings

Autori: Sara Rodríguez-Fernández, Luis Espinosa Anke, Roberto Carlini, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), 2016, Pagina/e 499-505
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/p16-2081

Question Answering over Pattern-Based User Models

Autori: Georgios Meditskos, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Stefanos Vrochidis, Leo Wanner, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems - SEMANTiCS 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 153-160, ISBN 9781-450347525
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2993318.2993331

Using hierarchical information structure for prosody prediction in content-to-speech applications

Autori: Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, 2016
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2643.1128

Towards an Ontology-Driven Adaptive Dialogue Framework

Autori: Georgios Meditskos, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Louisa Pragst, Stefan Ultes, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction - MARMI '16, 2016, Pagina/e 15-20, ISBN 9781-450343626
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2927006.2927009

Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities

Autori: Leo Wanner, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Elisabeth André, Florian Lingenfelser, Gregor Mehlmann, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Bianca Vieru, Lori Lamel, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Josep Blat, Stefan Ultes, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mónica Domínguez, Gerard Llorach, Simon Mille, Federico Sukno, Eleni Kamateri, Stefanos Vrochidis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction - MARMI '16, 2016, Pagina/e 21-26, ISBN 9781-450343626
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2927006.2927011

Automatic Paragraph Segmentation with Lexical and Prosodic Features

Autori: Catherine Lai, Mireia Farrús, Johanna D. Moore
Pubblicato in: Interspeech 2016, Numero Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, 2016, Pagina/e 1034-1038
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2016-992

An automatic prosody tagger for spontaneous speech

Autori: Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of COLING, 2016
Editore: ICCL

Transition-based Spinal Parsing

Autori: Miguel Ballesteros, Xavier Carreras
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, 2015, Pagina/e 289-299
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/k15-1029

Recurrent Neural Network Grammars

Autori: Chris Dyer, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Miguel Ballesteros, Noah A. Smith
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2016, Pagina/e 199-209
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/n16-1024

From Emotions to Action Units with Hidden and Semi-Hidden-Task Learning

Autori: Adria Ruiz, Joost Van de Weijer, Xavier Binefa
Pubblicato in: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, Pagina/e 3703-3711, ISBN 978-1-4673-8391-2
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/iccv.2015.422

Combining acoustic and linguistic features in phrase-oriented prosody prediction

Autori: Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, 2016
Editore: ISCA
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3691.6886

A Neural Network Architecture for Multilingual Punctuation Generation

Autori: Miguel Ballesteros, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2016, Pagina/e 1048-1053
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/d16-1111

A Multimodal Annotation Schema for Non-Verbal Affective Analysis in the Health-Care Domain

Autori: Federico Sukno, Mónica Domínguez, Adria Ruiz, Dominik Schiller, Florian Lingenfelser, Louisa Pragst, Ekeni Kamateri, Stefanos Vrochidis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction - MARMI '16, 2016, Pagina/e 9-14, ISBN 9781-450343626
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2927006.2927008

Cultural Communication Idiosyncrasies in Human-Computer Interaction

Autori: Juliana Miehle, Koichiro Yoshino, Louisa Pragst, Stefan Ultes, Satoshi Nakamura, Wolfgang Minker
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 2016, Pagina/e 74-79
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/w16-3610

Improved Transition-based Parsing by Modeling Characters instead of Words with LSTMs

Autori: Miguel Ballesteros, Chris Dyer, Noah A. Smith
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2015, Pagina/e 349-359
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.18653/v1/d15-1041

Praat on the Web: an upgrade of Praat for semi-automatic speech annotation

Autori: Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Latorre, Iván; Farrús, Mireia; Codina-Filbà, Joan; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of COLING 2016, 2016
Editore: ICCL

Ontology-driven context interpretation and conflict resolution for dialogue-based home care assistance

Autori: Meditskos, Georgios; Kontopoulos, Efstratios; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), 2016
Editore: CEUR-WS

Extending WordNet with fine-grained collocational information via supervised distributional learning

Autori: Espinosa-Anke, Luis; Camacho-Collados, Jose; Rodríguez Fernández, Sara; Saggion, Horacio; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of COLING 2016, 2016
Editore: ICCL

Example-based acquisition of fine-grained collocational resources

Autori: Rodríguez Fernández, Sara; Carlini, Roberto; Espinosa-Anke, Luis; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016
Editore: ELRA

Visualizing Deep-Syntactic Parser Output

Autori: Juan Soler-Company, Miguel Ballesteros, Bernd Bohnet, Simon Mille, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations, 2015, Pagina/e 56-60
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.3115/v1/n15-3012

Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Stack Long Short-Term Memory

Autori: Chris Dyer, Miguel Ballesteros, Wang Ling, Austin Matthews, Noah A. Smith
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 2015, Pagina/e 334-343
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics
DOI: 10.3115/v1/p15-1033

Adaptive dialogue management in the KRISTINA project for multicultural health care applications

Autori: Pragst, Louisa; Ultes, Stefan; Kraus, Matthias; Minker, Wolfgang
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 19thWorkshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, 2016
Editore: University of Gothenburg

A multimedia interactive search engine based on graph-based and non-linear multimodal fusion

Autori: Anastasia Moumtzidou, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Theodoros Mironidis, Dimitris Liparas, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2016, Pagina/e 1-4, ISBN 978-1-4673-8695-1
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/CBMI.2016.7500276

Query-based topic detection using concepts and named entities

Autori: Gialampoukidis, Ilias; Liparas, Dimitris; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Media Data Analytics, 2016
Editore: CEUR

Data-driven sentence generation with non-isomorphic trees

Autori: Ballesteros, Miguel; Bohnet, Bernd; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2015
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Transition-based dependency parsing with heuristic backtracking

Autori: Buckman, Jacob; Ballesteros, Miguel; Dyer, Chris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Compilation of Corpora for the Study of the Information Structure-Prosody Interface

Autori: Domínguez, M., A. Burga, M. Farrús, L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conferece, 2018
Editore: ELRA

Paragraph prosodic patterns to enhance text-to-speech naturalness

Autori: Peiró-Lilja, A., M. Farrús
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Speech Prosody Conference, 2018
Editore: ISCA

Thematicity-based prosody enrichment for text-to-speech applications

Autori: Domínguez, M., M. Farrús, L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Speech Prosody Conference, 2018
Editore: ISCA

Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Trust and Likability in Spoken Human-Robot Interaction

Autori: Kraus, M., J. Kraus, M. Baumann and W. Minker
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of LREC, 2018
Editore: ELRA

On the Vector Representation of Utterances in Dialogue Context

Autori: Pragst, L., N. Rach, W. Minker and S. Ultes
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of LREC 2018, 2018
Editore: ELRA

What Causes the Differences in Communication Styles? A Multicultural Study on Directness and Elaborateness

Autori: Miehle, J., W. Minker and S. Ultes
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of LREC 2018, 2018
Editore: ELRA

Compilation of Corpora for the Study of the Information Structure–Prosody Interface

Autori: Burga, A., M. Domínguez, M. Farrús and L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of LREC 2018, 2018
Editore: ELRA

Animation On The Web: A Survey

Autori: A. Ahire, A. A.Evans, and J. Blat
Pubblicato in: ACM Web3D 2015, 2015
Editore: ACM

Data driven sentence generation with non-isomorphic trees

Autori: M. Ballesteros, B. Bohnet, S. Mille, and L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2015
Editore: ACL

Improved Transition-Based Parsing by Modeling Characters instead of Words with LSTMs

Autori: M. Ballesteros, C. Dyer and N. Smith
Pubblicato in: International Conference on Empirical Methods in NLP, 2015
Editore: ACL

Transition-Based Spinal Parsing

Autori: M. Ballesteros and X. Carreras
Pubblicato in: International Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), 2015
Editore: ACL

Using Hierarchical Information Structure for Prosody Prediction in Content-to-Speech Application

Autori: M. Domínguez, M. Farrús, A. Burga, and L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Speech Prosody, 2016
Editore: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

Static and Dynamic Feature Selection in Morphosyntactic Analyzers

Autori: B. Bohnet., M. Ballesteros, R. McDonald and J. Nivre
Pubblicato in: Arxiv, Numero arXiv:1513.655, 2016
Editore: Cornell University

Training with Exploration Improves a Greedy Stack-LSTM Parser

Autori: M. Ballesteros, Y. Goldberg, C. Dyer and N. Smith
Pubblicato in: Arxiv, Numero arXiv:1603.03793, 2016
Editore: Cornell University

Combining Acoustic and Linguistic Features in Phrase-Oriented Prosody Prediction

Autori: M. Domínguez, M. Farrús, L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Speech Prosody, 2016
Editore: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Stack Long Short-Term Memory

Autori: C. Dyer, M. Ballesteros, W. Ling, A. Matthews and N. Smith
Pubblicato in: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2015
Editore: ACL

Recurrent Neural Network Grammars

Autori: C. Dyer, A. Kuncoro, M. Ballesteros and N. Smith
Pubblicato in: Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the ACL, 2016
Editore: ACL

Paragraph-based Prosodic Cues for Speech Synthesis Applications

Autori: M. Farrús, G., Lai, and J.D. Moore
Pubblicato in: Speech Prosody, 2016
Editore: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

Retrieval of Multimedia objects by Fusing Multiple Modalities

Autori: I. Gialampoukidis, A. Moumtzidou, T. Tsikrika, S. Vrochidis and I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2016
Editore: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/2911996.2912068

A hybrid framework for news clustering based on the DBSCAN-Martingale and LDA

Autori: I. Gialampoukidis, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, 2016
Editore: ibai
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41920-6_13

Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition

Autori: G. Lample, M. Ballesteros, K. Kawakami, S. Subramanian and C. Dyer
Pubblicato in: Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the ACL, 2016
Editore: ACL

Exploiting visual similarities for ontology alignment

Autori: C. Doulaverakis, S. Vrochidis, and I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2015
Editore: SCITEPRESS Digital Library

Towards an Ontology-driven Adaptive Dialogue Framework

Autori: G. Meditskos
Pubblicato in: First International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2016
Editore: ACM

Adaptive Dialogue Management in the KRISTINA Project for Multicultural Health Care Applications

Autori: Louisa Pragst, Stefan Ultes, Matthias Kraus, and Wolfgang Minker
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 19thWorkshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SEMDIAL), 2015, Pagina/e 202-203
Editore: University of Gothenburg

Fast Visual Vocabulary Construction for Image Retrieval using Skewed-Split k-d trees

Autori: Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM16), 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-27671-7
Editore: Springer

Recurrent Neural Network Interaction Quality Estimation

Autori: Louisa Pragst, Stefan Ultes, and Wolfgang Minker
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

An Automatic Prosody Tagger for Spontaneous Speech

Autori: Mónica Domínguez, Mireia Farrús, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Web-based live speech-driven lip-sync

Autori: Gerard Llorach, Alun Evans, Josep Blat, Giso Grimm, and Volker Hohmann
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of VS-Games 2016, the 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games 2016), 2016
Editore: IEEE Xplore digital library

Question Answering over Pattern-Based User Models

Autori: Georgios Meditskos, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Stefanos Vrochidis, Leo Wanner, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2016), 2016, Pagina/e 153-160, ISBN 978-1-4503-4752-5
Editore: ACM

Praat on the Web: An Upgrade of Praat for Semi-Automatic Speech Annotation

Autori: Mónica Domínguez, Iván Latorre, Mireia Farrús, Joan Codina-Filbà, and Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

A Multimedia Interactive Search Engine based on Graph-based and Non-linear Multimodal Fusion

Autori: A. Moumtzidou, I. Gialampoukidis, T. Mironidis, D. Liparas, S. Vrochidis, and I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2016
Editore: IEEExplore Digital Library

A hybrid framework for news clustering based on the DBSCAN-Martingale and LDA

Autori: I. Gialampoukidis, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris . , New York, USA, 16-21 July 2016.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-41919-0
Editore: Springer

Extending WordNet with Fine-Grained Collocational Information

Autori: Luis Espinosa Anke, José Camacho-Collados, Sara Rodríguez-Fernández, Horacio Saggion, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

KRISTINA - A Knowledge-Based Information Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities

Autori: J. Mohr, V. Sarholz, B. Schäfer et al
Pubblicato in: Zukunft Lebensräume, 2016
Editore: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

A Neural Network Architecture for Multilingual Punctuation Generation

Autori: M. Ballesteros, L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Short paper track, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings

Autori: Sara Rodríguez Fernández, Luis Espinosa Anke, Roberto Carlini, Leo Wanner
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the AnnualMeeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Short paper track, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Ontology-Driven Context Interpretation and Conflict Resolution for Dialogue-Based Home Care Assistance

Autori: G. Mediskos, E. Kontopoulos, S. Vrochidis, and I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), 2016
Editore: CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Multi-instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for weakly-supervised pain intensity estimation

Autori: A. Ruiz, Rudovic, O., Binefa, X., and Pantic, M.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2016
Editore: Springer

Cultural Communication Idiosyncrasies in Human-Computer Interaction

Autori: Miehle, J., Yoshino, K., Pragst, L., Ultes, S., Nakamura, S. and Minker, W.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Automatic Modification of Communication Style in Dialogue Management

Autori: Pragst, L., Miehle, J., Ultes, S. and Minker, W.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the INLG 2016 Workshop on Computational Creativity in Natural Language Generation, 2016
Editore: Association for Computational Linguistics

Query-based Topic Detection Using Concepts and Named Entities

Autori: I. Gialampoukidis, D. Liparas, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Media Data Analytics (MMDA), 2016
Editore: CEUR Workshop Proceedings


Autori: A. Moumtzidou, T. Mironidis, F. Markatopoulou, S. Andreadis, I. Gialampoukidis, D. Galanopoulos, A. Ioannidou, S. Vrochidis, V. Mezaris, I. Kompatsiaris, and I. Patras
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of Video Browser Showdown (VBS'17) at the 23rd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM'17), 2017
Editore: Springer

Description Logics and Rules for Multimodal Situational Awareness in Healthcare

Autori: G. Meditskos, S. Vrochidis, and I. Kompatsiaris ,, Reykjavik, Iceland, 4-6 January 2017.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM'17), 2017
Editore: Springer

Dem@Home: Ambient Intelligence for Clinical Support of People Living with Dementia

Autori: Stelios Andreadis, Thanos G. Stavropoulos, Georgios Meditskos, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Semantic Web Technologies in Mobile and Pervasive Environments, in conjunction with ESWC 2016, 2016
Editore: Springer

Example-based Acquisition of Fine-grained Collocation Resources

Autori: S. Rodríguez-Fernández, R. Carlini, L. Espinosa Anke, and L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2016
Editore: ELDA

Visualizing Deep-Syntactic Parser Output

Autori: J. Soler-Company, M. Ballesteros, B. Bohnet, S. Mille and L. Wanner
Pubblicato in: Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the ACL, Demo Track, 2015
Editore: ACL

A Multimodal Annotation Schema for Non-Verbal Affective Analysis in the Health-Care Domain

Autori: F. Sukno, M. Dominguez, A. Ruiz Ovejero, D. Schiller, F. Lingenfelser, L. Pragst, E. Kamateri and S. Vrochidis
Pubblicato in: First International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2016
Editore: ACM

Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities

Autori: L. Wanner et al.
Pubblicato in: First International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction, held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2016
Editore: ACM

From Emotions to Action Units with Hidden and Semi-Hidden-Task Learning

Autori: "A. Ruiz, J. Van de Weijer, and X. Binefa. """
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2015
Editore: IEEE

A pipeline for the creation of progressively rendered web 3D scenes

Autori: Alun Evans, Javi Agenjo, Josep Blat
Pubblicato in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, ISSN 1380-7501
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-017-5463-6

Design of a Knowledge-Based Agent as a Social Companion

Autori: Leo Wanner, Elisabeth André, Josep Blat, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Mireia Farrús, Thiago Fraga, Eleni Kamateri, Florian Lingenfelser, Gerard Llorach, Oriol Martínez, Georgios Meditskos, Simon Mille, Wolfgang Minker, Louisa Pragst, Dominik Schiller, Andries Stam, Ludo Stellingwerff, Federico Sukno, Bianca Vieru, Stefanos Vrochidis
Pubblicato in: Procedia Computer Science, Numero 121, 2017, Pagina/e 920-926, ISSN 1877-0509
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.119

Multimedia retrieval based on non-linear graph-based fusion and partial least squares regression

Autori: Ilias Gialampoukidis, Anastasia Moumtzidou, Dimitris Liparas, Theodora Tsikrika, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Pubblicato in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Numero 76/21, 2017, Pagina/e 22383-22403, ISSN 1380-7501
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s11042-017-4797-4

Modeling Grounding for Interactive Social Companions

Autori: Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski, Elisabeth André
Pubblicato in: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, Numero 30/1, 2016, Pagina/e 45-52, ISSN 0933-1875
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s13218-015-0397-5

Data-driven deep-syntactic dependency parsing

Pubblicato in: Natural Language Engineering, 2015, Pagina/e 1-36, ISSN 1351-3249
Editore: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/S1351324915000285

Modeling Grounding for Interactive Social Companions

Autori: Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski, and Elisabeth André
Pubblicato in: KI, Numero 30(1), 2016, Pagina/e 45-52, ISSN 0933-1875
Editore: Springer

KRISTINA, un asistente virtual para superar las barreras lingüísticas en la atención sanitaria

Autori: Dafa, Lehdia Mohamed; Baudracco, Chiara; Moragas, Ana; Llor Vila, Carles; Molero Trujillo, David; Vilanova Estrada, Pere
Pubblicato in: Comunidad, Numero 19(2), 2017, ISSN 2339-7896
Editore: semFYC

FORGe at WebNLG 2017

Autori: Mille, Simon; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

FORGe at E2E 2017

Autori: Mille, Simon; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia
Pubblicato in: 2017
Editore: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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