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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-29

Long fibre recycling


Recycling of waste materials depends strongly on the economics of the process. So there is a competition for 'the best sources of secondary material' versus 'best applications with the highest added value'. This L-FIRE project brings the solution for processing high value materials in a ´fit-for-purpose´ way, which means that they keep their economical value. L-FIRE (Long FIbre REcycling) combines waste streams of long fibres, a new economically feasible recycling technology is born.

For the SME cable recycling companies it will be possible to recover the long fibres from optical fibre cables, and combine them with other waste streams of recycled long fibres. This will bring lots of benefits for the participating SME companies, like enhanced market positions by company innovations, higher prices for the recyclate materials (+2.400 euro / ton for optical fibre cables which are now incinerated!), avoiding incineration costs (350 euro / ton) and increase of job opportunities (over 5.000 jobs in Europe).

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Coste total
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Participantes (9)