Periodic Reporting for period 5 - DEEP TIME (Dynamic Earth Evolution and Paleogeography through Tomographic Imaging of the Mantle)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-05-01 al 2022-01-31
The spatial configuration of continents, oceans and plate boundaries (and their changes over time) sets boundary conditions for almost every physical, chemical and biological process at the surface. It determines how ocean currents develop and therefore climate; where physical barriers inhibit or enhance the evolution and dispersal of biota; and where the natural resources form that have supported every human society. Thus there is a fundamental interest in paleo-geographic reconstructions that are reliable, quantifiable and testable. The state of the knowledge is particularly lacking for paleo-oceanic areas, which tend to self-destroy the records of their existence, except if one succeeds in imaging their remains deep in the earth’s mantle.
DEEP TIME then integrated the surface and subsurface record of subduction into quantified reconstructions of paleo-oceanic areas, in a hypothesis-driven and testable new approach termed “tomotectonics”.
The focus of these reconstructions was on the oceanic subduction that constructed the western sectors of the Americas (Cordillera mountain belts), and on the continental collision events between Asia and India/Indochina (“Tethys” belts).
DEEP TIME contributed significant technical innovation to imaging the lowermost mantle with seismic tomography. This yielded a step change in resolving the deepest, oldest subducted seafloor that survives in the mantle. Its well-defined shapes, absolute locations, and insights gleaned from the younger regions suggest that with slabs we will indeed be able to reconstruct back quantitatively to 300+ million years.
DEEP TIME has also contributed two significant pieces of free, open-source community software: the “Submachine” web portal for displaying, comparing and downloading global tomography models and related data sets; and the “ObsPyDMT” suite for managing large seismological waveform data sets.