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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes


Generic integrative modelling approach

Generic integrative modeling approach

Prototype hydrological module
Climate change in agricultural water accounting system

Implementing climate variability assessments in a basin water accounting system

Improved transport cost planning

Semi-operational forecasting system for the waterway Rhine and Central Europe forced by IMPREX products

Protoype hydrometeorological risk outlook

Semi-operational hydro-meteorological monthly to seasonal risk outlook tool for the European continent plus training material

Prototype Drought Decision Support system

Prototype demonstration and evaluation of IMPREX-enhanced drought decision support systems

Verification score card

Verification score card for hydrological reforecasts (and initial testing on re-forecast data) by reviewing the most appropriate verification scores for the sectoral applications with particular focus on highly vulnerable water resources of strategic importance

Sector Survey Report

Sector Survey report (including activities, results and management)

Minutes of 1st GA

Minutes of 1st General Assembly

Intermediate report on novel concepts

Intermediate report on development of novel concepts and potential applications

Impact on adaptive mgmt of transport sector

Report the impacts of new data and improved hydro-meteorological forecasts and predictions on the transportation sector in Central Europe

Supply and demand strategies affecting future economic damage

Estimation of indirect future economic damages on Europe from within and outside Europe for different supply and demand strategies through global supply and production failure

Policy briefs of EU Water-related actions

Four policy briefs focussing on the Blueprint, EU adaptation strategy, disaster risk reduction, and water related directives respectively

First summary of outreach activities
Communication strategy plan

Final Communication strategy plan

Multihazard drought management tool

Test and evaluation of a multi-hazard drought-risk decision support tool

Flood damage risk assessment

Report on flood damage risk Europe wide and Rhine and Bisagno Catchments

Advisory report

• D1.1: Advisory report 1 (review of project progress) covering M1-M18

Forecast skill developments

End-user-focused report on the advances in the forecast skill of hydrological extremes through data assimilation, seamless predictions and multi-modelling

Improved climate projections of hydrological extremes

Estimation of hazards based on improved representation of highly vulnerable water resources of strategic importance on the climate scale

Final report on novel concepts, chapter 1

"Chapter 1 of the final report on novel concepts and state of the knowledge, focused on ""Large scale climate variability and impacts"""

Final report on novel concepts, chapter 3

Chapter 3 of the final report on novel concepts and state of the knowledge, focused on Water allocation schemes

Correlated flood risk and finance

Report on correlated flood risks in Europe and implications for risk finance

Workshp agenda and participant lists

Agenda and participant list of two workshops (Task14.7) (METOFFICE, ADELPHI) (M46)

Integrated risk maps

Integrated risk maps for test sites

Navigation quality assessment

Report on the objective quality assessment framework for navigation related forecasts

Evaluation of EU water-related frameworks

Policy implications: evaluation of the integration of hydrological extremes and representation of impacts in the different steps of EU water-related frameworks and policies for the test sites

White paper on novel concepts

White paper on novel concepts and state of the knowledge

Fresh water forecasting in urban water system

Report on the adaptation of the urban water system according to fresh water quality forecasts

Synthesis brochure on risk mgmt

Brochure on climate risk management and adaptation strategies focusing on climate-sensitive decision-making and the importance for the water sector

Minutes of 4th GA

Minutes of the 4th General Assembly

Dependence of European economy on water issues elsewhere

Report on dependencies of economic sectors in Europe on other parts of the world in terms of water resources

Impact of increased GCM resolution

Report of the impact of increased GCM resolution on representation of quantities relevant for precipitation over Europe (e.g. cyclones, blocking statistics and NAO)

Prototype design of drought DSS

Prototype design of drought decision support systems including seasonal forecasts

Report on needs in hydropower sector

Summary report on the review of existing knowledge and needs on the hydropower sector

Potential economic benefit of better forecasts for water transport

Report on the potential economic benefit of the improved forecasts for inland waterway transport via cost structure modelling for the River Rhine

Hydrological model sensitivity

Report on sensitivity of hydrological model outputs relevant for sectoral applications towards the role and attributes of precipitation forcing, focusing on water cycle variability at local/regional scales in Europe, over various timescales

Minutes of 3rd GA

Minutes of 3rd General Assembly

Report on vulnerability of water transport

Report on the vulnerability and sensitivity of waterway management and the waterbound transportation chain on hydrological extremes and climate change

Final report on novel concepts, chapter 4

Chapter 4 of the final report on novel concepts and state of the knowledge, focused on Probabilistic impact assessment

European economy risks under climate change

Report on water-related risks of European economy due to dependencies on water resources in other regions under climate change and hydrological extremes

Lessons learnt for research and operational exploitation

White paper on lessons learnt and future opportunities for research and operational exploitation

Sectoral summary of climate vulnerability and risk practice

Summary report highlighting the specific climate vulnerability, sensitivity and exposure and the risk management practice for each stakeholder involved in the WP6*

Fact sheets on lessons learnt

Fact sheets on sectoral and cross-sectoral lessons learnt and best practices from sectoral surveys

Stakeholder interaction protocol

Rules of engagement for project –users interaction developed and distributed to partners, including interview template and text of the informed consent

Minutes of 2nd GA

Minutes of 2nd General Assemby

Final report on novel concepts, chapter 2

Chapter 2 of the final report on novel concepts and state of the knowledge, focused on Multi-risks (sea-coast)

Compound flood risk events

Report on compound flood events in the Netherlands and UK

Index-based drought risk assessment

Exploration of drought indices and agricultural impacts

Advisory report 2

• D1.2: Advisory report 2 covering M19-M36

Impact in Segura and Llobregat basins

Report on the applications in the Segura Basin and Llobregat Basin

Improved hydropower risk assessment

Report on the assessment of the impacts of improved hydrometeorological predictions and risk assessment methods on the hydropower sector ((Tasks 8.2 & 8.3))

Guide on modelling for decision making in the water sector

Step-by-step guide on standardized modeling approach for climate-sensitive decision making in the water sector

Dissemination and exploitation plan

Dissemination and exploitation plan (jointly with WP2)

Improved extremes in regional climate

Improved representation of hydro-meteorological extremes in climate scenarios by weather analogues

Hydro-meteor. indices

Hydro-meteorological indices from successively improving seasonal prediction systems, for sectoral impact assessment in WP6

Improved short-term prediction of extremes

An improved system for short-term prediction of extreme precipitation events

Meteorological re-forecasts

A retrospective meteorological ensemble 1-15 day re-forecast

Enhanced skill of seasonal predictions

New methods to enhance the skill of seasonal prediction system compared to current skills for hydro-meteorological variables in operational systems

Brochure, videos and press briefing on climate risk mgmt

Project videos and press briefings

IMPREX logo & website

IMPREX website, visual identity and logo

Hydropower policy brief

Policy Brief aiming stakeholders and policy makers summarizing key impacts of improved predictability on the hydropower sector


Land-surface initialisation improves seasonal climate prediction skill for maize yield forecast

Autoren: Andrej Ceglar, Andrea Toreti, Chloe Prodhomme, Matteo Zampieri, Marco Turco, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
Veröffentlicht in: Scientific Reports, Ausgabe 8/1, 2018, ISSN 2045-2322
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19586-6

Summer drought predictability over Europe: empirical versus dynamical forecasts

Autoren: Marco Turco, Andrej Ceglar, Chloé Prodhomme, Albert Soret, Andrea Toreti, J Doblas-Reyes Francisco
Veröffentlicht in: Environmental Research Letters, Ausgabe 12/8, 2017, Seite(n) 084006, ISSN 1748-9326
Herausgeber: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7859

Multi-model assessment of the impact of soil moisture initialization on mid-latitude summer predictability

Autoren: Constantin Ardilouze, L. Batté, F. Bunzel, D. Decremer, M. Déqué, F. J. Doblas-Reyes, H. Douville, D. Fereday, V. Guemas, C. MacLachlan, W. Müller, C. Prodhomme
Veröffentlicht in: Climate Dynamics, Ausgabe 49/11-12, 2017, Seite(n) 3959-3974, ISSN 0930-7575
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3555-7

Willingness-to-pay for a probabilistic flood forecast: a risk-based decision-making game

Autoren: Louise Arnal, Maria-Helena Ramos, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Hannah Louise Cloke, Elisabeth Stephens, Fredrik Wetterhall, Schalk Jan van Andel, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 20/8, 2016, Seite(n) 3109-3128, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publishers
DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-3109-2016

Up-scaling of multi-variable flood loss models from objects to land use units at the meso-scale

Autoren: Heidi Kreibich, Kai Schröter, Bruno Merz
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Ausgabe 373, 2016, Seite(n) 179-182, ISSN 2199-899X
Herausgeber: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/piahs-373-179-2016

Evaluating uncertainty in estimates of soil moisture memory with a reverse ensemble approach

Autoren: Dave MacLeod, Hannah Cloke, Florian Pappenberger, Antje Weisheimer
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 20/7, 2016, Seite(n) 2737-2743, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-2737-2016

Development of a monthly to seasonal forecast framework tailored to inland waterway transport in central Europe

Autoren: Dennis Meißner, Bastian Klein, Monica Ionita
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 21/12, 2017, Seite(n) 6401-6423, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-6401-2017

Skilful seasonal forecasts of streamflow over Europe?

Autoren: Louise Arnal, Hannah L. Cloke, Elisabeth Stephens, Fredrik Wetterhall, Christel Prudhomme, Jessica Neumann, Blazej Krzeminski, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 22/4, 2018, Seite(n) 2057-2072, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-2057-2018

Regional and Temporal Transferability of Multivariable Flood Damage Models

Autoren: Dennis Wagenaar, Stefan Lüdtke, Kai Schröter, Laurens M. Bouwer, Heidi Kreibich
Veröffentlicht in: Water Resources Research, Ausgabe 54/5, 2018, Seite(n) 3688-3703, ISSN 0043-1397
Herausgeber: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1029/2017WR022233

The Gauging and Modeling of Rivers in the Sky

Autoren: David A. Lavers, Mark J. Rodwell, David S. Richardson, F. Martin Ralph, James D. Doyle, Carolyn A. Reynolds, Vijay Tallapragada, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Geophysical Research Letters, Ausgabe 45/15, 2018, Seite(n) 7828-7834, ISSN 0094-8276
Herausgeber: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1029/2018gl079019

Local-scale changes in mean and heavy precipitation in Western Europe, climate change or internal variability?

Autoren: Emma E. Aalbers, Geert Lenderink, Erik van Meijgaard, Bart J. J. M. van den Hurk
Veröffentlicht in: Climate Dynamics, Ausgabe 50/11-12, 2018, Seite(n) 4745-4766, ISSN 0930-7575
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3901-9

An Assessment of the ECMWF Extreme Forecast Index for Water Vapor Transport during Boreal Winter

Autoren: David A. Lavers, Ervin Zsoter, David S. Richardson, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Weather and Forecasting, Ausgabe 32/4, 2017, Seite(n) 1667-1674, ISSN 0882-8156
Herausgeber: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/waf-d-17-0073.1

Linking Pan-European data to the local scale for decision making for global change and water scarcity within water resources planning and management

Autoren: Sara Suárez-Almiñana, María Pedro-Monzonís, Javier Paredes-Arquiola, Joaquín Andreu, Abel Solera
Veröffentlicht in: Science of The Total Environment, Ausgabe 603-604, 2017, Seite(n) 126-139, ISSN 0048-9697
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.259

Future climate risk from compound events

Autoren: Jakob Zscheischler, Seth Westra, Bart J. J. M. van den Hurk, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Philip J. Ward, Andy Pitman, Amir AghaKouchak, David N. Bresch, Michael Leonard, Thomas Wahl, Xuebin Zhang
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Climate Change, Ausgabe 8/6, 2018, Seite(n) 469-477, ISSN 1758-678X
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0156-3

Multi-variable flood damage modelling with limited data using supervised learning approaches

Autoren: Dennis Wagenaar, Jurjen de Jong, Laurens M. Bouwer
Veröffentlicht in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 17/9, 2017, Seite(n) 1683-1696, ISSN 1684-9981
Herausgeber: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-17-1683-2017

Complex picture for likelihood of ENSO-driven flood hazard

Autoren: R. Emerton, H. L. Cloke, E. M. Stephens, E. Zsoter, S. J. Woolnough, F. Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Communications, Ausgabe 8, 2017, Seite(n) 14796, ISSN 2041-1723
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14796

Skill assessment of a seasonal forecast model to predict drought events for water resource systems

Autoren: Jaime Madrigal, Abel Solera, Sara Suárez-Almiñana, Javier Paredes-Arquiola, Joaquín Andreu, Sonia T. Sánchez-Quispe
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Hydrology, Ausgabe 564, 2018, Seite(n) 574-587, ISSN 0022-1694
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.07.046

Multi-model skill assessment of seasonal temperature and precipitation forecasts over Europe

Autoren: Niti Mishra, Chloé Prodhomme, Virginie Guemas
Veröffentlicht in: Climate Dynamics, 2018, ISSN 0930-7575
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-018-4404-z

Multi-model ensembles for assessment of flood losses and associated uncertainty

Autoren: Rui Figueiredo, Kai Schröter, Alexander Weiss-Motz, Mario L. V. Martina, Heidi Kreibich
Veröffentlicht in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 18/5, 2018, Seite(n) 1297-1314, ISSN 1684-9981
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-18-1297-2018

Assessment of Business Interruption of Flood-Affected Companies Using Random Forests

Autoren: Zakia Sultana, Tobias Sieg, Patric Kellermann, Meike Müller, Heidi Kreibich
Veröffentlicht in: Water, Ausgabe 10/8, 2018, Seite(n) 1049, ISSN 2073-4441
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/w10081049

Development and assessment of uni- and multivariable flood loss models for Emilia-Romagna (Italy)

Autoren: Francesca Carisi, Kai Schröter, Alessio Domeneghetti, Heidi Kreibich, Attilio Castellarin
Veröffentlicht in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 18/7, 2018, Seite(n) 2057-2079, ISSN 1684-9981
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-18-2057-2018

Can seasonal hydrological forecasts inform local decisions and actions? An <q>in-the-moment</q> decision-making activity

Autoren: Jessica L. Neumann, Louise L. S. Arnal, Rebecca E. Emerton, Helen Griffith, Stuart Hyslop, Sofia Theofanidi, Hannah L. Cloke
Veröffentlicht in: Geoscience Communication Discussions, 2018, Seite(n) 1-31, ISSN 2569-7439
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/gc-2018-12

Adaptation required to preserve future high-end river flood risk at present levels

Autoren: Sven N. Willner, Anders Levermann, Fang Zhao, Katja Frieler
Veröffentlicht in: Science Advances, Ausgabe 4/1, 2018, Seite(n) eaao1914, ISSN 2375-2548
Herausgeber: American Association for the Advancement of Science
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao1914

Modeling loss-propagation in the global supply network: The dynamic agent-based model acclimate

Autoren: C. Otto, S.N. Willner, L. Wenz, K. Frieler, A. Levermann
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Ausgabe 83, 2017, Seite(n) 232-269, ISSN 0165-1889
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jedc.2017.08.001

Contribution of Potential Evaporation Forecasts to 10-day streamflow forecast skill for the Rhine river

Autoren: Bart van Osnabrugge, Remko Uijlenhoet, Albrecht Weerts
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2018, Seite(n) 1-23, ISSN 1812-2116
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/hess-2018-506

Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers

Autoren: Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, Frank Davenport, Konstantinos Bischiniotis, Ted Veldkamp, Brenden Jongman, Christopher C. Funk, Gregory Husak, Philip J. Ward, Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts
Veröffentlicht in: Science of The Total Environment, Ausgabe 653, 2019, Seite(n) 523-535, ISSN 0048-9697
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.406

The role of climate variability in extreme floods in Europe

Autoren: G Guimarães Nobre, B Jongman, J Aerts, P J Ward
Veröffentlicht in: Environmental Research Letters, Ausgabe 12/8, 2017, Seite(n) 084012, ISSN 1748-9326
Herausgeber: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa7c22

Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Global Coastal Flooding

Autoren: Sanne Muis, Ivan D. Haigh, Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, Philip J. Ward
Veröffentlicht in: Earth's Future, Ausgabe 6/9, 2018, Seite(n) 1311-1322, ISSN 2328-4277
Herausgeber: AGU publications
DOI: 10.1029/2018EF000909

Global economic response to river floods

Autoren: Sven Norman Willner, Christian Otto, Anders Levermann
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Climate Change, Ausgabe 8/7, 2018, Seite(n) 594-598, ISSN 1758-678X
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0173-2

Automatic design of basin-specific drought indexes for highly regulated water systems

Autoren: Marta Zaniolo, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Francesco Castelletti, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 22/4, 2018, Seite(n) 2409-2424, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus publications
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-2409-2018

Improving Seasonal Forecasts for Basin Scale Hydrological Applications

Autoren: Manolis Grillakis, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Ioannis Tsanis
Veröffentlicht in: Water, Ausgabe 10/11, 2018, Seite(n) 1593, ISSN 2073-4441
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/W10111593

Comparison of meteorological and satellite-based drought indices as yield predictors of Spanish cereals

Autoren: David García-León, Sergio Contreras, Johannes Hunink
Veröffentlicht in: Agricultural Water Management, Ausgabe 213, 2019, Seite(n) 388-396, ISSN 0378-3774
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2018.10.030

Hydrological Modelling using Satellite-Based Crop Coefficients: A Comparison of Methods at the Basin Scale

Autoren: Johannes Hunink, Joris Eekhout, Joris Vente, Sergio Contreras, Peter Droogers, Alain Baille
Veröffentlicht in: Remote Sensing, Ausgabe 9/2, 2017, Seite(n) 174, ISSN 2072-4292
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs9020174

ECMWF Extreme Forecast Index for water vapor transport: A forecast tool for atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation

Autoren: David A. Lavers, Florian Pappenberger, David S. Richardson, Ervin Zsoter
Veröffentlicht in: Geophysical Research Letters, Ausgabe Volume 43, Ausgabe 22, 2016, Seite(n) Pages 11,852–11,858, ISSN 1944-8007
Herausgeber: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/2016GL071320

Using crowdsourced web content for informing water systems operations in snow-dominated catchments

Autoren: Giuliani, Matteo; Castelletti, Andrea; Fraternali, Piero; Fedorov, Roman
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth system Sciences, Ausgabe 3, 2016, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus publications
DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-5049-2016

Benefits of Increasing the Model Resolution for the Seasonal Forecast Quality in EC-Earth

Autoren: C. Prodhomme, L. Batté, F. Massonnet, P. Davini, O. Bellprat, V. Guemas, F. J. Doblas-Reyes
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Climate, Ausgabe 29/24, 2016, Seite(n) 9141-9162, ISSN 0894-8755
Herausgeber: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0117.1

The Resolution Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Blocking in Four 25-km Atmospheric Global Circulation Models

Autoren: Reinhard Schiemann, Marie-Estelle Demory, Len C. Shaffrey, Jane Strachan, Pier Luigi Vidale, Matthew S. Mizielinski, Malcolm J. Roberts, Mio Matsueda, Michael F. Wehner, Thomas Jung
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Climate, Ausgabe 30/1, 2017, Seite(n) 337-358, ISSN 0894-8755
Herausgeber: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0100.1

How do I know if I’ve improved my continental scale flood early warning system?

Autoren: Hannah L Cloke, Florian Pappenberger, Paul J Smith, Fredrik Wetterhall
Veröffentlicht in: Environmental Research Letters, Ausgabe 12/4, 2017, Seite(n) 044006, ISSN 1748-9326
Herausgeber: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa625a

An Efficient Approach for Estimating Streamflow Forecast Skill Elasticity

Autoren: Louise Arnal, Andrew W. Wood, Elisabeth Stephens, Hannah L. Cloke, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2017, ISSN 1525-755X
Herausgeber: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0259.1

A Forecast Evaluation of Planetary Boundary Layer Height Over the Ocean

Autoren: David A. Lavers, Anton Beljaars, David S. Richardson, Mark J. Rodwell, Florian Pappenberger
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Ausgabe 124/9, 2019, Seite(n) 4975-4984, ISSN 2169-897X
Herausgeber: AGU
DOI: 10.1029/2019jd030454

Systematic increases in the thermodynamic response of hourly precipitation extremes in an idealized warming experiment with a convection-permitting climate model

Autoren: Geert Lenderink, Danijel Belušić, Hayley J Fowler, Erik Kjellström, Petter Lind, Erik van Meijgaard, Bert van Ulft, Hylke de Vries
Veröffentlicht in: Environmental Research Letters, Ausgabe 14/7, 2019, Seite(n) 074012, ISSN 1748-9326
Herausgeber: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab214a

Mean and extreme precipitation over European river basins better simulated in a 25 km AGCM

Autoren: Reinhard Schiemann, Pier Luigi Vidale, Len C. Shaffrey, Stephanie J. Johnson, Malcolm J. Roberts, Marie-Estelle Demory, Matthew S. Mizielinski, Jane Strachan
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 22/7, 2018, Seite(n) 3933-3950, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3933-2018

Why increased extreme precipitation under climate change negatively affects water security

Autoren: Joris P. C. Eekhout, Johannes E. Hunink, Wilco Terink, Joris de Vente
Veröffentlicht in: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 22/11, 2018, Seite(n) 5935-5946, ISSN 1607-7938
Herausgeber: Copernicus
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-5935-2018

Translating large-scale climate variability into crop production forecast in Europe

Autoren: Guimarães Nobre, Gabriela; Hunink, Johannes E.; Baruth, Bettina; Aerts, Jeroen C. J. H.; Ward, Philip J.
Veröffentlicht in: Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1 - 13. Nature Publishing Group, Ausgabe 10, 2019, Seite(n) 1-13, ISSN 2045-2322
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-38091-4

Vulnerabilities of the European Union’s Economy to Hydrological Extremes Outside its Borders

Autoren: Ertug Ercin, Daniel Chico, Ashok K. Chapagain
Veröffentlicht in: Atmosphere, Ausgabe 10/10, 2019, Seite(n) 593, ISSN 2073-4433
Herausgeber: Rotoweb Cantelli
DOI: 10.3390/atmos10100593

Data-mining for multi-variable flood damage modelling with limited data

Autoren: Dennis Wagenaar, Jurjen de Jong, Laurens M. Bouwer
Veröffentlicht in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, Ausgabe 2017-7, 2017, Seite(n) 1-23, ISSN 2195-9269
Herausgeber: Copernicus publications
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-2017-7

Integrating Historical Operating Decisions and Expert Criteria into a DSS for the Management of a Multireservoir System

Autoren: Hector Macian-Sorribes, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Ausgabe 143/1, 2017, Seite(n) 04016069, ISSN 0733-9496
Herausgeber: American Society of Civil Engineers
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000712

Improving operating policies of large-scale surface-groundwater systems through stochastic programming

Autoren: H. Macian-Sorribes, A. Tilmant, M. Pulido-Velazquez
Veröffentlicht in: Water Resources Research, Ausgabe 53/2, 2017, Seite(n) 1407-1423, ISSN 0043-1397
Herausgeber: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019573

Informing the operations of water reservoirs over multiple temporal scales by direct use of hydro-meteorological data

Autoren: Simona Denaro, Daniela Anghileri, Matteo Giuliani, Andrea Castelletti
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Water Resources, Ausgabe 103, 2017, Seite(n) 51-63, ISSN 0309-1708
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2017.02.012

The Assessment of Sustainability Indexes and Climate Change Impacts on Integrated Water Resource Management

Autoren: Joel Hernández-Bedolla, Abel Solera, Javier Paredes-Arquiola, María Pedro-Monzonís, Joaquín Andreu, Sonia Sánchez-Quispe
Veröffentlicht in: Water, Ausgabe 9/3, 2017, Seite(n) 213, ISSN 2073-4441
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/w9030213

Short-Range Numerical Weather Prediction of Extreme Precipitation Events Using Enhanced Surface Data Assimilation

Autoren: Magnus Lindskog, Tomas Landelius
Veröffentlicht in: Atmosphere, Ausgabe 10/10, 2019, Seite(n) 587, ISSN 2073-4433
Herausgeber: Rotoweb Cantelli
DOI: 10.3390/atmos10100587

A Simplified Water Accounting Procedure to Assess Climate Change Impact on Water Resources for Agriculture across Different European River Basins

Autoren: Johannes Hunink, Gijs Simons, Sara Suárez-Almiñana, Abel Solera, Joaquín Andreu, Matteo Giuliani, Patrizia Zamberletti, Manolis Grillakis, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Ioannis Tsanis, Femke Schasfoort, Sergio Contreras, Ertug Ercin, Wim Bastiaanssen
Veröffentlicht in: Water, Ausgabe 11/10, 2019, Seite(n) 1976, ISSN 2073-4441
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/w11101976

What if the 25 October 2011 event that struck Cinque Terre (Liguria) had happened in Genoa, Italy? Flooding scenarios, hazard mapping and damage estimation

Autoren: Francesco Silvestro, Nicola Rebora, Lauro Rossi, Daniele Dolia, Simone Gabellani, Flavio Pignone, Eva Trasforini, Roberto Rudari, Silvia De Angeli, Cristiano Masciulli
Veröffentlicht in: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Ausgabe 16/8, 2016, Seite(n) 1737-1753, ISSN 1684-9981
Herausgeber: Copernicus Publications
DOI: 10.5194/nhess-16-1737-2016

Statistical post‐processing of dual‐resolution ensemble forecasts

Autoren: Sándor Baran, Martin Leutbecher, Marianna Szabó, Zied Ben Bouallègue
Veröffentlicht in: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Ausgabe 145/721, 2019, Seite(n) 1705-1720, ISSN 0035-9009
Herausgeber: Royal Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1002/qj.3521

genRE: A Method to Extend Gridded Precipitation Climatology Data Sets in Near Real-Time for Hydrological Forecasting Purposes

Autoren: B. van Osnabrugge, A. H. Weerts, R. Uijlenhoet
Veröffentlicht in: Water Resources Research, Ausgabe 53/11, 2017, Seite(n) 9284-9303, ISSN 0043-1397
Herausgeber: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/2017wr021201

Skilful forecasting of global fire activity using seasonal climate predictions

Autoren: Marco Turco, Sonia Jerez, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, Amir AghaKouchak, Maria Carmen Llasat, Antonello Provenzale
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Communications, Ausgabe 9/1, 2018, ISSN 2041-1723
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05250-0

The 2013/14 Thames Basin Floods: Do Improved Meteorological Forecasts Lead to More Skillful Hydrological Forecasts at Seasonal Time Scales?

Autoren: Jessica Neumann, Louise Arnal, Linus Magnusson, Hannah Cloke
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Hydrometeorology, Ausgabe 19/6, 2018, Seite(n) 1059-1075, ISSN 1525-755X
Herausgeber: American Meteorological Society
DOI: 10.1175/jhm-d-17-0182.1

Improving predictions and management of hydrological extremes through climate services

Autoren: Bart J.J.M. van den Hurk, Laurens M. Bouwer, Carlo Buontempo, Ralf Döscher, Ertug Ercin, Cedric Hananel, Johannes E. Hunink, Erik Kjellström, Bastian Klein, Maria Manez, Florian Pappenberger, Laurent Pouget, Maria-Helena Ramos, Philip J. Ward, Albrecht H. Weerts, Janet B. Wijngaard
Veröffentlicht in: Climate Services, Ausgabe 1, 2016, Seite(n) 6-11, ISSN 2405-8807
Herausgeber: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.cliser.2016.01.001

Development of a Verification Scoreboard Utility for Hydrological Forecasts

Autoren: Jeffrey Norville
Veröffentlicht in: 2016, Seite(n) 54
Herausgeber: Irstea

Advancing reservoir operation description in physically based hydrological models

Autoren: Federico Giudici
Veröffentlicht in: 2016, Seite(n) 92 pages
Herausgeber: Politecnico di Milano

Etude du lien entre la qualité des prévisions hydrologiques et leur valeur économique : cas du secteur hydroélectrique

Autoren: Manon Cassagnole
Veröffentlicht in: 2016, Seite(n) 52 pages
Herausgeber: Irstea/UPMC

Assessing climate change impact on Alpine Hydropower: a case study in the Italian Alps

Autoren: Rachele Tarantola
Veröffentlicht in: 2017, Seite(n) 87 pages
Herausgeber: Politecnico di Milano

Evaluation de la qualité des prévisions saisonnières de pluies et débits en France

Autoren: Sacha Garnier
Veröffentlicht in: 2018, Seite(n) 48 pages
Herausgeber: Université Montpellier

Floods, droughts and climate variability – from early warning to early action.

Autoren: Guimarães Nobre, G.
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: VU

System dynamics modelling of inland waterway transportation of cargos for energy sector supported by navigation‐related probabilistic forecasts

Autoren: Kovalevsky, D.V., Máñez Costa, M., Williams, D., Klein, B.
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 2018
Herausgeber: iEMSs

Participatory system dynamics modelling for adaptation to extreme hydrological events under conditions of climate change

Autoren: Máñez Costa, M., Kovalevsky, D.
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2018
Herausgeber: SDS

From seasonal forecast skill to end-user economic benefit: the case of the Lake Como

Autoren: Giuliani, M.; Crochemore, L.; Pechlivanidis, I.; Castelletti, A.
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2018
Herausgeber: EGU

Weather and Climate Services for Hydropower Management

Autoren: M.-H. Ramos, A. Castelletti, M. Pulido-Velazquez, D. Gustafsson
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of Workshop SHF HydroES 2016, 2016, Seite(n) 1-6
Herausgeber: SHF - Société Hydrotechnique de France

Developing and implementing effective (multi-hazard) early warning systems: the vital role of young professionals.

Autoren: Cumiskey, Lydia, et al.
Veröffentlicht in: UNMGCY Youth Science Policy Interface Publication – Special Edition: Disaster Risk, 2017, Seite(n) 24-31
Herausgeber: UNMGCY

Reducing disaster risks by better prediction of the impacts of El Niño and La Niña.

Autoren: Guimarães Nobre, Gabriela & Muis, Sanne & Ward, Philip & Veldkamp, Ted I.E..
Veröffentlicht in: UNMGCY Youth Science Policy Interface Publication – Special Edition: Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017, Seite(n) 42-47
Herausgeber: UNMGCY

Uso de servicios climáticos en cuencas propensas a la sequía: Proyecto IMPREX y cuenca del Júcar

Autoren: Alvarez, J.A.
Veröffentlicht in: iAGUA, 2019
Herausgeber: iAGUA

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