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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Virtual engineering for robust manufacturing with design integration


Six major aero engine and component manufacturers, together with six universities and three research institutes have joined their experties and resources in the VERDI proposal to reach beyond the current state-of-the-art in manufacturing process simulati on. The aim of VERDI is to contribute to winning global leadership for Eurpean aeronautics by developing a new generation of engineering technologies that allows for complete virtual manufacturing of structural aero engine components integrated with the d esign process and manufacturing. This technology enables the combined effect of all manufacturing processes to be taken into account already during design so that robust manufacturing methods are designed into the component. This will minimize the cost a nd lead time due to physical trials and long feedback times from manufacturing to design. The technology to be developed will trigger a quantum step in cost reduction for design or re-design of new or existing aero engine components. VERDI will strength en the competitiveness of the European aero engine manufacturers through the achievement of the following technical objectives: * Development of multi scale numerical simulation tools for key manufacturing processes. * Integration of numerical tools for process simulation, enabling virtual fabrication. * Integration of manufacturing process simulation with design, enabling functional evaluation using the as-manufactured state of the component. * Integration of numerical process simulation tools with off-line programming. * Implementation of manufacturing simulation in Europe's aero engine industry. These objectives will cotribute to "Strengthening Competitiveness" with: * 25% reduced engine development time. * 5% reduced engine development cost. The wor kplan of the project hinges upon five technical workpackages with clearly defined deliverables and milestones and one workpackage for the project management

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